[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

Hm, I need to look into it, haven’t thought about the general hide rules.

Thanks for the hint.
Will definitely look into it.

:warning: For everybody who is interested: I will upload a new version as soon as possible once the patch goes live tomorrow.

I hope to be done with it within 30mins of the patch being live.

Will keep this thread updated.


v3.1 (07.09.23) Runes of Power

  • Added all new mage affixes to all applicable rules
  • Added new generic affixes to all applicable rules
  • Added Show Experimental Affix
  • Added Emphasize Personal Affix
  • Added a rule to show class-specific idols with only generic affixes (thanks to @Nairbly for pointing this out). This rule might only a temporary solution until I have figured out a more elegant solution.
  • Removed Show “new” item rule for Rogue (Dagger, Bows and Quiver)

You’re awesome!

I realized this after my first Exiled Mage. Where is this option in the loot filter? I can’t seem to find it and thought it was weird that there was no way to do this.

These are not their own “item rarities”, but you can find all these affixes in a new affix category.

So you need to create a “Show/Recolour/Hide” Affix rules with these selected.

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Ah. so they called it an affix. Okay, cool. Thx!

My personal items show with no name when they drop. This doesn’t happen without the filter or if they’re dropped after being picked up. Is this a game bug I should report?
EDIT: Worked this time. Now I’m confused

Thank you for your work! Awesome feature!

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This is related to Emphasize.

It’s a long time known bug that hasn’t been fixed.
It only happens sporadically though.

I could just show (without empsize) or recolour personal items, but I wanted to make them stick out

Thanks Heavy, this topic is the first thing I look for after each update.


Update for the future of this loot filter:

TL:DR Filter gets not adjusted based on economy, but will be updated for 1.0


I know most the people will think “you can do it”, but no I can’t do.
I have a fraction of dyslexic, and somethings are to complicated for me.

Can you make a casual loot filter for all classes into one loot filter?
Because, sometimes I feel losing a mine of gold playing with a character and dropping really good item for other class

The filter already has optional stuff to show/recolor class specific stuff for the other classes, just enable those rules.

As long as you don’t hide anything you will see stuff that is good for other classes as well.
If you use the recolour rule at the very bottom and copy it in a different color for other chars you could even differentiate loot that drops (if its for your current or potential other characters)

Thank you, as a new player to ARPGs I recognize this is a very powerful system (which I enjoy) but is very overwhelming.


So with yesterdays news post it was already expectable and with todays news post we got the confirmation:
We are getting new item base types in 1.0! This together with the addition of Falconer and Warlock Affixes I will be updating my Loot Filter for 1.0.

I will do this live on twitch, asap when the patch drops. You can expect an updated filter within the first hour of the patch going live.

If you wanna watch that process or watch me playing on release come stop by and say hi.
I will be playing Warlock Hit/Crit Chaos Bolt!


Just another reminder for people who want to use my filter.
I will update it asap, once the servers are live.

I hope to get it out within the first hour of the patch release.


Filter has been updated for 1.0.

Forum is not working properly right now.

Cannot upload xml files and changelog.
Will do this later.

Pastebin’s are up to date.


Nice, really like the filters.
Is there any way there could be a General one so I dont hide items for my friends that I play with ?

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Thank you!