[0.8.5 updated] Kryce's Manifest Armour & Shield Throw | Simply Unethical damage

just wanting to understand how Ribbon of Blood (MINION leech) can be replaced by gloves (MELEE leech) ? does MELEE LEECH then apply to you and minions ? I thought for thing to apply to minions it had to have that tag ? Also would a 3/4 LP Bleeding Heart no be better than leech damage roll on gloves ?

Normally this would be the case for minions. However, the Manifest ASrmor skill is somewhat different in that the skill description explicitly state that the stats from our chest, helmet, gloves, and boots apply to our Manifest Armor. The nodes we take then amplify the effect of those stats. Thatā€™s why the gloves can work without the minion tag in this build.

I donā€™t believe that there is a node granting our MA stats from amulet, so I donā€™t think this would benefit him.

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Dont agree with that. Changing gear, summoning a minion to benefit from that particular piece of gear and then changing to another piece of gear for a different benefit is an exploit to me. Its directly related to the way the game is coded right nowā€¦ Thats a flaw in my opinion that is being exploited

Numlock is a feature of Windows that the devs didnt ā€œrememberā€ to deal with - its not an exploit of the game itselfā€¦ its just a normal Windows function that allows for an advantage in the gameā€¦

Very different to me.

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Thanks @Thaelyn i get it now.

But the devs have said that snapshotting isnā€™t an exploit. Soā€¦

:wink: As much as I defend their right to do what they want to do with their game, I dont agree on this particular issue at allā€¦ Equipping a 2hand axe all geared for offencive stats, summoning my manifest armour and then equiping a dagger and shield before going into battle is not how I think any game should work.

Yes, and they have said they donā€™t like it (as I said earlier), but from memory they have yet to find a way of ā€œfixingā€ it that doesnā€™t tank the gameā€™s performance (which isnā€™t exactly stellar to begin with). All I was trying to get across is that just because someone has moral/conceptual issues with a thing does not make that thing an exploit, especially when the devs have said itā€™s not an exploit.

You know what Iā€™m like mate, Iā€™m not trying to make a particularly arcane point, Iā€™m just trying to keep you intellectually honest (aka, being pedantic).

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Hi again MA fan! so the last couple of days I leveled this build until 80 with a new forge guard and I absolutly love it!!! so a big THANKS to have explain it and put it together.

I have a couple of question to customized it a litle bit:

  • Does passive that give you + mele attack speed (end of sentinel tree) does affect your weapon so aolso affect MA?

  • Does anyone have tested going with a 1h weapon with flat crit chance + shield (as guard got a lot of intresting passive for shield) to be more tanky, and go minion idol (incrised minion physical damage) to compensate the DPS lost? as I see the build got a ton of DPS maybe trade some for more defense can be still viable??

Again as a minion big fan this build is fantastic :slight_smile:

The blademaster node says YOU have increased attack speed, so no it does not affect your MA

You could go to a 1H plus shield but you would be losing alot, and I mean ALOT of dmg. Even with T6 flat crit on 1H, you will not be hitting a high enough crit chance to justify using suloronā€™s step. This would mean using prismatic gaze on top of your 1H to get anywhere close to crit capped, meaning no rare/exalted helm with melee % dmg.

Not to mention the build is alr pretty tanky since it is feasible to get to the maximum dmg reduction provided by armour, given you have enough throwing atk speed.

ha right I forgot this point, and fair enought I will continue the 2h route, thanks a lot for feedback :slight_smile:


Boardman21 has posted a Pally Bleed version of a Manifest Armour build that uses the same mechanicsā€¦ With a clever interaction with Abysal Echos it potentially does 5x the damage on single targetsā€¦ Needs specific affixes to work well (just like this version) but it may be easier to farm for if you want to min/maxā€¦

I did consider a bleed version as well, esp because the 150% more phys dmg over time seems so juicy.

In the end I decided against it because there just isnā€™t enough points in the MA to go around to make it feel good. Looking at his version, he doesnā€™t take the boots effectiveness nodes so his MA will move very slow. Clear speed was already a criticism of the build so that is just going to make it even worse.

As for damage wise, its hard to say. I havenā€™t managed to get a nice pair of armour shred gloves which would give me a lot more damage. Have stopped playing for now since theres nth much to do once you get a build in this state.

Itā€™s funny I also consider it, what I like and would love to do itā€™s a sentinel really tanky with shield to benefit from all nodes (block effectivness, heal on block etcā€¦) Iā€™m trying atm on my paly with the shield that give bleed effectivness and the MA shield nodeā€¦for sure not as much damage as 2H but still fast and SO tanky!

I mean Iā€™m capped in all res from far, crit resis, with a shield with TON of healing from everywhere and MA still doing decent damage. After I need to test it further with an higher coruption if I reach a DPS limit to progress or not?

anyway that really where the fun is for me in LE, playing around build and see how itā€™s works ingame :slight_smile:

thanks for the build! I Finally killed T4 Julra the first time with it :slight_smile:

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Yes Kryce, you really put a lot of work in explaining it clearly and I really progressed in my tehorycrafting comprehension thanks to you, in addition of dicovering a pet build diffrent from my necro, so big thanks :slight_smile:

i wonder if 2 one handed weapons was taken into account for this build.
As i tested manifest armor takes stats from both weapons
for example undisputed and some exalted sword can be good option

Not sureā€¦

The key thing is the Melee Critical Strike base +x%

The range of the crit affix on an exalted two handed weapon is potentially higher than what could be achieved on two one-handed weaponsā€¦ Maybe two exalted one handed with Melee crit could get close, but I am not sureā€¦ You could possibly use two exalted one-handed weapons with the Prism helmā€¦ The key is you want crit as close to 100% and that requires the high base critā€¦

Probably only way to tell would be to test or at least theorycraft it on Dammits siteā€¦

(Note, that excludes any secondary issues with the 2h vs 1h like the Void cleave and general damage base numbers)

Nope, two Eagle Wing Axes (4% crit chance implicit) with max roll t7 crit chance prefixes (+10%) for a total of 28% would give as much as a Lucern (10% crit implicit) with a max roll t7 prefix (+18%) for a total of 28%.

well sentinel can use only sword as offhand which has no crit implicits, so in perfect world maybe 2 handed legendary is still better.
But in reality is way easier to get 2 weapons with 2 lp then 1 2 handed with 4lp.
Yes we will have less total crit in perfect situation but who said we need to max it out.

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From playing this build with less than ideal gear and not being able to get a legendary maw with the right melee crit affix, a crit chance of 100% isnt expressly needed for end-game but it does make a (big?) difference as you push higher corruption 300+ to try and farm some of those elusive goodiesā€¦