5xUnique (LP0) > 1xUnique (1LP)

My unique tab is getting stacked with duplicate uniques that i don’t really care for or have any uses for and it’s kind of annoying to clean my tabs. I still need to clean though because of the increasing tab costs.

My suggestion to this annoying little problem is to allow players to melt duplicate uniques into an +1LP unique. My suggestion goes as follows:

5 Uniques LP0 > 1 Unique LP1

5 Uniques LP1 > 1 Unique LP2

5 Uniques LP3 > 1 Unique LP4

I think this is good for some reasons. The first is that you can remove clutter for your inventory (my issue). The second is that you can now farm for the item you desire. The price gets increasingly steep so it’s not that easy, but at least it’s there. Which brings me to a third point that’s is nice to give players a long term project.

The numbers can be tweaked of course. I don’t know if every item should require the same amount of duplicates. Having a consistent amount between items would be nice though so you don’t have to look up every individual item in some kind of wiki though.


Yeah. This suggestion and similar have come up before - quite a few times.

Especially from those of us who hoard items/have been playing a long time and simply dont even pick up Uniques that dont have LP anymore because there isnt any point.

Even if the devs like the notion, I am not sure if it would be high on any feature priority list tho.

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Ah i see. I tried using a quick search, but didn’t find anything similar.

Devs should priortize earlygame content by all means. I just think this would add some longevity to the game when implemented. I could see it as a function through a dungeon or something similar to temporal dungeon.

this kinda counteracts the entire point behind the high rarity locked LP uniques like prism wraps or wings of argentus, where you can target farm them quite frequently but getting them with LP is pretty rare.

overall not a thing i’d like to see, like… just stop picking them up or hide them with your lootfilter lol


True Deterministic gathering of LP on a unique would defeat the purpose of the system, force people into potentially long grinds (not truly force but the way it’s treated now is high LP can be written off as “unobtainable”), and make the market for the non lp4 variants of these items significantly worse (unless they’d be subject to trade restrictions if combined etc…)

I think with this system if I dropped a 1 LP Omnis I would hesitate to actually turn it into a legendary because instead I could wait until I get it to lp2. Even worse when it rolls poorly on combine. The system would just generate lots of feels bad situations.

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This would also make all boss drop uniques inevitable 4LP and I think that is way too much power creep.

Yeah, 256 drops for a guaranteed 4LP Argentus. That would only take a couple hours, right?

I don’t think people would mind investing the time. There are people that can probably get 1 or more an hour. Also, I think it would be 625 drops for a guaranteed 4LP (with the OP’s 5/1) assuming all drops were 0LP.

Also, consider how that would work out with the potential trade market talked about.

Also, way to cherry pick the most extreme case as evidence of your point.


4 = 1LP
16 = 2LP
64 = 3LP
256 = 4LP

1 every couple hours @ 6 hours/day = 2-3/day = 3-4 months to acquire. Given pretty damn good drop rates. Doesn’t seem too unreasonable, IMHO. If you’re laser-focused on grinding a single item for 3-4 months, you should be able to get. Either that, or the game is seriously borked.

Well, I don’t think we’re too worried about LP4 Boulderfist flooding the market. Also, required time for non-targeted farms would be even worse. Expectations for a 4LP Scurry would be 8+ months given the above method…and that’s being extremely generous.

I think the fear of the market being flooded, or a massive wave of power creep, with 4LP Uniques is a bit unrealistic using the OPs suggestion for a Unique upgrade path.

Edit: I just re-read the suggestion, and the timeframes are even worse, considering his suggesting is 5 per upgrade, while I was using 4 in my estimates (of course it varies, given that 1lp and even 2lp drops aren’t terrible rare for more common Uniques). So yeah, a bit over-dramatic in the doom saying.

The only reason I would agree at all is the fact that the game has no real way to abuse it. There is no real pain to any other player if someone decides to get GG best possible gear. Players already paid to play and no harm is done to their gaming experience.

Chronicon does this very well. They aren’t concerned with burnout and player retention though.

It will affect people, but it will be a psychological effect. Players will see theoretical BiS and it will eat them up that it isn’t easier to get. On the other end of that is, the easier BiS is to achieve, the sooner people get bored with the game and quit. This could actually cause others issues if the monetization ends up being mxt skins and people burn out too quickly to purchase.

Chronicon is also single player.

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I don’t see how this would solve your issue with cluttered stash tabs. It would actually make it worse since now everyone would have to keep stash tabs full of uniques they would otherwise just discard/not pick up in the first place.


I was thinking in general, there could be a recycling dungeon. By completing it, you can recycle various items such as unwanted keys into specific keys you are looking for.

Perhaps you could recycle old uniques and set items too. But, I think its okay that not everything that drops will be good. That way, the items that are good feel that much more special.

But it can feel nice to have a use for stuff. Kind of like how everyone had all this gold and wanted a good gold sink.

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Being able to deterministically craft an LP4 seems OP, and indeed it wouldn’t solve the hoarding issue ultimately since it would be even more interesting to hoard low LP uniques.

However, just like the tiered affix system it could be interesting to be able to craft UP TO an LP2 unique this way; LP3 and 4 drop rate is low enough so that you wouldn’t hoard an entier stash for each of them (well, I hope so), and if your build REQUIRES a unique it would be a good crafting option to then run the temporal sanctum to turn your crafted LP2 into a usable gear before endgame targeted farm for LP3 or 4.

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Didn’t read, just a glance at post. Author want 4LP items doing nothing.
Non-determined result is one of the best part of the arpg games. You can farm a year and get nothing. This is awesome.

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IDK if it’s sarcastic or not. Some players may find interesting the idea of farming for nothing for a year but I guess there are as well a lot of players that may find more interesting to be able to see a progress toward a certain goal when a unique drop.

Edit: I also think that, since the concept of PoE-style leagues were at least hinted by the devs, the balance in farming should at least be scaled for a 3-months period.

3 months period would kill the game. Seasons are total bullshit. Just make a good game and its last forever without this thing. D2 best example.

3 months, realy? Let’s calc some things, we are smart, we playing some math games.
1 day = 2 hour, 1 month = 60 hours, 3 month = 180 hours played total. Thats for 2 hours per day man, it’s to much for average gamer even. 180 hours not enough even to find some 4LP and other stuff. Well u can play 6 hours a day, but man… this is a game, not work, we have todo other stuff. Thats why D2 always be greater than PoE and other season stuff, your charater live forever :smiley: Optional seasons yes, I bet they would be optional as always, its logical. But to short. Thats why PoE BORING AS SHIT after few weeks of season.

Yup, totally killed PoE and D3. They have, like, virtually no concurrent users…

Also, don’t forget trade and CoF will be a thing at some point.

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What if I told you that the only reason you don’t realize that POE is boring as shit all the time is because they wiggle a shiny new league mechanic and give you a reason to start from scratch every few months? :wink:

But those games have no qualms about handing out items, power and powerlevel/twinking/boosting at the drop of a hat. All we hear from the LE crowd is how loot drops need to be an orgasmic feeling… how pure and angelic the player experience needs to be while leveling… and that neither can be tarnished with things like power leveling or trade.

You can’t have both cakes, and eat them too. Either LE is about the experience, or it’s about the race to power in a 3-month window.