2H axe bleed FG - SoH and RoS setup?

Hi guys,

I am currently running a clvl 51 2H axe bleed FG, just finished first MoF.

I can spec into RoS now, soon will pick up SoH.

But I have no idea how to spec these two skills.

I am not running a shield (2H build) so this I guss must be factored in.

My current stats (approx): HP - 1.ooo, ele res max, phys res max, void res max, poison and necrotic res 55%.

is it ok to specc SoH for Iron Sigil 5/5 and enduring hope 5/5?

RoS: reinforcement, binding, enduriing?
bastion and amass or left hand for healing?


You have been waiting for 3 days. Well, then I will.
→ The answer you seem to be looking for is:

YES, you may do so!

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