Let me start by saying, I’m REALLY enjoying this game -
For context, I’m currently playing a Warlock at level 64 and I’d love to catalogue my thoughts on how the game could improve but also to congratulate it on the things it does well.
Game Optimisation -
This is a big one and I’ve seen quite a few posts mentioning this across all platforms where Last Epoch is mentioned, I’m running a 4070 Super, AMD Ryzen 5 and 32GB RAM and on the lowest graphics settings, I’m dipping below 60fps on some engagements, this started towards the end of the campaign and continues as mob density improves. I like frames. I play all my games at at least 144fps and most of them at 240, so dropping below 60fps is really jarring for me. I will continue to test this further into my playtime with other spells, builds and classes as I’ve heard some classes are laggier than others.
This is by far my biggest gripe with the game and the rest of my list are dreamer suggestions, minor fixes or quality of life improvements.
Map Persistence -
Another mentioned topic is that all maps reset when you exit them, exploring maps is fun, keeping track of your exploration is another level of game progression and because maps reset, I personally feel less rewarded for exploring them fully
Inspect Player -
I’d like to see player profiles, perhaps tracking campaign progress, map exploration, your current build, level, gear etc. I’m sure some people would like to keep their stats and build private, so having the option to make your profile private may also be appropriate.
Guilds -
I’m not sure if Last Epoch would benefit from group content, or content scaled for grouping, but having a chat to hang out with friends or likeminded people away from Global could be a nice touch
Stash Tab Optimisation -
Being able to assign class, level, type etc to stash tabs and have a quick way to deposit all items of that type would be a nice time saver, similar to the way that the forge works with crafting mats
Class Genders -
I haven’t seen anything beyond this in terms of character customisation for modern ARPGs, mostly due to your character ending up being covered in armour anyway, but I can’t see any drawbacks for implementing it
Transmog -
This is a touchy one because it may hinder the cosmetics purchases but being able to change the appearance of an item to one you’ve already collected (or have in stash?) would be a nice feature, I’d at least like the option to hide helmets!
That’s all for now, thanks for reading, I’ve had a blast playing so far and will probably make a new post to see if my opinion’s changed on anything after a couple hundred hours played time, so far the balancing is great, I love that my character never really feels underwhelming and has access to powerful skills quite early on that sort of skips the early grind of hitting one monster at a time when compared to other ARPGs, the voice lines in combat are refreshing and the graphics don’t make my eyes bleed
Cheers! - Less