A tanky ranged class/build

I’m looking for a tanky ranged or semi ranged class build to play.

Basically, I’m a terrible player, so I need something that can take a hit every so often without falling over dead.


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Caster Lich, you can basically use any of Acolytes or Lich’s ranged spells and just use it in conjunction with Lich’s Reaper Form.

Reaper Form is excellent at providing a lot of eHP health and protecting against one-shots.
(With full hp in Reaper Form you essentiall have twice the eHP against one shots).

On top fo that Lich has massive amounts of leech, even for DoT/Ailments, so you are very open to play what ever you want. Hit/Crit, Damage over Time or Ailments.

What about javelin electrify pally? Pretty darn tanky, healing hands and fantastic aura for solo and group play

Thats the build where you throw a spear and it leaves a fire trail?

Smite Paladin with Healing Hands or the VK option. Both are rather easy.

Maybe the least demanding build right now might be a Crow Beastmaster if you have a Clever Solution unique axe in your stroage.

No it’s the volley of spears. Still on the right side of skill tree middle sorta called siege barrage I believe. You rain down javelins

I’ve tried the left side for Divine throws and fury. Maybe not as good for single target but reminds me of d2 javazon a little bit.

Anyways everyone has good suggestions. You have many options. If I could only get my valkyrie from D2 id be really rocking

Spark charge runemaster:

I know I’m going to regret this, but I went with the fire whip warlock using a build from actionrpg.

But the game play just looked so cool, I’m gonna try it out. Hopefully if I stack enough resists, health, crit avoidance, stun avoidance and ward I can make it work.

The real problem with getting these builds is when you watch the person play the build they make it look like its easy peasy no problemo. But the truth of the matter is the folks that make these builds could probably go kill Lagon with a rubber chicken and 3 potatoes.

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Frostbite frostclaw runemaster, alot DR, alot ward, almost unkillable.

Have fun. You can go though the story w/basically 2 buttons. A DPS skill and a movement. I’ve taken down Lagon on every class/mastery other than falconer and warlock. I’ll admit i don’t enjoy the fight but it’s honestly not hard. Just spongy and multiple phases. All you have to do is watch the head so you don’t get one shot. I think I died once because I forgot the fight from EA. I think they made it easier especially in p2. Now all you have to do is run in a circle and tentacles die in like 1+2 hits during P2.

If you saw something and said “that’s looks fun” roll w/it. You’ll have fun and that’s all that matters. Honestly just try stuff out. Game isn’t going anywhere. Regardless enjoy and happy monster slaying. My the rng gods shower down the loots