Abilities are not activated in-game when I press the controller buttons

When I bought the game that was at the beginning of the season I always played this game with a controller on PC. In the middle of gameplays I always had a problem when I’m navigating menus in the middle of an area with monsters and I have to select something or do an action in the quick menus like inventory or even selection of about the new mechanics my control goes back to the action screen of the game where I can move my character but I can’t drop any of my character’s abilities in the match, I press the buttons the GUI shows that I pressed it and no ability comes out until I die and change maps. This happened over and over again in the game, I made the report within the game explaining the bug and how it worked. But to this day this has not been corrected why? I come here to expose my indignation of a serious bug that does not let me have a good experience in the game and delays me and prevents me from continuing to play.

This has been a really difficult on to pin down so thank you for your in game bug reports!

A quick work-around for now is to click the mouse or keyboard once, if possible, and then go back to using your controller.

If a menu is still open, using the left stick will move your character so using the D-pad is the best way to stay inside of the window before closing it and returning to gameplay.