“Both Matchmaking and Server Reliability are above 98% and steadily climbing. Our goal is to maintain 99.99% which we are working towards. This means that the vast majority of players across all regions are successfully connecting and playing Last Epoch with one another!”
fucking laughable. no one has been able to play for 2 hours. i bet youre more like 15% or less.
I think by Server Reliability they mean that the servers aren’t crashing. They have said nothing about Server Load which means the number of people a server can reliably take without crashing. Currently, my queue is over 1,200 at 11:50pm EST. I have been trying to get online since before 8pm. The queue, as someone mentioned, actually went Backwards for me. The queue increased my number instead of decreasing it. I give up for now. I’ll wait until the game releases and hope they have more servers so they can take more people. They obviously were not ready for this many people. I guess they might not have actually looked at how many people bought the game as a gauge to how many servers they needed. I am honestly surprised. I AM very happy for the team, the game is obviously a HUGE success and I look forward to playing it later on. Then again maybe after the weekend, they will come back and say hey we need more servers NOW lol.
It’s a beta. You are actually supposed to expect bugs and report them, then wait. You aren’t entitled to anything working right now. The game is not actually released yet. This is how it works.
Lots of people are playing. You don’t speak for everyone and just because you saw 5 other people say they can’t play doesn’t mean 30k people aren’t playing.
All issues aside. I, for one, immensely appreciate all of the work and effort you all are doing to get stuff up and smooth. I know right now is a bumpy ride, but I’m very assured that you’re doing absolutely everything you can.
First off, I have been in this Beta since DAY 1 of the beta. I have been in plenty of Betas. I was in the original Everquest Beta around 30 years ago. I never once said I expected a perfect beta nor even implied it. You are a troll. Goodbye.
You guys at EHG are doing a great job. The login issues at the very start were foreseeable. Of course some people are impatient and unfriendly so the discord server on launch day was a more toxic place.
But imho you guys have handled everything very well so far, from the technical side and the communication!
As a long time LE player and fan I’m really proud of EHG! Take my energy to go on…
Does this refer to the loss of crafting items, gold and stash items some of us had after logging in again to the game ? I do hope so, as this is really a huge one in a game about items and loot in general Fingers crossed you are soon getting to the bottom of this.
Other than that I am having a blast. Keep up the good work!
Hello! thanks for your hard work on this patch and the future ones to come!
Please also investigate that some skills might not work aka in Warpath when you skill that warpath converts to void damage instead of phys and thus the scaling does as well - the skill still scales with phys dmg.
Not sure if there are more skills that behave that way but I found this yesterday
March 9th´s release made me actually just think that maybe Devs just should have waited and worked another week before their actual release.
People would likely been pissed, but a finer polished and better prepared release would have most likely come out of it.
It released on 9th. Was everyone happy? Well, yes. But no, most certainly not. Because of Major issues.
I mean, if things are like this, it is better to just say straight out: We are sorry, but… The game is quite simply not ready for full release. We need another week or two with work.
There’s always reasons to delay a release & even much larger companies (Blizz & GGG for example) struggle with launches (the D3 launch comes to mind plus most PoE league starts)… But yes, it has certainly been rough.