
its to heavy the new boss aberroth. 35 trys and no one succesful., pls balance that

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Have you asked yourself before posting this that maybe, just maybe, it is a build isssue? :smirk:

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If one can’t run a build through a boss when it’s held together with good intentions & you’re running your face over the keyboard while off your tits on enough crystal meth to drop a college football team, the boss is clearly overtuned. Bonus points if it happens on-stream.

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I think life needs a nerf generally :wink:

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My life certainly received a massive nerf post-kids. I’m now hoping for some incremental buffs post-divorce.

Well, don’t play summoner class next time :wink:

Definitely not! :rofl: I’m physically not capable of that anymore (by choice).

Hey, you can’t respec masteries. Cheater!!

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