1 to 75 Sentinel To Voidknight Autobomber | Leveling Guide | Best Beginner Starter! | 0.8.3E

I’ve not tried it in 0.8.4 but I’m sure it’s still fine, just not as obscene as it was before.

any recomendations of obscene void builds?? =D just comeback would like a op one t get me into the game haha

It’s definitely viable and one of the most OP builds of the game.

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Is this still true s of 0.8.4G?
I see that it’s great at clearing trash mobs in echos, but against bosses/objects the orbs don’t seem to do much. Just did abomination from the fall of the outcasts quest echo, pretty much had to spam smite entire time :frowning:

it is defintely still a great build. yes the single target isnt the “fastest” in the game but it can handle them with ease. smite still being a huge damage dealer for the single targets.

Ok thx, it just feels like there are certain boss/objects that orbs don’t attack at all and the only way to damage them is with smite. Wasn’t sure if some skills changed since original build to make them behave in that way.

I’m trying to decide between this and the Hammerdin build. Which one would be easier to get working properly when playing solo (as in the game mode that doesn’t have shared stash)?

Honestly, when playing in Solo its best to check if a build has very specific gear requirements that could be troublesome to get on solo stash… Hammerdin builds usually require the Smite on throw idols (tend to be rare) and at end-game levels needs some really specific uniques to shine… So my gut feeling would be to take voidbomber in solo for this reason more than anything else…

Yeah, checking gear, idols etc is what I normally do, but never played sentinel builds before so it was hard for me to tell how mandatory & hard to get some of the items in these builds are. Ended up picking this autobomber since I can switch to Warpath if I don’t like this one :smiley:

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Probably a good idea… the bomber and warpath void versions are very viable and depending on your luck re drops you can swing either way…

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