1.1 dropping an item onto an open harbinger window with a full inventory loses the item

Offline mode, July 12
Dropping an item onto an open harbinger window with a full inventory appears to lose/delete the item.

Player - Copy (2).log (28.0 KB) – log from video

Have an item equipped
Have a full inventory with no additional space for items.
Click a Harbinger to open the harbinger menu.
With the harbinger menu open, open the inventory.
From the inventory Click on an equipped item to move it to the cursor .
With the inventory window open move the cursor holding an item over the third image of the Harbinger window.
Click to “drop” the item on the cursor.
Observe the item is no longer on the cursor.
Observe the item is not on the ground.
Observe the item is no longer equipped.

Expected: An item ‘dropped’ by the cursor with the harbinger menu open should be placed into the player inventory

Actual: An item ‘dropped’ by the cursor with the harbinger menu open placed or held outside of the player’s control and vision.

Additional Info:

Unsure if related. In this example I am dropping the item over an “The Egg of the Forgotten” choice. This issue was initially observed when trying to drop an item over the “The Egg of the Forgotten” image instead of opening the sub menu for “the egg of the forgotten”

More unexpected behavior:
Directly after the video example I clicked on the purple axe seen in the inventory.
The axe was replaced with the most recently ‘"lost’ relic. The axe was lost in it’s place and not recoverable by trying to swap back.
I attempted to recover the axe by force closing the application. On relaunch the yellow sword was present on the ground. The Axe, the initial item lost on discovery, and a few unique items lost in testing have not turned up. It seems some kind of immediate action allows the items to be recovered but continued game play appears to permanently misplace or lose items.

So i had the same thing happen to me and have quit this cycle due to this issue. I accidentally placed my legendary gloves in the egg slot while trying to go for the dagger i had in my hand and my gloves just poofed. Hopefully this gets fixed but yeah just a little tilting.

I had something similar happen to me and thought my boots were gone, but after I beat the nemesis and equipped one of the items, my missing boots popped back up in my inventory like I picked them up. Very weird, but maybe try beating the nemesis and equipping an item, and see if the items that disappear come back.