[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

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From my experience, it doesn’t matter how you exactly try to type it to explain it to people.

Either they know or they don’t and ask :smiley:

Yo , I’m using ur filter and its awesome !! thanks you very much !

I have a question tho
I’m trying to make this semi strict / strict version , I almost manage to make this but I’m still able to see a few blue and yellow items here and there that I really don’t need them.

I’ve tried to play with the 3 options there of the “show ilvl 20 below char weapon (until 60)” “show ilvl 30 below char weapon (from 60+)” “show highest usable weapon bases” and I really got confuse like how should I make the items not appear or just appear as a white items ( like a good base to craft on it) …

does it make sense ?

I’m sorry if my English doesn’t understandable …
appreciate any answer !! :smiley:

This is inevitable. Even with some of the most strict filters you most likely will always see some magic or rare items that are not very usefull.
We just don’t have all the tools yet. (Hopefully we will get more features)

There is one thing you could do, which works very well for magic items.
(It also works for rare items, but that can be very dangerous, i’ll explain why later)

  1. Create a hide rule with literally every single undesired affix available on a certain slot ( weapon for example). [If you are not sure which affixes exactly can appear on a given item slots, just hide ALL, :warning:except the desired ones:warning: ]
  2. Use Item Type Condition to only affect a specific Slot (Like Weapons, Boots or Gloves etc.)
  3. Use Item Rarity Condition to only affect Magic Items
  4. Create a show/recolor rule for the same slot also with magic rarity condition.
  5. Select all desired affixes.
  6. Select a Tier Condition for the show/recolor rule

Here i did create an example for 2-Handed Melee Weapons for a Void Knight.
Very Strict Magic Item Filter.xml (5.5 KB)
The hide rule must be above the show/recolor rule

This will filter out any magic items that has a single undesired affix, because even a Magic Item with one T5 desired but a 2nd undesired affix would need a rune of removal to make it really good and even then it would be just the equvalent of a T5 starting Item, which is not very good anyway.

The only bad thing about this is, you will also see single T5 desired affix magic items, which are not very good.
But as soon as a magic item from that particular slot has 2 affix, it at least will be One T5 desired and another T1-5 desired affix.

This does not work well for rare items, since even a T15 desired affixes but T1 undesired rare weould get hidden, which could become a very easy T20 items with a lucky rune of removal.
If oyu wanna use that method for rare is upto you, but i would not recommend that.

Level requirements are a really bad way in LE to try and filter items. Since there are alot of lowlevel bases that are still super usefull.
The lvl requirement rules i put in my filter are just some very weird way to filter weapon types without making a rule for literally every single weapon category.

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Just to be clear, this wouldn’t hide any items from this build right?

I’m just not really sure how this thing works exactly yet lol


First and foremost, welcome to the LE community!

My Filter is not hiding anything, except some very low/mid-level base types.
I intentionally did make this as less strict as possible, while still providing some value in reducing the amount of loot shown.

My filter does mainly work with recolours and colour coding to quickly recognize what a particular item is.

I did include some quick steps to make it a bit more strict for a particular build, in case it’s not strict enough for you.

But i can assure you, i did put alot of thought into this, because i would never ever want to sabotage any1’s experience with the game, by hiding stuff, that is potentially valueable for them.


So I just make this , should I add a rule of “Magic” to it so I wont see any Rare ?
because honestly most of the rare I finding really bad and I just shatter them…

Thank you for being so helpful !


I can understand people want to hide rares.

It is indeed very uncommon to find a rare with all desired affixes, but the thing is: If you find one it can be an incredible base item for crafting.
And even with 1 undesired affix you can just use a rune of removal on it to potentially make it into an item for crafting.

So I personally would never hide rares, even when most of them are not good, you would deny yourself potentially really good items.

Hopefully we will soon get additional functionality to better filter with multiple affixes on one item

I would try to make the filter more strict in other areas to lessen the amount of items shown in total.

Usually hiding undesired base types for weapons, armors and accessories is the way to go for me.

If you want more specific suggestions or ideas feel free to share your loot filter. (file or paste in). Just a Screenshot is not enough for me to give specifics.

Lightning.xml (41.5 KB)

This is my current filter for my sorcerer …
wanted to make it more specific as i mention , would like to get some help …

btw , it takes like 20~30 minutes to make this filter , wonder if there is a better and smarter way than i did , and filter as i wished !


So i just quickly inspected your filter.

It really looks good.

Since i don’t know your build specific and will just assume you put some thought into which affixes you want on which type.

One thing that you could make your life slightly easier are the 2 last rules.
You simply need to add a hide rule with no conditions, this will hide all items.
It simply saves you some time clicking all the item types and affixes xD

At a certain point you probably would want to remove all the show rules for normal items, since it is so incredibly unlikely to make the ma T15+ item, that it’s not worth showing them.

I personally use a very different approach.
I do hide everything i don’t want to see in terms of base types.
And then just do some generic rules of affixes i want.
This way i don’t need to make a rule for each specific slot.
But if you want specific affix combinations on specific items, that also could roll on other item slots, this is not valid.

As you can see in my filter, i also seperate defensive and offensive affixes, this simply helps me identify an item quicker.

I also made a very strict magic filter, so i only see double desired affix magic items.
Sadly this can’t filter single desired affix magic items yet.
My goal is to only loot magic items with at least 2 desired affixes and one of them is T5, so the worst possible magic item would be T6 total affix tier.
I simply hide every undesired affix specifically for magic items.

:warning:I do not recommend this for rare items, since it would also hide 3x desired + 1 undesired affix rares, which are potentially very powerful item for crafting if you can rune of removal the right affix:warning:

Here is one of the most strict filters i personally use:
Melee Lich Strict.xml (31.4 KB)

wow , this looks very good !
a little confusing for me , but I’m looking at it few times to learn and than ill make my own .

that’s very smart to separate the defensive and offensive.

how about rares ? you just see them as rares ?

There are so many different ways to achieve (almost) the same result.

I personally just like to use hide rules first and then use show/recolour rules for affixes, this way i do not need to connect the base type and affix rules.
Since you can’t do a show/recolour rule for base type X and then later do another filtering for affix Y, since each item can only be filter by a single rule.

There really is not “best way”, i already so so many different approaches.

Regardless of an items rarity, all items are just shown in a specific colour at my filter.

If they are usual gear (so everything except idols) they are either turquoise(defensive) or red(offensive).
Even the magic ones, since i only filtered out some specific magic ones, to lessen the items shown in total.
And then i have idols(with at least one of 3 very specific affixes) and very specific affixes(namely the new level to skill X affixes for shattering) emphasized.

In short:
The only items i see are:

  • Uniques, Sets, Exalted Items (while T7 exalted Items are emphasized in a different colour)

  • 3 Specific affixes (Level to Reaper Form, Harvest and Death Seal) regardless of affix tier (for shattering)

  • Magic Items with only one single desired or 2 desired affixes (with turquoise/red recolouring)

  • Rare Items with at least one T5 desired affix on a desired base (with turquoise/red recolouring)

  • Specific Idols with at least one of three specific affixes

So my filter is pretty strict, while the majority of items are rare items, since there is no way to filter them more strictly (except the method i used for the magic items, which i do not recommend for rare items)

Ok , thank you amazing person !!
you helped me alot !!!

I will use your method , it just seems more easy and changeable than what I did there .

I’m happy to learn about how the things work !

Awesome filter and hope for future updates that make it even more awesome !!!

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Thank you for the kind words.

Yes that’s one of the reasons, i like my approach too.
It’s very flexible and can be changed easily.

While i am glad i could help you and give you inspiration, i would highly advice you to never stop experimenting and trying new things.

Even with the loot filter you can test out new thing and adapt it on the fly.

I also tried different methods and just adapted them on the fly while playing.
Just to see what’s possible.

I will try my best, hopefully i will be able to edit the thread name and OP again soon.
The new forum restrictions are pretty bad for maintaining a thread =C


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Heya Heavy, new to the game and trying out these filters. I’m just wondering why the shattering and alt recolors are off by default, as they seem like they would be useful?

Are those items shown even with those options off, and turning them on only recolors? Guess I’m just trying to figure out if I should have them on or not.

Thanks for taking the time to. make these! Finding them super helpful so far.

The thing with that shatter rule is, it recolours literally every affix on T4 or above, which makes the filter waaaay less strict, so you will see alot of recoloured items at some point, so i wanted this to be a conscious decision that people do.

And for the other 2 rules, they are just for other classes, so they only apply for people playing normal and having interest in collect gear for other chars already.

My filter hides really really few stuff (only very very low bases, that are not endgame viable)
So even with those options not ticked (turned off), you would still see all the items (expect other classes gear, that one is hidden if the recolour rules for the other classes are not turned on

Thank you, glad i could help.

If you have any other questions, just feel free to ask.

Thanks for the reply. You mean playing normal instead of solo mode? I’m guessing playing solo probably makes stash and inventory management easier? I’m wondering if I would be better off playing solo, especially for a first character.

I am not sure if you realy know the specifics.

Solo in LE is literally Solo, no shared stash at all.
Every Solo Char has literally no shared stash, money nor crafting shards.

The thing with my “other classes rules” are 100% not worth taking if you are playing solo.
And even if you play normal you only need to turn them on, if you really already want to collect loot for other classes (which is really optional)

I see, thanks for the clarification.