2 Void Knight Volatile Reversal bugs

  1. When I use it, I will return to the position I’m at X seconds ago, which is normal, but 0.1~0.2 seconds later I will return back to where I used this skill.
    This does not happen everytime. And it seems to happen more likely during fight with monsters. (or in a laggy situation?)

  2. Happens in Temporal Sanctum. Keep moving around a spot for more than 5 seconds to make sure the character will return back to this spot after I use Volatile Reversal.
    Use D (Temporal Shift, teleporting between Divine Era and Ruined Era) and then use Volatile Reversal immediately. The character will return to some random spot.
    First I thought maybe the time in Divine Era and Ruined Era is calculated seperately for Volatile Reversal. So I waited for more than 5 seconds both in Divine Era and Ruined Era. And then use D and use Volatile Reversal. My character still return to some random spot.