[0.8b] Chat window keeps disappearing

The chat windows disappears really quickly and new incoming messages do not make it visible again or delay the time it takes to disappear.

This makes following the chat passively a real pain.

Please make chat window appearing with and incoming message.

It would be nice if the chat window stayed visible if there is chatting going on but non-interactable without hitting Enter.

Also if I scroll the new chat up (to read what was the discussion started with) and the chat got many incoming messages it auto-scrolls down very fast. I don’t even have time to read previous messages. Sad :frowning: Make it stop auto-scrolling if I scrolled the whole 1 sceen of chat window up.

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Since the update to 0.8 I have yet to see the chat at all. It doesn’t open, and yes I have gone into options and made sure it wasn’t disabled, even disabled and reenabled it to make sure.

Yes chat was disabled for 0.8, but 0.8b enabled chat again.

Now they rolled back to 0.8 anyway, so we can hold this discussion for a while.

Ah, thanks Heavy. I thought it might be a 0.8 issue but saw this topic and thought something was wrong on my end or something. Appreciate the info.

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