Yes, and there is nigh no difference when you have a direct input WASD control scheme in a bird’s eye view.
You press ‘up’ and the characters goes up. You press ‘down’ and it goes down.
It’s not tank control, that would enforce the movement direction based on the view-direction of the character, which yes… sucks. But it is not the case
WASD is a very very good control method depending on class/skill, and some classes do better with a keyboard input.
And very very few are handled well with a controller input. They exist, but are extremely rare for a reason, since controller has the most limitations and the least precision available. The only upside of controller is enforced auto-targeting in some cases as well as theoretical adjustment of movement speed through the sticks (which isn’t used). For precision movement keyboard+mouse is better, for targeting+movement WASD is better.
Heavily depends on class, the majority showcases it. There’s outliers though definitely.
Those outliers are - as usual - highlighted. I tend to always play ‘mediocre’ builds which are simplistic in their mechanics, hence the majority does ‘middling’ overall. That usually shines a light on how good/bad the state of a game is, outliers (on both sides) need to be reigned in after all.
Server identification enforces that you can’t start the game without a connection, hence my argument there generally stays true (albeit I missed the local save file aspect).
Also the focus on the live-service aspect was the same since the kickstarter.
Absolutely fine! Never said anything against that.
Loot based hack’n’slash ARPGs are focused on the mechanical aspects though, hence as ‘true’ to being a game as a game can be.
This mandates the focus on those things primarily.
Story heavy games are fine too, if that’s in the foreground, which also LE clearly showcases it’s not. Pure graphical games tend to be a fad, they exist shortly and die off as quickly again.
It’s a realistic attitude if you wanna sell your product. I’m not talking about passion projects or SP games which can afford to have a short-time engagement, you got a lot more leeway (which I’m mentioning regularly) to provide a product. As a live-service you can’t.
And in some genres you also can’t.
A looter hack’n’slash ARPG without mechanical depth of at least miniscule amounts is a failing product by design, ‘Van Hellsing’ is a prime example of that. People talked shortly about it and it did middling at best… because despite being a beautiful presentation it’s short and shallow and has no replayability value.
They could do that and still not have negative outcomes because it’s a SP game, imagine it as a live-service and you can only laugh at it though… but that’s why it’s SP.
Here we have the part that LE is a live-service game though, hence they need mandatorily focus on the aspects which will make them successful. Which are… mechanical depth and quality, not shiny graphics or the storyline. They provide short-term income but never a functioning live-service. You ‘sate’ yourself easily on graphical fidelity without substance and a story is told once and then you know it. Mechanical depth to push forward and master though is a long-term endeavour.
I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again.
For the time PoE 1 was released in a full state. Yes, the story was expected to be expanded but the story of ‘The Exile goes and gets revenge on the one exiling him’ was finished. That ‘more’ is beyond that aspect was not meaningful to finish the respective Arc, everything at the time back then was basically said, you could’ve made a book out of it and finish it at the same place and people would’ve nodded and said ‘Yeah, nice finished story’.
You finding out there’s a huge antagonist and random person in the end of time telling you ‘Nah, don’t wanna tell you more or guide you to her’ is not a proper finished state 
Yes, they worked roughly 5 years on base mechanics and the campaign but only 8 months on the end-game. The scaling and end-game situations are a mess still. That’s to be fleshed out over time, which is why they’re EA after all to get that under control.