(2) QoL changes to remove levels of tedium

I agree with most of what you said, except this. And for a single reason only. Mike already said that some form of shard conversion will come, where you can convert a bunch of shards into different ones at a loss.
And when that happens, you’ll have to make an active choice: “Do I want to waste an extra second or two to pick up this shard group so I can later convert it, or do I just ignore it?”.

Mostly, I’ve no issue with shard pickup. I was also against that at the start, but playing the game you barely bother picking up shards unless they’re on the way. I often don’t even bother picking up shards from the echo chest rewards.

And, for the record, I also wouldn’t care if gold worked the same way. Namely, I would be against it at the start, but then I would realize that gold drops from the ground are useless when you have gold echoes rewards.

Nope, you can shatter for all shards. Even with the “more prefix” shards blessing, or class specific shard affix blessing you will always get more by just shattering. or in reality, rune of removal so you get all of them 100% of the time.

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I understand the thought process there… but it has a issue in it.

Currently we don’t have that implemented and it’s a tedious thing, right? So, remove the thought that it’ll be implemented since it solely hinges on ‘conversion’ in that case as much as I see, unless I missed something.

So, now it opens up, we get the idea of adding conversion, we got 2 options.
Option 1: Base conversion ratios off of the opportunity cost for picking up. Which is directly hinging it on a bothersome mechanic.
Option 2: Base conversion ratios off of drop-rate fully, hence divert the need to have a big opportunity cost but with higher ratios to exchange.

I personally would say ‘Option 2’ is the one to go for in that case. You see things dropping, you have to run over them - which is still a sort of small opportunity cost but without clicks - and hence implement it that way.
This would be much much more convenient, present the same cycle and be overall more enjoyable.

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Make them auto pick up. I aint wasting hours of collective time in menus just to extend it by having to read thousands of shards. I dont want to see them until i am ready to craft. So i support full auto pick up, and full auto upgrade of shards into higher quality ones should they add a feature to do so.


Thats still auto pick up for crafting mats

Which would still remove the death loot loss for shards

There shouldn’t be any form of auto loot for shards is what im getting at.

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve run out of FP with a rune of removal to try to get the rare affixes, only to get to zero and then forced to use a shatter rune and get 1.

Makes me bang my head on the desk. :rofl: :crazy_face:


I understand. But is switching (1) click to running over (1) shard really that much of a difference? Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, then.

I’m curious if Grim Dawn always had this feature; if not, were the discussions similar to this one?

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U dont run the risk of not getting the crafring mats. With auto pick up.

It removes the risk and reward factor of picking them up.

Currently we kinda have auto looting for crafting mates Just we have to click jist one shard then it picks up all in said radius

I dont want to see auto loot go farther than whays already in game

With auto shard pick up now when a mob or a shrine drops a big pile they just get sucked up. Might as well remove the loot lost on death mechanic from the game at that point.

I dont get why players want crafting power just handed to them. Vs picking it up or loose out

Because if I die and dont get the crafting shards I never go “omg fuck I missed my loot”

it does not even blip on my radar lol. Like your point is a made up fantasy point that isnt real to be frank.

Gold does not suck into your body either, you have to walk over it. So do you think people go “oh fuck my 5k gold!!!” when they die? no man. Because shards have 0 value to anyone ever.

Like sure, auto loot is a slight step in “omg not even playing the game” but like, its such a small factor at this point who cares.

Yeah and letting us filter by LP removes me even seeing items now, I just put “only show 2lp or higher” and my screen is naked. Which is what they didnt want, but yet, now we have it. Why? cause its a small concession with very little loss for them and a lot of good faith to gain.

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In the proclaimed solution of ‘walking over them’ you actually do. The chance is just smaller, it just removes the ‘scrambling around trying to click and not die’ aspect. Which… plainly spoken… is a menace anyway, not fun at all and the times it leads to frustration are massively higher then them causing enjoyment.

Also… does it need to have this factor in the first place is my second question. Is the part of killing the enemy not enough to achieve this already?

Which… utterly misses the point for this topic. It’s not about crafting power there, it’s about tedium.
Tedium can be good or bad, some forms of tedium are fantastic. The tedium from pickup though is one of the overall ‘bad’ ones and hence enforce a meaningful counterweight to make them viable.
Items do have that, limited inventory space which enforces choice and hence the need to choose personally.

Shards don’t have that aspect, the meaning of inventory space for them is redundant and just a frustrating situation without any upsides.

It’s a really really bad argument when put under scrutiny.

Shards have value not in gold but value in crafting. The value of them is different

We wouldnt shatter or rune of removal on items if shard had no value. But players do. Why cuz theres value in the shards one is aiming for

Loot filter options has nothing to do with auto loot of shards

Just as a reminder…I specifically requested this feature to be optional, not a mandate. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Again, I only play single player, so auto-looting shards is not giving me an advantage.

it does in the broad scheme of “the devs made up peepee poopoo reasons for not giving thing” that eventually we are gonna get, because the factors that led to them making said choices are no longer real.

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Well… not perfectly said but the message is 100% true.

The reasoning for not allowing LP filtering was because LP uniques were rare enough that every single one warranted the situation of showcasing them, usually only having 2-3 at max on the screen.
Hence with CoF this reasoning fell through, having a whole screen possibly filled with uniques and cluttering it is a detriment for visual clarity which enforced EHG to implement it. Not by choice… I’m sure they would’ve loved to leave it out to uphold the ‘non spreadsheet’ vision more… but it was basically mandatory.

Now… let’s lead over to auto-pickup for affix shards.
The reasoning for them not being auto-pickup was specifically since the plans for trading them ‘in the future’ were mentioned.
Well, we got trade now, crafting materials were after intensive thought not included into trade, hence this by design removes the reasoning.
Which means currently there is no weighty enough reason to warrant it anymore, a thorn in the eyes since pre 1.0 times.

That’s the current state.

This is 100% the goal I was all for eliminating with an Non Combat pet or something. If they made this an option versus having to go in inventory each time and do the transfer, that would solve all of my qualms about the current system. I wouldn’t mind running around and clicking on shards all the time if I didn’t have to then open up inventory and transfer them to a bottomless stash anyways. I’d even be okay if the “rare” shards and common shards were in two separate loot groups so there was more emphasis. The biggest pain is that 3 menu repetitive cycle of just opening inventory and transferring to stash.

I do enjoy seeing the rare rune of ascendance or hard to find affix shard pop up on the ground, but not as much as I dislike the inventory management side of shards/runes. The auto-transfer straight to stash issue solves everything.

If this happens, auto-transfer would still be a viable option if they pinged the stash as “currency” for the transaction. All of it would be virtual within your endless stash and not have to be something you carry around with you to convert.

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After the early game, the only reason why I ever pick up shards is the reflexive,
I see loot → I click loot reaction that I acquired over the years.

You talking about risk reward is comical. There is basically no risk, and there absolutely zero reward in picking up shards.
I cannot stress enough how little you need to pick up shards after reaching empowered.

A few months ago, I made a little experiment. I took a bit of time to look at the shards I was picking up, to see if there was anything worth while. But no, it was always the same resistance shards of which I had hundreds already. The most valuable shard was the occasional hybrid health, which are useful, but in that time I could have gotten way more of them if I was shattering for it.


@GiraffaGonfiabile - you make a great point. If craftables are to become upgradeable - another feature of GD I really like - then maybe it still makes sense to pickup all of them. If not, it’s something else to consider for the loot filter. At L95, most if not all of my drops are craftables.

The way it is now, having no autopickup for shards doesn’t bother me. It did when I started playing LE, but currently it doesn’t. Simply because, as I said, I don’t pick them up most of the time because they’re not needed.
So having autopickup wouldn’t do anything either because those affixes are not needed. I have hundreds of each already and didn’t actually bother with them too much.

So why would you need autopickup for them when you won’t ever use them all? Is it just to see Number Go Up (inventory edition)?

This is one of the most dishonest arguments that exist and it’s constantly being used. If an option is clearly better than not using that option, then it’s not an option, it’s effectively mandatory unless you want a challenge.
If LE added an option for “god mode” you wouldn’t have to use it. But it would effectively kill the game.

What you suggest is basically an option between “Get x materials” (current option) or “Get 3x materials” (your “option”). That is not an option. It becomes the standard and not using it is a gimp.

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Even if you won’t need them, if you get a bigger amount of them they start to clutter your screen and hence solely for that reason they should be easily removed from sight as it’s a downside for visual clarity.

And since we have no options to remove them visually via the filter this alone should be a warranted reason by itself.

It happens rarely but them becoming an issue actually does.

That also comes into “Should I pick these up or not?” reasons. Honestly, very very very rarely was this an issue for me. And on the couple times it was, I picked them up automatically when otherwise I wouldn’t have.

It’s not an issue that needs solving.