20% LESS Multipl Crit. Strike = 200 minus 20?

Hej guys, need pls calrification for my build.

Like in Topic is it just a substraction then or some differen calculation if it is less multipl.


More & Less = Multiplicative
Increased & Reduced = Additive

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If you are referring to the character sheet:

The value you see there is 100%(normal hit) + 100% critical strike modifier.
Only that last part gets reduced, so 20% less crit modifier would be 180% on the sheet, yes.

If you had 250% on the character sheet, 20% less would turn it into 220% = 100% base + 150% * (1 - 20%)

@EHG_Kain: I think it would be more consistent with how “Less Bonus damage from Crits” stat is displayed and works, if the character sheet showed “Bonus damage on critical strikes” and excluded the base hit damage.

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thx for your answer!