1 To 75 Leveling Guide For Acolyte -> Necromancer 0.8.1c


Brand New Lootfilter Layout

Please let Me know if you find anything messed up

GREEN - Early Game Items (Tier 1+)

BLUE - Mid Game Items (Tier 3+)

RED - Endgame Items (Tier 5+)

PINK - Exalted/Set/Unique Items

WARNING: Unused Base Types and Non Acolyte Class Items ARE HIDDEN

1 to 75 Melee Minion Necromancer Lootfilter Pastebin Link


Dammitt’s Builder Link

Level 75 Gear and Build Planner As it is in video!
Necromancer Leveling Gear/Blessings/Idols In One Fancy Place

Time Stamp Break Down Written Version

Level 4
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 1 Point into “Souls of Rage”
  • Passives
  1. 2 Points into Forbidden Knowledge
Level 9
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 1 Point into “Souls of Rage” (2 Total Now), 1 Point into “Spectral Putrescence”, 1 Point into “Lingering Souls”
  2. Summon Skeleton - 1 Point into “Necrotic Conviction”
  • Passives
  1. 3 More Points into Forbidden Knowledge (5 Total Now)
  2. 3 Points into Dark Rituals
Level 13
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 1 More Point into “Lingering Souls” (2 Total Now)
  2. Summon Skeleton - 1 More Point into “Necrotic Conviction” (2 Total Now), 1 Point into “Hollow Walkers”, 1 point into “Shambling Steel”
  • Passives
  1. 3 More Points into “Forbidden Knowledge” (8 Total Now, Capped)
  2. 2 More Points into “Dark Rituals” (5 Total Now, Capped)
Level 19
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 2 More Points into “Lingering Souls” (4 Total Now, Capped), 1 Point into “Spirit Swarm”
  2. Summon Skeleton - 2 Points into “Unholy Rage”, 1 Point into “Marrow Walkers”
  3. Rip Blood - 1 Point into “Splatter”, 2 Points into “Crimson Flood”
  • Passives
  1. 6 Points into “Blood Aura”
Level 25 (Mastery)
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 1 More Point into “Spirit Swarm” (2 Total Now)
  2. Summon Skeleton - 2 Points into “Sweeping Strikes”
  3. Rip Blood - 1 Point into “Blood Infusion”, 1 Point into “Infused Frenzy”, 2 More points into “Splatter”(3 Total Now)
  • Passives
  1. 1 More Point into “Blood Aura” (7 Total Now)


  1. 7 Points into “Risen Army”
Level 34
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 1 More Point into “Spirit Swarm” (3 Total Now, Capped), 2 Points into “Thin Veil”
  2. Summon Skeleton - 2 Points into “Unbound Necromancy”, 1 Point into “Grave Walkers”
  3. Rip Blood - 1 Point into “Hemomancer”, 2 Points into “Quenching”, 1 Point into “Mana Feast”
  4. Summon Skeleton Mage - 1 Point into “Celer Mortis”, 1 Point into “Shadow Wardens”, 1 Point into “Death knights”, 2 Points into “Flaming Attacks”
  • Passives
  1. 5 Points into “Blood Armour”
  2. 3 Points into “Cursed Blood”
  3. 2 Points into “Mortal Tether”
  4. 2 Points into “Aegisfall”
Level 40
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 1 More Point into “Thin Veil” (3 Total Now)
  2. Summon Skeleton - 1 More Point into “Sweeping strikes”(3 Total Now)
  3. Rip Blood - 1 More Point into “Quenching”(3 Total Now), 1 Point into “Marrow Drinker”
  4. Summon Skeleton Mage - 3 More Points into “Flaming Attacks”(5 Total Points, Capped), 1 More Point into “Celer Mortis”(2 Total Points), 3 Points into “Grew Merchant”
  • Passives
  1. 1 More point into “Aegisfall” (3 Total Now)
  2. 8 Points into “Unearthed Arms”(Capped)
  3. 1 Point into “Frantic Summons”
Level 49
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 2 More Points into “Thin Veil” (5 Total Now, Capped)
  2. Summon Skeleton - 2 More Points into “Sweeping strikes”(5 Total Now, Capped)
  3. Rip Blood - 1 More Point into “Quenching”(4 Total Now), 1 Point into “Hematology”
  4. Summon Skeleton Mage - 3 More Points into “Celer Mortis”(5 Total Points, Capped)
  5. Dread Shade - 2 Points into “Spectral Presence”, 2 Points into “Grim Fate”, 1 Point into “Symbiotic Apparition”, 1 Point into “Flesh Harvest”
  • Passives
  1. 1 More point into “Frantic Summons”(2 Total Now)
  2. 5 Points into “Rive of Bones”
  3. 4 Points into “Moonlight Pyre”
Level 55
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - Nothing New
  2. Summon Skeleton - Nothing New
  3. Rip Blood - Nothing New
  4. Summon Skeleton Mage - Nothing New
  5. Dread Shade - 1 Point into “Dread Plague”, 1 Point into “Martyrdom”, 3 Points into “Lingering Doom”, 1 Point into “Pernicious Pact”, 1 Point into “Egoism”
  • Passives
  1. 2 More Points into “Mortal Tether” (5 Total Now)
  2. 1 Point into “Unbound Necromancy”
  3. 3 Points into “Tyrant”
Level 65
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 3 Points into “Soul Of Filth”
  2. Summon Skeleton - 1 More Point into “Necrotic Conviction”(3 Total Now), 1 Point into “Bone Armor”, 1 Point into “Impatience”
  3. Rip Blood - 2 More Points into “Infused Frenzy”(3 Total now, Capped), 1 Point into “Hemophagy”
  4. Summon Skeleton Mage - 1 More Point into “Shadow wardens”(2 Total Now), 2 Points into “Splintered Dominion”
  5. Dread Shade - 1 Point into “Blind Fury”, 3 Points into “Dying Coven”
  • Passives
  1. 2 Points into “Tyrant’s Legion”
  2. 3 Points into “Rite of Undeath”
  3. 1 Point into “Disciples of necromancy”
  4. 4 More Points into “Moonlight Pyre”(8 Total Now)
Level 75
  • Skills
  1. Wandering Spirits - 1 Point into “Spectral Scorn”
  2. Summon Skeleton - 1 More Point into “Impatience”(2 Total Now)
  3. Rip Blood - 1 More Point into “Hemophagy”(2 Total Now)
  4. Summon Skeleton Mage - 1 More Point into “Splintered Dominion”(3 Total Now)
  5. Dread Shade - 2 More Points into “Flesh Harvest”(3 Total Now, Capped)
  • Passives
  1. 3 More Points into “Frantic Summons” (5 Total Now, Capped)
  2. 5 More Points into “Rite of Undeath” (8 Total Now)
  3. 2 More Points into “Moonlight Pyre”(10 Total Now, Capped)

Now that your leveled up, try a new build

All My Builds In One Fancy Place Click This

Thanks for the guide. I like how you included a text breakdown for the leveling decisions along with a lootfilter and planner. Comprehensive!



  • Lootfilter has been updated to the new template
  • Lootfilter will also work if your playing ranged minion version of necromancer

Hi, could it possibly be that the lootfilter is outdated or not configured properly? Some items drop as yellow for me and I can’t seem to find any weapons with it activated. Apologies if it’s an issue on my end, kinda new and just wanted to see if you could help.

Welcome to the community!

It is not a “Problem” with the lootfilter, the filter does not hide rares so if something doesnt meet a rule it just pops up as a normal yellow rule

You can change this by the very bottom rule that says hide normal/magic items just include rares on it and it will hide rares that dont meet the conditions set above it.

Thanks for the warm welcome and the quick reply! Really appreciate all your guides, they are really helpful!

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Thanks you for this really good and in-depth guide for leveling a necromancer!
It’s my first time playing LE and i wanted to play a Necro, because thats what im used to and this Guide helped me a lot!
Just a bith squishy right now, but thats related to my 0% Physical Resistances lmao

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Very fun leveling build and it seems even better with the updated AI for player minions in this latest patch (Beta 0.8.2).

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Glad to hear that!

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Hi Boardman, nice guide, good work as always. I struggle a lot at level 23-24, both in terms of offense and defense. I suspect defense is lack of health/dodge/void res, which is quite low. However, my skeletons die almost instantly, and I have very little damage outside skeletons/wandering spirits. Any idea what I am doing wrong? I have allocated everything exactly the same as you.

I’m leveling with the same guide currently and i’m level 66 now.
I used the crafting system early on and crafted much minion health/damage on all my gear and looked for minion flat health and all this stuff. Besides that i added a lot of resistances.
That your Minions die alot at that early stage of the game/your build is totally normal, happens to me early on too. Since im level ~40 they never die because of the dead knights. They die only when i use Dread Shade on them.
And try to stand inside your minions and spam Blood Splatter.
Thats all i can tell so far.

As Darealpanda stated, early game you will have to do quite a bit of resummoning, this can be reduced with better RNG and crafting you get adding in Minion health + Minion Dodge + minion Flat health regen. Taking some INT passives as well can help.

It gets better as you get higher level especially once there 0.5% damage/health per Char level starts kicking in level 20+

Thanks for the nice filter. Is it only supposed to show daggers? I haven’t seen any other type of weapon drop and I am L33.

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Welcome to the community!

It should show everything. I will take a look

Fixed. It was indeed hiding stuff it shouldnt have been

Thank you very much! The filter helps so much compared to when I last played a couple years ago. But I must have the worst luck in the world because all I find is daggers. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thanks for such a quick reply. I deleted the old filter, copied in the new one and I still had the same issue of only getting daggers.

I went into the filter and the second rule had all sceptres, wands, 2-handed staves and catalysts blocked. Quiver was also allowed to drop. I don’t recall seeing any quivers but I blocked them anyway. Was that rule intentionally setup that way? I might be missing something with how the base types work.

The filter seems to have unchecked all advanced options (which leads to the filter showing everything on red!)
Aswell as hiding everything but daggers and quivers (on the fixed version, uploaded may 27th, this is likely an error on the visibility option)
Otherwise the guide is very well done for new players (i am one myself), no problems so far and shredding through the acts like crazy with the minions.

Apparently when im really tired i need to learn to stop “fixing” things

Both of these are fixed and the new filter is attached. Sorry for the inconvience :frowning:

How would Volatile Zombie be to level in this build?