5 years wow

5 years ago during the holidays I jumped on steam and found this game Last Epoch on sale. I needed something to help me stay calm as I dealt with watching my dad lose his brain cancer battle. Thank you Evelenth Hour Games for tirelessly working on this game during the beginning of Covid and continuing to make this game amazing. I can’t wait to play with new folks in a few weeks! The Jedi.


Indeed kudos to them. I’ve had my complaints occasionally about the game but the dev team has always rectified the problem and come up with solutions far beyond expectations. My hope is the tone deaf failure of the devs and company of Diablo 4 will be Last Epoch’s gain. Last Epoch and Grim Dawn are my go to ARPG’s because, as much as I love playing the games, I have faith and trust the developers of the games. This is because they’re obviously people who love the genre and it shows.

To be fair, I dont think the devs of D4 are tone deaf. I think they just lack the experience and capacity to deliver what ARPG fans want out of their game. And because D4 devs work as a project team under a much larger studio, what is going to happen is that the studio will more than likely close the team way before they have a change to effectively change things around.

Honestly pleased with the progress and direction the game is headed.