A single enemy made me stop playing this game, i'm just letting you know, im not coming back until eagleman is fixed

you may think it’s a spoiled, whiny attitude, or something similar to this

but I’m just letting you know that I stopped playing because of eagleman who casts meteor

Whether it’s fair, whether it makes sense or not, I don’t know.

but I stopped playing.

I refuse to lose all progress because of a split second with guaranteed stun that instakills me.

maybe I’ll come back if this mob gets tweaked, for now, see ya, the game is genuine good, i did enjoy it.

This is my last time online.


There’s no scenario where getting one shot by that mob is anyone’s fault but your own.


It’s a telegraphed attack, with a clear indication of where it’s going to land.


In high arena waves they move FAST and they cast FAST, yes it is MY 0.4 seconds fault.


I’m glad we agree. A normal trash mob making you quit maybe just means this isn’t the game for you. That’s okay, go enjoy something you enjoy.


Those lightmages are nasty, but they’re not worth quitting the game over.

Well this is my feedback because i think game worth it.
Enjoy hitkill garbage mechanics, cause i wont.

Nasty mob for sure but not worth quitting for unless you came to the point of repeated doing the same thing.

Imagine if you quit D2 because of stygian dolls or souls, lol…

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I have! Not permanently, but they’re why I no longer play HC.


What’s your build? What are your resists? The light mages are for sure annoying but I don’t even know if they’re the most egregious mob in the game.

Correct. It is your fault for not moving enough, and for doing content so far above what your defenses can handle that a trash mob can one shot you.

“I scaled the difficulty too high and it’s not fair that I died” is not a valid complaint.


May I ask what a high arena wave is in your case?

In high arena waves, there will be a point where the slightest scratch from even the weakest mob will instantly kill you. Infinite scaling damage against your finite effective health pool.

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Being one shot because any enemy of screened you with 200% critical chance feels bad regardless. The game should not be a running simulator. Which is what a lot of builds are at higher lvl as you to stop for a seconds you die.

Death by ting is unfun


Death isn’t supposed to be fun. The game is a challenge. Sometimes you fail. Sometimes you just aren’t good enough. It takes effort and time.

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This is kinda true, but it just comes from the fact that the level scales infinitely.
There will always be a point where most monsters one shot you if you push corruption / arena waves high enough. It is not avoidable.

Could be the eaglemen (cool name for them by the way), they are strong. If they nerf the eaglemen it will be something else. It will always happen at some point.
Otherwise we would all be running 200k corruption, or fighting wave 54,000 in the arena.

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Yes but the game is at at the point where even if you do pointless pushing and get high corrupt, it isn’t about gearing anymore because no matter what you do, you are forced to go glass cannon build because majority of builds doesn’t allow you to take hits in those high levels.

My highest level was only low 1000’s so I can’t speak for anything personally but I have partied with a pally at 6000 corruption before and saw him getting what seems to be 1 shotted as well.

Exactly this. The problem is that the game isn’t balanced to scale well. At the point of how infinite you can push, it needs to scale at a pace where you will always need and/or want upgrades. It would be great if scaling was at a point where you will probably never run into a high enough level to get 1 shotted unless you are just simply a glass cannon build and/or don’t belong there.

There should never be a state of encounter for any game, no matter how well you gear, you get 1 shotted. Not even game that has 1 hit mechanics where you need to stand in X spot at X time… You should always be able to somehow gear it and/or be super OP and tank it.

There has to be a better way that can help study progression to help scale it better. You should have the need and want to constantly upgrade and push further but we don’t because there is no difference in the mobs/maps or gated content to unlock.

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For first it was lagon, second one Majasa, now it’s just random monster. Standards of warriors too soft nowadays. You are just weak. Stop talking that game is hard, the fact is it’s easy as hell.


idk about quitting, but the meteor casts are damn fast and not that easy to see. Lightmage is easy to avoid, the meteor birds not so much, esp in a crowded area with a barely visible telegraph on a short cast.

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Well, the cast speed on the meteors is pretty ridiculous. It’s been a complaint about them for quite a while now. My biggest issue with them, and the light mages, is that they have melee variants that a very similar in appearance. Also, the meteor casters can appear in fairly large groups. If you aren’t already moving when the telegraph appears, there’s a good chance you’re getting bonked.

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My resists are capped, i have 68% armor , i absorb 16% multiplicative through my sword and additional 15% multiplicative throught my chest.
A single meteor kills me.

It IS a valid complaint because game has 500 enemies, 1 of them does that. Which means this is an exception not how the game works.

Snowball zombie has HUGE damage but at least they have projectiles.