30 Hour Review - Why The Game Sucks

Let me start by saying, I’m REALLY enjoying this game -

For context, I’m currently playing a Warlock at level 64 and I’d love to catalogue my thoughts on how the game could improve but also to congratulate it on the things it does well.

Game Optimisation -

This is a big one and I’ve seen quite a few posts mentioning this across all platforms where Last Epoch is mentioned, I’m running a 4070 Super, AMD Ryzen 5 and 32GB RAM and on the lowest graphics settings, I’m dipping below 60fps on some engagements, this started towards the end of the campaign and continues as mob density improves. I like frames. I play all my games at at least 144fps and most of them at 240, so dropping below 60fps is really jarring for me. I will continue to test this further into my playtime with other spells, builds and classes as I’ve heard some classes are laggier than others.

This is by far my biggest gripe with the game and the rest of my list are dreamer suggestions, minor fixes or quality of life improvements.

Map Persistence -
Another mentioned topic is that all maps reset when you exit them, exploring maps is fun, keeping track of your exploration is another level of game progression and because maps reset, I personally feel less rewarded for exploring them fully

Inspect Player -
I’d like to see player profiles, perhaps tracking campaign progress, map exploration, your current build, level, gear etc. I’m sure some people would like to keep their stats and build private, so having the option to make your profile private may also be appropriate.

Guilds -
I’m not sure if Last Epoch would benefit from group content, or content scaled for grouping, but having a chat to hang out with friends or likeminded people away from Global could be a nice touch

Stash Tab Optimisation -
Being able to assign class, level, type etc to stash tabs and have a quick way to deposit all items of that type would be a nice time saver, similar to the way that the forge works with crafting mats

Class Genders -
I haven’t seen anything beyond this in terms of character customisation for modern ARPGs, mostly due to your character ending up being covered in armour anyway, but I can’t see any drawbacks for implementing it

Transmog -
This is a touchy one because it may hinder the cosmetics purchases but being able to change the appearance of an item to one you’ve already collected (or have in stash?) would be a nice feature, I’d at least like the option to hide helmets!

That’s all for now, thanks for reading, I’ve had a blast playing so far and will probably make a new post to see if my opinion’s changed on anything after a couple hundred hours played time, so far the balancing is great, I love that my character never really feels underwhelming and has access to powerful skills quite early on that sort of skips the early grind of hitting one monster at a time when compared to other ARPGs, the voice lines in combat are refreshing and the graphics don’t make my eyes bleed

Cheers! - Less

I’m confused by your post. You title it “Why the game sucks” and you offer some criticisms, but your whole tone is of someone that likes the game, not of someone that feels it sucks. You even say “I’ve had a blast playing so far”. Seems like the title is quite misleading.

Anyway, regarding your topics:

It’s a constant work in progress. It improved a lot over the years, and even more so with the Unity engine upgrade, but the fact that it’s a proprietary engine and not one of their own means they are limited in what they can accomplish.
They’re still always trying to improve it, especially because that also helps server performance, which is a big part of their spendings.

Lots of threads about it. Long story short, they want to do it but haven’t been able to do it yet.
Anyway, you shouldn’t really feel the need for it unless you die, or unless you’re constantly going back to town to sell stuff (which is a huge waste of time and not worth it, since you’ll make a lot more gold from just killing stuff).

It won’t show you the campaign progress or the map exploration (I’m pretty sure that would take a lot of resources to accomplish), but it does have the current build and gear.

Also lots of threads about this. They would like to make something more than a glorified chat channel, but they aren’t sure what that would be. It’s lower priority for now.

I agree. The way the affinity was made in LE makes it so I don’t use it at all. More options would be nice. Probably not easy when the stash is already having performance issues as is.

Also lots of threads about this. Again, something they want to do, but it’s lower on the priority list, especially when they still haven’t finished rendering all the uniques for the current models.

It’s something that was in the previous roadmap. Don’t remember if it’s in the current one or if it was pushed further back. Either way, it’s coming at some point but there are more important things to implement for now.


It’s things about the game that suck, it is clickbaity but the performance issues do suck massively and I mention for some of the topics that I know there’s plenty of people asking for them, so I’m adding my voice to the masses + cataloguing my thoughts in such a way that I can come back to the thread to see if there’s been improvements over time.

Not used to well written feedback that isn’t full of examples why the posters IQ is most likely as high as the temperature outside on a cold day :smiley: ? I like LE basicly as well and the devs behind it have earned a lot of goodwill but you most likely know that I’m kind of unhappy with the game for some time. That’s not exclusive if you ask me like in “Man I want this game to be good but sadly it isn’t!”.

On the topic itself… all points are fair feedback but keep in mind that Genders and transmog will most likely take away a lot of development time that is needed to deliver a finished product to start with :slight_smile: .

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Guilds im fine with.

Conent like this 100% absolutely not. Stuff like this in d4 is part of why i dont play it

This also isnt an MMO all content in these typs of games should be solo able. I shouldn’t need to group up to complete said content.

The day this happens if it does i will be done with the game.

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This is on the road map actually

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Mike actually talked about this on friday’s stream. He said they have no plans on adding content that requires group play for now, but if they did they would add NPCs that you could use to help you complete said content.

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NPC ro help u now that i can get behind. This would allow players to still solo the content with the help of maybe 4 npcs. To make up a party.

I remember mike talking about this in the last stream. Think i missed that last little bit

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I respect that, I don’t like the idea that any content should be fully gated behind group play, what might be interesting is content that scales to your group’s size (maybe a max of 3-5?) Would never be perfect, but it’s only an idea for down the road, however long that might be, NPCs to group with is an interesting concept but I remember a similar thing from Guild Wars 1 and was never a huge fan

Yeah I’d absolutely like to see more pressing issues addressed first, if we never got genders or any of the other suggestions but we did get the game fully optimised, I’d be fine with that :sunglasses: