1000 hours played - please change these two things about the game

So far I have spent 1000 hours in LE. For the most part Im satisfied with the game, although there are 2 things that are currently sapping the fun out of the game for me, and those two things are the adaptive damage reduction in boss fights and how broken DoT’s are which becomes more and more noticable in higher tiers of corruption (I currently play at 1200 corruption).

Adaptive damage reduction completely destroys the power fantasy that is the main point in an ARPG, logically I should become stronger and stronger with better and better gear, yet in LE the better your gear becomes and the more damage you deal (should be dealing in theory without the adaptive damage reduction) the weaker you get in terms of boss fights.

Currently I am able to nuke down about 50% of the Shades HP within 2-3 seconds, at which point the ADR starts kicking in, effectively reducing my damage by what feels like 70% 80%. I honestly don’t understand the philosophy behind implementing this ADR into an ARPG since as I said before it completely destroys your power fantasy and saps pretty much all the fun out of the end game progession in higher tiers of corruption, Id like to continue pushing corruption with my character but it is made pretty much impossible because of the ADR that kicks in during the boss fights.

Secondly DoT damage. Enemy DoT’s are very broken in higher corruption which you only start experiencing depending on what mastery you play and depending on whether you are melee or ranged at around 1000 corruption, whereas it is much worse in case of melee character or a ranged character that has to get up close to deal it’s damage.

Currently DoT’s tick for about 1/3 to 1/4 of your HP pool or very high amounts of ward, dealing substantially more damage than any other type of damage/hit and the DoT’s tick multiple times a second, and yes I am using items that reduce incoming DoT damage or make it so that a portion thereof is reduced by my armor and even that damage reduction starts to become meaningless at some point. Some of the DoT’s last very long, one time I died to a DoT that ticked down on me for about 4 seconds and after I died I could observe that it took the debuff at the bottom right corner about another 4-5 seconds to wear off completely.

Other minor things:

-remove XP pylons after hitting level 100.
-remove XP echoes after hitting level 100.
-make it so that completed sales of items are put onto your front page in the merchants guild,
not having you scroll through 20 pages of items that you have listed.

best regards

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