so you may have seen my post on the topic yesterday (Abomination testing: Is it worth it?)
but today there was a hotfix that addressed a series of speculated bugs with the abominations damage scaling.
and so, after re-estting up the same build i was testing with yesterday (and adding in wraiths to the damage test in order to activate the death in the family trait, something which i had neglected to do yesterday) i have new and much less depressing results.
(so i’m going to skip the damage calculation for rogues, warriors, golems, and death knights, as they are already recorded in yesterdays post)
7 wraiths (the amount i summon with one cast): average hit: ~400 (3000 from putrid wraiths) Approx dps ~6000 (your results may vary since putrid wraiths are RNG summoned)
adding to my yesterday grand total dps (re-tuned for 10 rogues and 1 warrior instead of 6 rogues and 5 warriors) this puts me at what is basically 20,000 dps on the target dummy at the end of time (~19,800 is the technical amount, but they’re all estimates anyways)
feeding my abomination this entire army (1 warrior, 2 blood golems, 5 death knights, 10 rogues, 10 wraiths, and 4 putrid wraiths) his average hit was about 6,000, with approximately 2.5 attacks per second due to death in the family, for a whopping total of… 15,000 dps.
so it’s still not stupendous, but 75% army strength in one abomination is leagues above the 20% that testing was getting yesterday, and furthermore with this build i’m able to incorporate double strikes into it, which in theory would double his dps to 30,000, absolutely shattering my armies total combined dps. so i’d say the abomination is in a decent spot right now for THIS set up, i havn’t tested out it’s capabilities when it has stomp, devouring souls, or arrow nova, but i don’t imagine that they’d be as efficient as the pure numbers double strike build.