32:9 monitor user interface centering and scaling, larger text size options

Thank you very much for adding support of monitors with 32:9 aspect ratio and 5120 x 1440 resolution. The game looks absolutely fantastic, or should I say immersive!

My suggestion is to add an option to scale the user interface (UI) to make text, and some other things bigger in the game.

The second suggestion with these ultrawide 32:9 monitors when opening up different game’s menus such as inventory window, personal stash window, and some others, it would be a lot better if they opened in the middle of the screen instead of all the way in the left or right side of the screen. Please make them more centered. It would look a lot better. Or add an option to center them in the new user interface menu which will be added to the game. (it would be added right? :wink:

Regards and looking forward to the UI improvement.

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