500k Critting Beserker Beastmaster! 0.8d (With Lootfilter!)

Video (Loot filter link in description of video)

Build Overview

  • High Damage
  • High Survivability
  • Great AoE For crowds
  • 100% stun chance to interrupt boss attacks.
  • You have to watch your wolf suffer over and over again.


  • Initially posted December 18th 2020. Viable for 0.8d




Summon Wolf
Summon Frenzy Totem


The main affix on idols you want is % increased health. FLat health.


Below is a Tunklab Gearplanner link that has been put together from the gear shown in the build video. This gear is not be min-maxed correctly but should give you a basic idea on how to get started.

Beserker Beastmaster Gear planner Link


@boardman21 This is my favorite build to play so far so thank you again for another awesome build. Have you played this much in arena? I’m just curious because I can make it to the 140s pretty much every time but I always get one shot in the high 140s. It’s usually by a ranged pack before I even have time to move. My health is just over 2k. I’m just curious how you have done? All echoes cleared without much of a problem.

I havent pushed it at all so 140 might be all its got

I dropped summon wolf for ice thorns auto cast on hit for the extra armor. Going to give it a try since my wolf is always dead at higher levels anyway. Will see if it makes any difference

Hello, I really liked your build, thank you for the work done. Please tell me the chance of an Exsanguinous drop, and where is it better to farm it?

Its random from anywhere not sure % drop

I was advised the location of the boss of Act 1, the 23rd LVL ?

You must be level 23+ but it can drop anywhere. Some people say hunt lower level areas with a lower level char as less uniques can therefore drop that are not exsanguois but Thats just theories

Thank you for your answer! And where would you recommend to farm? Or do not pay attention and just play, and it will fall out when the time comes:) ?

Yeah eventually it will come :slight_smile:

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I’m on 1149 hours now, and i would say that Exsanguinous drops on approximately every 100 hours playtime. Everywhere.

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Thanks! Encouraged, 100 hours for a long game is not much. Diablo 3 Makes Me Sick, Path of Exile Ate All My money :slight_smile: Here I found solace.

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Can i ask why Beastmaster instead Druid or Shaman?

BM is superior compared to the other two.

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Neither druid nor shaman can stack aspect of the shark or get aspect of the lynx for all that juicy attack speed and damage.

Than you i see it now :smiley:

just started using this build and decided i to share the last epoch build planner link i made with the info from the build :smiley: Beastmaster, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.0d) - Last Epoch Build Planner

Edit: Updated link

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Not sure if you attached the right build planner or if my browser didn’t load it correctly,
But it shows 0 skills being used only 3/7 blessings
On your main hand you put crit multi, are you at 100% crit chance without added melee crit chance there?

didnt put the skills and only put those 3 blessings as i just made it to have one place to look at what passives and gear to go for and the weapons i think i may just been very tired and made them wrong

ah its just a planner, I thought it was your build. Makes more sense, I got ya.