(2) QoL changes to remove levels of tedium

To be fair it’s just another - albeit small - downside to the current way the system is installed.

We’ve a few established things after all.

The mechanic was meant to stay in because of trading functionality.
This functionality was scrapped.
The pickup of common affix shards has extremely low meaning.
The storage in the inventory for any crafting material has actually zero meaning.

So this leads back to the argument ‘the pickup itself has meaning’ which yeah… ‘opportunity cost’ after all.
Opportunity cost only upholds itself if the picked up material has ‘value’ though. We’ve already established 2 major points for that:

  • Common affix shards hold solely meaning very early in the game, loosing all of it before long as shatter/removal becomes the sole reasonable way to acquire them reliably quickly.
  • There is a possible system upcoming which would provide a exchange option for affix shards.

That’s the current status of them.
Now, what does that mean though?

Ignoring the second point it means there is barely reason to uphold the status quo. Itemization of all crafting materials is currently non-functional. It serves no purpose, there is not a singular viable argument to be made which doesn’t boil down into pure tedium while still providing a upside which can even be argued about. So that part simply has to go, there is no excuse for it, even with the second argument.
Which leaves when it would actually need to be ignored, which is the opportunity cost for picking it up and hence the value for the necessitated clicks derived from it. The conversion mechanic which is upcoming. This one leads to a potential opportunity cost.

But… that in itself is a weak argument. Opportunity cost means that the value needs to warrant the effort, which you’re already proclaiming yourself… isn’t there. If the sole reason for opportunity cost is ‘I don’t need to do it anyway so I can just ignore it’ then that’s a failed design-choice simply. It’s so unimportant that people neither read them, look at them or even bother picking them up at times despite standing right on top of them.
Hence a conversion system can simply be created with that situation in mind… or by removing the useless mechanic underlying the current status simply while you’re at it. Since it has no value before it doesn’t need to have an enforced possible value pushed forward.

Which leads me to the actual downsides, hence pure detriments of the current implementation.
If we solely - as I’ve proclaimed - provide auto-pickup for common affix shards then the whole outcome is something totally different already.


Because there were some interesting aspects mentioned.
First of all displaying drops.
We already have established that common affixes have barely value, emphasizing them hence is not needed… but! They take away from the drops which have actual value provided to them. Glyphs, runes, rare affix shards.
Those actually warrant presentation, hence removing the clutter which has the same way of being displayed as glyphs and runes for example would put emphasis onto them. The current status is a detriment as it removes the visibility to see them.

Next up we also have a secondary effect of having no auto-pickup, which is the risk versus reward factor.
As it was mentioned it has a - likely involuntary - created factor of trying to pick up rare crafting materials which can lead to death, hence loosing the gained result before being able to pick it up.
The issue with that is… that does only relate to runes, glyphs and rare affix shards as it’s already showcased… that doesn’t exist with the common affix shards since even early in the game people don’t really give a crap about them. Maybe a new player… but it’s a cheap time-sink trap at best for them to interact with it in that way as it looses relevance really early in the game.

So, auto-pickup for common affix shards has a slew of negatives and nigh no upsides to exist. Visibility for the important stuff is decreased, clicks are increased which is tedium without function there and also they have basically no value. The sole upsides being the opportunity cost and the risk/reward factor which are nigh non-existent for those.

Once again, common affix shards, not glyphs, not runes, not rare affix shards. Those can be talked about separately.

So yes, it’s a QoL functionality which definitely should be implemented as there no reasonable thing standing against it. The only one being a possible implementation of a mechanic which can be implemented either way in a viable and properly balanced state, not reliant on this function at all.

Autopickup wouldn’t fix this, though. As you can see with gold. Even with autopickup there are constantly piles of gold lying around outside of your radius and you don’t care about it. You won’t spend extra time/clicks chasing them because gold drops have also basically no value.

So you’d end up with an autopickup that sucks up the close shards, but you’d still have a bunch outside of radius that you wouldn’t ever bother detouring to pick up.
So you wouldn’t be fixing the issue, just obscuring it a bit.

As I said, when I started playing LE I had an issue with it as well, but as I played more and more I realized it’s not really an issue. It’s like skill respec. The more you play the more you realize that it’s not really an issue.

Autotransfer, though, that’s an issue. That one really serves no purpose, it’s annoying and it gives no benefit at all. And after all this time it still hasn’t become a non-issue.

Actually it does alleviate it to a large degree.

The visibility auto-corrects via walking over it, which often happens with gold as well. Come closer and suddenly only the relevant stuff is left to see, for example when you drop something else while opening a gold shrine.

Clicks are obviously decreased.

The function of the display would hence be changed with auto-pickup compared to now.
Currently it clutters and you have to click, the click is mandatory to make things viable to pick up underneath visible, the only reason to click onto that stuff after a while.
Instead if the affixes get sucked in you wouldn’t have to click, that tedium - and RSI issue - is removed, allowing to display the actual valued crafting materials which are displayed in the same manner in-between… or… not having any.

Worst-case you change nothing, best case you reduce the amount of clicks and mouse-targeting during downtimes.

So I would say it still has a purpose even then.

And yeah, 100% agreed… auto-transfer is a no-brainer.

Why on Earth are you doing that?

So click the “transfer to crafting stash” button & don’t! And yes, I’m well aware that this is a good reason for having that happen automatically & I don’t disagree with that.

That is just the thing. The times when visibility is cluttered by affixes is rare. Most of the times it happens when you finish sealing a gate or opening the chest reward. And in those cases you can leisurely pick shards if they’re in the way. Though personally I very rarely have to.

As I said, I thought this was an issue as well initially. But the more I play, the less I feel it affects me.
I think most people asking for autopickup are doing it because of FOMO, or gamer’s OCD where you have to pick up everything. And I can understand that, because it’s what I felt as well. But I trained myself to ignore that and found that it’s actually a non-issue.

So what remains is: Is it worth spending time and effort putting this in for so little benefit?

And most importantly: If you implement autopickup for shards, it’s there forever. If at some point you introduce a mechanic that makes shards more relevant and you want them to become a “drop decision”, you can’t then go back because players would riot.

So overall I don’t really see a reason for changing it. Especially because it will block future options. And because the impact it has in actual gameplay the way it is now is actually very low.

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I mean…

Auto-pickup is implemented already.
Putting it into effect for common affix shards shouldn’t be much of an issue hence, the base mechanic is already there already, hence the code is written, it just needs to be copied over in relation to common affix shards being affected.

I would say it’s… a 2 hour job maybe?

No? You keep the current code in store as a backup option since it’s after all made. What stops you from doing that?

If the whole thing would be a big change I wouldn’t even think about arguing about it… but the point is, it isn’t a big change, everything is in place and it’s just shifting things around a bit. We have around what? 50 common affixes total? 75? That’s not much.

Are you kidding me? After all the threads where I have had to explain why nothing will take 2h to code?
That’s like saying that autopickup is already there, so it should be easy to autopickup NPCs or mobs.

Gold is a separate item type. Shards are coded as an item. So you’d have to make autopickup interact with items and then make it so that it only interacts with common shards (although you just KNOW that next people will ask for autopickup of keys and after that it would be quest objectives).

I mean, even something as “simple” as making keys stack is complicated, why would you think this would be easy?

Who cares about code change? If you give players autopickup, you can never remove it. Otherwise players will go up in flames.
If devs were to currently remove gold autopickup, would you just ignore it, given all you’ve written about shards in this thread?

Once you add “QoL” to the game, you can’t remove it without major consequences.

431 shards in total, so it should be much higher than that.

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Well, which item stacks currently? There is no stacking in the game, so it’s not a function which is available.

The framework doesn’t exist.

Which is different from the functionality of auto-pickup by itself.
Auto-pickup is simply the expedited process of when to ‘pick up’ the respective resource. And in comparison to item-stacking that actually is already coded.

Distance, behavior, all there with gold. The only aspect of the code which can’t be used is the tally counter for gold rising as an effect but instead it needs to use the code which is used to transfer crafting materials into the inventory, which we have with the area pickup included, after all it already auto-pickups in some place… when you have a secondary crafting material close to picking up one manually.

That’s why I’m saying it wouldn’t take much time, the sections of code are already existing, the writing of the code won’t take long, the actual installation and bug-checking will always take long, for anything, which is a given.

But purely code-wise? Nah.

Yeah, so? Why would you ever want to move back to the manual pickup anyway? What reason is there for it?

And also, you’re absolutely and 100% able to undo a QoL change without the community going up in utter and entire flames.
It ‘just’ needs to have a important enough reason. Barely ever there’s one for it though :slight_smile:
It’s the PoE ‘Harvest’ debacle all over again. The devs thought that it was vastly too good… the people had the time of their life instead and enjoyed it massively.

Yeah, remove all chest rare affixes and you suddenly have a loooooot less, not to speak of helmet rare ones. All the class-specific ones are rare affixes after all.

This is what id like to see with shards. Make them more of an item. As EHG has said they want to do.

This cycle 1.1 the new glyph imo is a step in the right direction to making this happen. Iv also heard mike talk about perhaps away to upgrade ur shards. Like combineding 3 to make a stronger version.

Auto loot just removes the drop decision. Which effectively removes the risk and reward factor i tried pointing out earlier in this thread

Edit: with auto looting shards. It wouldnt make much sense to try getting shards to be more of an item. As they have done already in 1.1.

Its much much harder to remove features of a game with out backlash from the community vs not adding it

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When it comes to auto looting. Thats one thay cant be removed once added.

There are QoL things thay just cant be removed without backlash

As for item types. I dont think u quite understand how items are coded in the game.

Shards based on what @DJSamhein was say is they are coded as items just like rares magic ect items.

This would have to be sperated to make it work for just shards. Gold is probably coded to something like currency item type.

The amount of work to add this TBH for so little of a qol isnt really worth the devs time

Iv said it before crafting mats should never be something thats auto lootable. Theres tons of power juat being handed to players

Which removes the choice of pick it up as well as risk and reward

Yes, but they have the funciontality to send them to the forge stash, so why do we have to press an additional button for it? What benefit does having them in our inventory actually give?

Yes, autotransfer I think is something everyone agrees would be nice and there’s no point in not having it.

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That was about auto loot. And item types with in the code needing to be separated to work and not loot gear as well.

Majority of us do want this this needless transfer button removed. And just send crafting mats right to the forge