Accessibility review and UI/Font option requests for down the line

If the 5 second review is too long, here’s the 1 second review: UI and targeting need a little help but at the end of the day, I had fun with mage. Me. The big unga bunga guy. That says a lot.

I would appreciate some dev input if they have the time and I am MORE than happy to give input in kind. Could an INI edit be added at the very least so we can use our own fonts? Maybe an alternate Arial Bold-type easier-to-read font? UI scaling? ANYTHING? That aside, I did have a lot of fun with Last Epoch and it’s certainly not as inaccessible as I was afraid it would be.

But that UI… Y’all need some options for it. BTW, a couple of my friends with CP appreciate the rebindable keys. Palsy’s a nightmare for motor control, as you might guess.

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I spend a lot of my work focusing on accessibility (web dev) and I have very much enjoyed games recently adding a lot of a11y support.
I would very much love to include last epoch in the list of these games. I am also very willing to contribute to testing and ideas if you ever tackle this. Contrast e.g. is a big one imo.
Even as a normal sighted person, the map in overlay mode is just not high enough contrast, even with the slider pushed to maximum.
Anyways, I hope this thread doesn’t die before it gets some more votes <3

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I will continue to vote and bump for any threads advocating for more accessibility options, especially UI and font scaling. As someone with visual limitations, this is a big deal to me and many others.

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As a sighted user with color vision, I also still struggle with a lot of the visual effects in the game, like:


  • It’s really hard to tell apart item backgrounds in the stash and the inventory, especially Exalted vs Experimental. Some sort of non-color based iconography would be helpful, or at least clearer contrast between them and ideally user-customizable colors. It would be nice if loot color filters applied to the item background too.


  • There is some issue with the z-axis occlusion of some UI elements, like player health bars, being obscured by other skill effects. I often die because I can’t see my character or their health bar while fighting a noisy boss battle with a lot of pools and enemies. Stuff like that would ideally always be at the top, with my occluded character showing as a outline or such.
  • The game in general could use a gamma adjustment option, not just the brightness setting that changes the in-world terrain
  • Overlay map is really hard to read against bright terrain, even at max opacity. A little bit of background translucency would be very welcome.


  • The light radius around the character frequently disappears, leaving everything dark :frowning:
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