Initialize engine version: 2019.4.40f1 (ffc62b691db5) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Last Epoch/Last Epoch_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (ID=0x1b06) Vendor: VRAM: 11106 MB Driver: The referenced script (WFX_LightCurves) on this Behaviour is missing! UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String) AbilityManager:get() AbilityManager:EditorReset() [ line 199] (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script (WFX_LightCurves) on this Behaviour is missing! UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String) AbilityManager:get() AbilityManager:EditorReset() [ line 199] (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Point light') is missing! UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String) AbilityManager:get() AbilityManager:EditorReset() [ line 334] (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Point light') is missing! UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String) AbilityManager:get() AbilityManager:EditorReset() [ line 334] (Filename: Line: 334) Command line options: IsDiagnosticLoggingEnabled = False ConnectDirectlyToGameServer = False DisableAutoLoginWithSteam = False GraphicsOptionsFile = UseLidgren = False OfflineMode = True GameServerIP = GameServerPort = PlayFabTitleId = LidgrenPort = EnableQueues = False UseNativeProfiler = False NativeProfilerConfig = Profile = UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Core.CommandLine:GetCommandLineOptions(IEnumerable`1) System.Func`1:Invoke() System.Lazy`1:CreateValue() System.Lazy`1:LazyInitValue() System.Lazy`1:get_Value() EHG.Multiplayer.GameplayEnvironment:.cctor() VFXManager:BuildLookupTables() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [Instantiation] Loaded Serializers: UnityEngine.BoxCollider - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.BoxColliderSerializer UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.CapsuleColliderSerializer ChanceToDamageEnemyWhenHit - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.ChanceToDamageEnemyWhenHitSerializer DamageAllyOnHit - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.DamageAllyOnHitSerializer DamageCreatorMinionOnHit - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.DamageCreatorMinionOnHitSerializer DamageEnemiesWithBeam - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.DamageEnemiesWithBeamSerializer DamageEnemyOnHit - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.DamageEnemyOnHitSerializer OnDeathStatusDamage - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.OnDeathStatusDamageSerializer RepeatedlyDamageEnemiesWithinArc - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.RepeatedlyDamageEnemiesWithinArcSerializer RepeatedlyDamageEnemiesWithinRadius - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.RepeatedlyDamageEnemiesWithinRadiusSerializer RepeatedlyDamageParent - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.RepeatedlyDamageParentSerializer StatusDamage - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.StatusDamageSerializer UnityEngine.SphereCollider - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.SphereColliderSerializer UnityEngine.Transform - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.TransformSerializer HitSoundReceiver - Generated.HitSoundReceiverSerializerGenerated PlaySoundOnHit - Generated.PlaySoundOnHitSerializerGenerated HitSoundEmitter - Generated.HitSoundEmitterSerializerGenerated SelfDestroyer - Generated.SelfDestroyerSerializerGenerated DestroyAfterDuration - Generated.DestroyAfterDurationSerializerGenerated RotatesToAngle - Generated.RotatesToAngleSerializerGenerated DetachParticleSystemsOnDeath - Generated.DetachParticleSystemsOnDeathSerializerGenerated StartsAtTarget - Generated.StartsAtTargetSerializerGenerated StartForwardsFromCreator - Generated.StartForwardsFromCreatorSerializerGenerated VelocityForDuration - Generated.VelocityForDurationSerializerGenerated RFX4_Turbulence - Generated.RFX4_TurbulenceSerializerGenerated ConstantRotation - Generated.ConstantRotationSerializerGenerated SceneObjectIndicator - Generated.SceneObjectIndicatorSerializerGenerated SubObjectsStretchToLocationCreatedFrom - Generated.SubObjectsStretchToLocationCreatedFromSerializerGenerated ActivateChildAfterRandomDuration - Generated.ActivateChildAfterRandomDurationSerializerGenerated TextureTilingOnScale - Generated.TextureTilingOnScaleSerializerGenerated RFX4_ShaderFloatCurve - Generated.RFX4_ShaderFloatCurveSerializerGenerated ActivateObjectsAfterDuration - Generated.ActivateObjectsAfterDurationSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyLookAtTransform - Generated.RepeatedlyLookAtTransformSerializerGenerated FT_LineHitPoint - Generated.FT_LineHitPointSerializerGenerated FT_LineRender - Generated.FT_LineRenderSerializerGenerated StartsTowardsTarget - Generated.StartsTowardsTargetSerializerGenerated CreateOnDeath - Generated.CreateOnDeathSerializerGenerated StartsAboveTarget - Generated.StartsAboveTargetSerializerGenerated StartAwayFromTarget - Generated.StartAwayFromTargetSerializerGenerated ExtraProjectiles - Generated.ExtraProjectilesSerializerGenerated RaycastAbilityMover - Generated.RaycastAbilityMoverSerializerGenerated AbilityObjectIndicator - Generated.AbilityObjectIndicatorSerializerGenerated AlignmentManager - Generated.AlignmentManagerSerializerGenerated HitDetector - Generated.HitDetectorSerializerGenerated DestroyOnInanimateCollison - Generated.DestroyOnInanimateCollisonSerializerGenerated DestroyOnFailingToPierceEnemy - Generated.DestroyOnFailingToPierceEnemySerializerGenerated CreationReferences - Generated.CreationReferencesSerializerGenerated LocationDetector - Generated.LocationDetectorSerializerGenerated AbilityObjectConstructor - Generated.AbilityObjectConstructorSerializerGenerated AttachAttachableOnEnemyHit - Generated.AttachAttachableOnEnemyHitSerializerGenerated ChanceToApplyAilmentsOnHit - Generated.ChanceToApplyAilmentsOnHitSerializerGenerated AbilityMover - Generated.AbilityMoverSerializerGenerated Stats - Generated.StatsSerializerGenerated CastAfterDuration - Generated.CastAfterDurationSerializerGenerated DestroyIfCasterDisabled - Generated.DestroyIfCasterDisabledSerializerGenerated DestroyIfCasterExistsUsingAbilityState - Generated.DestroyIfCasterExistsUsingAbilityStateSerializerGenerated CreateVfxOnDeath - Generated.CreateVfxOnDeathSerializerGenerated ShakeScreenOnDeath - Generated.ShakeScreenOnDeathSerializerGenerated ShakeScreenOnHit - Generated.ShakeScreenOnHitSerializerGenerated HomingMovement - Generated.HomingMovementSerializerGenerated CreateAbilityObjectOnDeath - Generated.CreateAbilityObjectOnDeathSerializerGenerated ChangeDamageModifierOverTime - Generated.ChangeDamageModifierOverTimeSerializerGenerated ShakeScreenOnEnable - Generated.ShakeScreenOnEnableSerializerGenerated CreateAbilityObjectOnNewAllyHit - Generated.CreateAbilityObjectOnNewAllyHitSerializerGenerated CreateAbilityObjectOnNewEnemtHit - Generated.CreateAbilityObjectOnNewEnemtHitSerializerGenerated AbyssalEchoesMutator - Generated.AbyssalEchoesMutatorSerializerGenerated Pierce - Generated.PierceSerializerGenerated RestoreLuminanceWhenReachedTarget - Generated.RestoreLuminanceWhenReachedTargetSerializerGenerated MoveTowardsCreator - Generated.MoveTowardsCreatorSerializerGenerated IlluminateEnemiesOnHit - Generated.IlluminateEnemiesOnHitSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyToggleColliders - Generated.RepeatedlyToggleCollidersSerializerGenerated AttachToCreatorOnCreation - Generated.AttachToCreatorOnCreationSerializerGenerated DestroySelfOnParentDeath - Generated.DestroySelfOnParentDeathSerializerGenerated SendEnemiesForwardInTimeOnHit - Generated.SendEnemiesForwardInTimeOnHitSerializerGenerated BuffParent - Generated.BuffParentSerializerGenerated Stance - Generated.StanceSerializerGenerated BuffCreatorAfterDuration - Generated.BuffCreatorAfterDurationSerializerGenerated ConditionHandler - Generated.ConditionHandlerSerializerGenerated ApplyAilmentToCreator - Generated.ApplyAilmentToCreatorSerializerGenerated CleanseAilmentsOnDeath - Generated.CleanseAilmentsOnDeathSerializerGenerated MoveToNearestEnemyOnCreation - Generated.MoveToNearestEnemyOnCreationSerializerGenerated CreateAtTargetLocationOnCreation - Generated.CreateAtTargetLocationOnCreationSerializerGenerated AbilityParabolicMovement - Generated.AbilityParabolicMovementSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyAbsorbMinion - Generated.RepeatedlyAbsorbMinionSerializerGenerated SummonEntityOnDeath - Generated.SummonEntityOnDeathSerializerGenerated BuffCreator - Generated.BuffCreatorSerializerGenerated ExistsWhileChannelling - Generated.ExistsWhileChannellingSerializerGenerated AssembleAbominationAdapter - Generated.AssembleAbominationAdapterSerializerGenerated BuffOnAllyHit - Generated.BuffOnAllyHitSerializerGenerated AttachRefreshableVFXOnHit - Generated.AttachRefreshableVFXOnHitSerializerGenerated TrailTracker - Generated.TrailTrackerSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyApplyAilmentsInRadius - Generated.RepeatedlyApplyAilmentsInRadiusSerializerGenerated CastAtRandomPointAfterDuration - Generated.CastAtRandomPointAfterDurationSerializerGenerated DefineStartDirection - Generated.DefineStartDirectionSerializerGenerated DestroyAfterDurationAfterReachingTargetLocation - Generated.DestroyAfterDurationAfterReachingTargetLocationSerializerGenerated StopAtTargetLocation - Generated.StopAtTargetLocationSerializerGenerated RandomiseScaleOnStart - Generated.RandomiseScaleOnStartSerializerGenerated CreateOnHit - Generated.CreateOnHitSerializerGenerated ResizeBasedOnParentCollider - Generated.ResizeBasedOnParentColliderSerializerGenerated DestroyOnParentReachingAbilityMovementDestination - Generated.DestroyOnParentReachingAbilityMovementDestinationSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyPullEnemiesWithinRadius - Generated.RepeatedlyPullEnemiesWithinRadiusSerializerGenerated AttachToNearestEnemyOnCreation - Generated.AttachToNearestEnemyOnCreationSerializerGenerated AttachTransformToCreatorOnCreation - Generated.AttachTransformToCreatorOnCreationSerializerGenerated DestroyOnCasterDeath - Generated.DestroyOnCasterDeathSerializerGenerated DestroyAfterMovingOutOfRange - Generated.DestroyAfterMovingOutOfRangeSerializerGenerated MoveToParentColliderCentre - Generated.MoveToParentColliderCentreSerializerGenerated GenericBoneGolemSkillMutator - Generated.GenericBoneGolemSkillMutatorSerializerGenerated ChangeSizeOverTime - Generated.ChangeSizeOverTimeSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyHitsTargets - Generated.RepeatedlyHitsTargetsSerializerGenerated BuffCreatorOnDeathPerHit - Generated.BuffCreatorOnDeathPerHitSerializerGenerated BuffCreatorOnDeath - Generated.BuffCreatorOnDeathSerializerGenerated KnockBackOnHit - Generated.KnockBackOnHitSerializerGenerated AttachToAllyOnCreation - Generated.AttachToAllyOnCreationSerializerGenerated RandomiseTargetLocation - Generated.RandomiseTargetLocationSerializerGenerated AbilityCurveMovement - Generated.AbilityCurveMovementSerializerGenerated ColliderChanger - Generated.ColliderChangerSerializerGenerated HealParent - Generated.HealParentSerializerGenerated MarkPreferredTargetForMinions - Generated.MarkPreferredTargetForMinionsSerializerGenerated CanOnlyBeOnOneTarget - Generated.CanOnlyBeOnOneTargetSerializerGenerated AttachToAllAlliesInRadiusOnCreation - Generated.AttachToAllAlliesInRadiusOnCreationSerializerGenerated ReturnToCasterAfterDuration - Generated.ReturnToCasterAfterDurationSerializerGenerated ReturnOnInanimateCollision - Generated.ReturnOnInanimateCollisionSerializerGenerated BloodSplatterMutator - Generated.BloodSplatterMutatorSerializerGenerated TauntOnHit - Generated.TauntOnHitSerializerGenerated GiveCreatorResourcesOnHit - Generated.GiveCreatorResourcesOnHitSerializerGenerated GenericAreaSkillMutator - Generated.GenericAreaSkillMutatorSerializerGenerated HitsTargets - Generated.HitsTargetsSerializerGenerated ColorChangeRaptor - Generated.ColorChangeRaptorSerializerGenerated GenericSabertoothSkillMutator - Generated.GenericSabertoothSkillMutatorSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyHealAlliesWithinRadius - Generated.RepeatedlyHealAlliesWithinRadiusSerializerGenerated RogueShadow - Generated.RogueShadowSerializerGenerated FadeParticlesWhenDurationIsLow - Generated.FadeParticlesWhenDurationIsLowSerializerGenerated TargetFinder - Generated.TargetFinderSerializerGenerated CreateAtRandom - Generated.CreateAtRandomSerializerGenerated LimitedPickupable - Generated.LimitedPickupableSerializerGenerated SkillTrailSpawner - Generated.SkillTrailSpawnerSerializerGenerated DeathSealWaveMutator - Generated.DeathSealWaveMutatorSerializerGenerated CreateResourceReturnAbilityObjectsForCorpsesInArea - Generated.CreateResourceReturnAbilityObjectsForCorpsesInAreaSerializerGenerated MineTrigger - Generated.MineTriggerSerializerGenerated MoveCreatorToTargetOnDeath - Generated.MoveCreatorToTargetOnDeathSerializerGenerated StartsNearTarget - Generated.StartsNearTargetSerializerGenerated MoveCreatorToPositionOnDeath - Generated.MoveCreatorToPositionOnDeathSerializerGenerated ChangeSizeOverTimeScaledWithStat - Generated.ChangeSizeOverTimeScaledWithStatSerializerGenerated DetonateGroundExplosionMutator - Generated.DetonateGroundExplosionMutatorSerializerGenerated VoidRiftMutator - Generated.VoidRiftMutatorSerializerGenerated NovaMutator - Generated.NovaMutatorSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyBuffInRadius - Generated.RepeatedlyBuffInRadiusSerializerGenerated HealAlliesOnHit - Generated.HealAlliesOnHitSerializerGenerated RandomiseSpeed - Generated.RandomiseSpeedSerializerGenerated BeamColliderScaler - Generated.BeamColliderScalerSerializerGenerated ModifyDamageOnRotation - Generated.ModifyDamageOnRotationSerializerGenerated BasicMeleeMutator - Generated.BasicMeleeMutatorSerializerGenerated AcceleratingHealthDrain - Generated.AcceleratingHealthDrainSerializerGenerated WanderingSpiritMutator - Generated.WanderingSpiritMutatorSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyShakeScreen - Generated.RepeatedlyShakeScreenSerializerGenerated EarthquakeAftershockMutator - Generated.EarthquakeAftershockMutatorSerializerGenerated EarthquakeMutator - Generated.EarthquakeMutatorSerializerGenerated EarthquakeSlamMutator - Generated.EarthquakeSlamMutatorSerializerGenerated EarthSpikesAoEMutator - Generated.EarthSpikesAoEMutatorSerializerGenerated PhysicsExplosion - Generated.PhysicsExplosionSerializerGenerated BuffCreatorOnCreation - Generated.BuffCreatorOnCreationSerializerGenerated AbilityEventListener - Generated.AbilityEventListenerSerializerGenerated DestroyAfterDurationScaledWithStat - Generated.DestroyAfterDurationScaledWithStatSerializerGenerated DestroyGameobjectInteraction - Generated.DestroyGameobjectInteractionSerializerGenerated ComplexGenericMutator - Generated.ComplexGenericMutatorSerializerGenerated RandomiseDirection - Generated.RandomiseDirectionSerializerGenerated SceneValueReachedListener - Generated.SceneValueReachedListenerSerializerGenerated MoveCreatorRelativeToSceneLocations - Generated.MoveCreatorRelativeToSceneLocationsSerializerGenerated FixedGlobalRotation - Generated.FixedGlobalRotationSerializerGenerated MoveToGroundOnStart - Generated.MoveToGroundOnStartSerializerGenerated CreateLimitedOnDeath - Generated.CreateLimitedOnDeathSerializerGenerated ChangeParameterOnEvent - Generated.ChangeParameterOnEventSerializerGenerated RandomNavmeshMovement - Generated.RandomNavmeshMovementSerializerGenerated CreatePortalOnDeath - Generated.CreatePortalOnDeathSerializerGenerated ToggleCollidersAfterDuration - Generated.ToggleCollidersAfterDurationSerializerGenerated ActivateCollidersOnStart - Generated.ActivateCollidersOnStartSerializerGenerated FreezeEnemyOnHit - Generated.FreezeEnemyOnHitSerializerGenerated ClearHitListAfterDuration - Generated.ClearHitListAfterDurationSerializerGenerated StoneTitanHeartBossBeamReverseMutator - Generated.StoneTitanHeartBossBeamReverseMutatorSerializerGenerated StartsAtRandomSceneLocation - Generated.StartsAtRandomSceneLocationSerializerGenerated DestroyOnReachingTargetLocation - Generated.DestroyOnReachingTargetLocationSerializerGenerated DamageCreatorOnCreation - Generated.DamageCreatorOnCreationSerializerGenerated DestroyOnNewSceneLoaded - Generated.DestroyOnNewSceneLoadedSerializerGenerated HomingOnNavmesh - Generated.HomingOnNavmeshSerializerGenerated SetSceneValueAfterDelay - Generated.SetSceneValueAfterDelaySerializerGenerated ResetCooldownForSpecificAbilitiesOnStart - Generated.ResetCooldownForSpecificAbilitiesOnStartSerializerGenerated StunEnemyOnHit - Generated.StunEnemyOnHitSerializerGenerated BallistaExplosionMutator - Generated.BallistaExplosionMutatorSerializerGenerated HarpoonEnemyOnHit - Generated.HarpoonEnemyOnHitSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyHitsTargetsInBox - Generated.RepeatedlyHitsTargetsInBoxSerializerGenerated ModifyDamageOnStart - Generated.ModifyDamageOnStartSerializerGenerated TriggerSelfDestroyerInteraction - Generated.TriggerSelfDestroyerInteractionSerializerGenerated ResurrectParentOnDeath - Generated.ResurrectParentOnDeathSerializerGenerated SplitProjectiles - Generated.SplitProjectilesSerializerGenerated DisableUIPanel - Generated.DisableUIPanelSerializerGenerated DestroyOnFailingToPierceAlly - Generated.DestroyOnFailingToPierceAllySerializerGenerated GiveParentNonAilmentUIBuff - Generated.GiveParentNonAilmentUIBuffSerializerGenerated CleanseCreatorOnStart - Generated.CleanseCreatorOnStartSerializerGenerated VoidNagasaBossDoTAreaMutator - Generated.VoidNagasaBossDoTAreaMutatorSerializerGenerated AttachToPlayer - Generated.AttachToPlayerSerializerGenerated ChangePositionOverTime - Generated.ChangePositionOverTimeSerializerGenerated ForceCasterToWaitOnDeath - Generated.ForceCasterToWaitOnDeathSerializerGenerated DisableCollidersAfterDuration - Generated.DisableCollidersAfterDurationSerializerGenerated TimerListener - Generated.TimerListenerSerializerGenerated ModifyDamageStatsHolderInteraction - Generated.ModifyDamageStatsHolderInteractionSerializerGenerated GiveCreatorResourcesOnCollisionWithCreator - Generated.GiveCreatorResourcesOnCollisionWithCreatorSerializerGenerated AvalancheMutator - Generated.AvalancheMutatorSerializerGenerated ApplyAilmentToParent - Generated.ApplyAilmentToParentSerializerGenerated DestroyIfNotAbilityOfCaster - Generated.DestroyIfNotAbilityOfCasterSerializerGenerated ReplaceCasterMaterialUntilDestroyed - Generated.ReplaceCasterMaterialUntilDestroyedSerializerGenerated CreatorTakesDamageOnSkillUse - Generated.CreatorTakesDamageOnSkillUseSerializerGenerated ParentLosesHealthPercentageOnDeath - Generated.ParentLosesHealthPercentageOnDeathSerializerGenerated SpiralMovement - Generated.SpiralMovementSerializerGenerated TrailScaler - Generated.TrailScalerSerializerGenerated RetaliateWhenParentHit - Generated.RetaliateWhenParentHitSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyGiveCreatorResources - Generated.RepeatedlyGiveCreatorResourcesSerializerGenerated MinionUsesAbilityOnStart - Generated.MinionUsesAbilityOnStartSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyGiveParentResources - Generated.RepeatedlyGiveParentResourcesSerializerGenerated ChanceToCreateAbilityObjectOnNewEnemyHit - Generated.ChanceToCreateAbilityObjectOnNewEnemyHitSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyCastAbility - Generated.RepeatedlyCastAbilitySerializerGenerated DestroyIfNotAboveGround - Generated.DestroyIfNotAboveGroundSerializerGenerated ExitStance - Generated.ExitStanceSerializerGenerated PreparedVFXPool - Generated.PreparedVFXPoolSerializerGenerated FrostboltMutator - Generated.FrostboltMutatorSerializerGenerated AvalancheSnowballMutator - Generated.AvalancheSnowballMutatorSerializerGenerated IceThornsMutator - Generated.IceThornsMutatorSerializerGenerated LightningSpearMutator - Generated.LightningSpearMutatorSerializerGenerated JudgementAoEMutator - Generated.JudgementAoEMutatorSerializerGenerated ConsecratedGroundMutator - Generated.ConsecratedGroundMutatorSerializerGenerated RotateAroundUp - Generated.RotateAroundUpSerializerGenerated LethalMirageDelayMutator - Generated.LethalMirageDelayMutatorSerializerGenerated StormLightningMutator - Generated.StormLightningMutatorSerializerGenerated LungeEndMutator - Generated.LungeEndMutatorSerializerGenerated EnableCollidersAfterDuration - Generated.EnableCollidersAfterDurationSerializerGenerated AddStatsAfterDuration - Generated.AddStatsAfterDurationSerializerGenerated SetDurationBasedOnDistanceToTarget - Generated.SetDurationBasedOnDistanceToTargetSerializerGenerated DestroySelfOnParentAbilityUse - Generated.DestroySelfOnParentAbilityUseSerializerGenerated BuffOnEnemyHit - Generated.BuffOnEnemyHitSerializerGenerated CreateResourceReturnAbilityObjectOnEnemyHit - Generated.CreateResourceReturnAbilityObjectOnEnemyHitSerializerGenerated MultistrikeDamageMutator - Generated.MultistrikeDamageMutatorSerializerGenerated NecroticMortarAoEMutator - Generated.NecroticMortarAoEMutatorSerializerGenerated CastAtCorpseOnKill - Generated.CastAtCorpseOnKillSerializerGenerated FireballMutator - Generated.FireballMutatorSerializerGenerated LightningBlastMutator - Generated.LightningBlastMutatorSerializerGenerated WanderAI - Generated.WanderAISerializerGenerated DestroySelfOnParentMovement - Generated.DestroySelfOnParentMovementSerializerGenerated RotateAroundSummoner - Generated.RotateAroundSummonerSerializerGenerated PushEnemiesOnHit - Generated.PushEnemiesOnHitSerializerGenerated ResurrectNearbyAlliesOnDeath - Generated.ResurrectNearbyAlliesOnDeathSerializerGenerated CollisionAndNavMeshToggler - Generated.CollisionAndNavMeshTogglerSerializerGenerated CreateAbilityObjectOnStart - Generated.CreateAbilityObjectOnStartSerializerGenerated Essence - Generated.EssenceSerializerGenerated DestroyAfterDurationWithoutAHit - Generated.DestroyAfterDurationWithoutAHitSerializerGenerated ShrapnelMutator - Generated.ShrapnelMutatorSerializerGenerated EraseParentCorpse - Generated.EraseParentCorpseSerializerGenerated InfernalAuraNovaMutator - Generated.InfernalAuraNovaMutatorSerializerGenerated FormChanger - Generated.FormChangerSerializerGenerated TransformBackToHumanOnDeath - Generated.TransformBackToHumanOnDeathSerializerGenerated ForceCasterToStopUsingAbilityOnDeath - Generated.ForceCasterToStopUsingAbilityOnDeathSerializerGenerated RebukeEndMutator - Generated.RebukeEndMutatorSerializerGenerated CoagulatedBloodMutator - Generated.CoagulatedBloodMutatorSerializerGenerated GenericAssembledAbominationSkillMutator - Generated.GenericAssembledAbominationSkillMutatorSerializerGenerated AcidFlaskExplosionMutator - Generated.AcidFlaskExplosionMutatorSerializerGenerated FlurryIndividualAttackMutator - Generated.FlurryIndividualAttackMutatorSerializerGenerated IncreaseDamageOnHit - Generated.IncreaseDamageOnHitSerializerGenerated ModifyAnimationAfterDuration - Generated.ModifyAnimationAfterDurationSerializerGenerated CinderStrikeExplosionMutator - Generated.CinderStrikeExplosionMutatorSerializerGenerated DancingStrikesSubMutator - Generated.DancingStrikesSubMutatorSerializerGenerated DancingStrikes4EndMutator - Generated.DancingStrikes4EndMutatorSerializerGenerated DancingStrikes4End1Mutator - Generated.DancingStrikes4End1MutatorSerializerGenerated DancingStrikes4End2Mutator - Generated.DancingStrikes4End2MutatorSerializerGenerated DarkQuiverArrowMutator - Generated.DarkQuiverArrowMutatorSerializerGenerated DetonatingChargeMutator - Generated.DetonatingChargeMutatorSerializerGenerated DetonationChainLightningMutator - Generated.DetonationChainLightningMutatorSerializerGenerated DetonatingArrowExplosionMutator - Generated.DetonatingArrowExplosionMutatorSerializerGenerated ExplosiveFlaskMutator - Generated.ExplosiveFlaskMutatorSerializerGenerated DestroyWhenCasterUsesAbility - Generated.DestroyWhenCasterUsesAbilitySerializerGenerated SwarmbladeShiftSlashMutator - Generated.SwarmbladeShiftSlashMutatorSerializerGenerated LocustSwarmMutator - Generated.LocustSwarmMutatorSerializerGenerated SynchronizedStrikesShadowDelayerMutator - Generated.SynchronizedStrikesShadowDelayerMutatorSerializerGenerated SynchronizedStrikesEndMutator - Generated.SynchronizedStrikesEndMutatorSerializerGenerated RicochetMovement - Generated.RicochetMovementSerializerGenerated CreateAbilityObjectOnRicochet - Generated.CreateAbilityObjectOnRicochetSerializerGenerated DisableActorsOfTypeInteraction - Generated.DisableActorsOfTypeInteractionSerializerGenerated RandomiseRotationOnStart - Generated.RandomiseRotationOnStartSerializerGenerated MoveToNearestMinion - Generated.MoveToNearestMinionSerializerGenerated DelayedLightningExplosionMutator - Generated.DelayedLightningExplosionMutatorSerializerGenerated UltimateDecalAbilityComponent - Generated.UltimateDecalAbilityComponentSerializerGenerated ExchangeParentAndCreatorLocationOnDeath - Generated.ExchangeParentAndCreatorLocationOnDeathSerializerGenerated ShatterStrikeHitMutator - Generated.ShatterStrikeHitMutatorSerializerGenerated IcicleMutator - Generated.IcicleMutatorSerializerGenerated ChangeColliderSizeOverTime - Generated.ChangeColliderSizeOverTimeSerializerGenerated CullFrozenTargetsOnHit - Generated.CullFrozenTargetsOnHitSerializerGenerated ResetComboOnDeath - Generated.ResetComboOnDeathSerializerGenerated SigilTracker - Generated.SigilTrackerSerializerGenerated DivineFlareMutator - Generated.DivineFlareMutatorSerializerGenerated SmeltersWrathEndMutator - Generated.SmeltersWrathEndMutatorSerializerGenerated HitsParent - Generated.HitsParentSerializerGenerated DestroyOnSceneChanged - Generated.DestroyOnSceneChangedSerializerGenerated SpreadAilmentsOnHit - Generated.SpreadAilmentsOnHitSerializerGenerated ConsumeAllValeSpiritsOnDeath - Generated.ConsumeAllValeSpiritsOnDeathSerializerGenerated PullEnemiesAfterCollision - Generated.PullEnemiesAfterCollisionSerializerGenerated StaticOrbExplosionMutator - Generated.StaticOrbExplosionMutatorSerializerGenerated rotate - Generated.rotateSerializerGenerated CreateRandomAbilityObjectOnDeath - Generated.CreateRandomAbilityObjectOnDeathSerializerGenerated AbilityList - Generated.AbilityListSerializerGenerated VolatileZombieAdapter - Generated.VolatileZombieAdapterSerializerGenerated EarthSpikesMutator - Generated.EarthSpikesMutatorSerializerGenerated LightningBoltMutator - Generated.LightningBoltMutatorSerializerGenerated NorthernWindsMutator - Generated.NorthernWindsMutatorSerializerGenerated FearNearbyEnemies - Generated.FearNearbyEnemiesSerializerGenerated ThornShieldNovaMutator - Generated.ThornShieldNovaMutatorSerializerGenerated TownPortalKeyProvider - Generated.TownPortalKeyProviderSerializerGenerated PortalUsage - Generated.PortalUsageSerializerGenerated DetonateBodyMutator - Generated.DetonateBodyMutatorSerializerGenerated ChanceToCastOnHit - Generated.ChanceToCastOnHitSerializerGenerated StartsAtSceneLocation - Generated.StartsAtSceneLocationSerializerGenerated ReturnCasterToOlderPosition - Generated.ReturnCasterToOlderPositionSerializerGenerated WarpathHitMutator - Generated.WarpathHitMutatorSerializerGenerated WerebearMaulEndMutator - Generated.WerebearMaulEndMutatorSerializerGenerated TransformSkillBuffParent - Generated.TransformSkillBuffParentSerializerGenerated ApplyStatusOnEnemyHit - Generated.ApplyStatusOnEnemyHitSerializerGenerated BuffCreatorOnHit - Generated.BuffCreatorOnHitSerializerGenerated AbilityMutatorManager - Generated.AbilityMutatorManagerSerializerGenerated UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Caching.Serialization:GetSerializers() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Initializing input. Input initialized. Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 2.895300 ms Locale changed to English (en) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ChannelEndAction:Invoke() Localization:OnTableChanged(StringTable) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) UnityEngine.Localization.LocalizedTable`2:InvokeChangeHandler(TTable) UnityEngine.Localization.LocalizedTable`2:AutomaticLoadingCompleted(AsyncOperationHandle`1) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) DelegateList`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:InvokeCompletionEvent() UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, Exception, Boolean) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, String) UnityEngine.Localization.LoadTableOperation`2:TableLoaded(AsyncOperationHandle`1) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) DelegateList`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:InvokeCompletionEvent() UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, Exception, Boolean) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.ProviderOperation`1:ProviderCompleted(T, Boolean, Exception) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders.InternalOp:CompleteOperation() System.Action`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Locale changed to English (en) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ChannelEndAction:Invoke() Localization:OnTableChanged(StringTable) d__61:MoveNext() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() System.Action`1:Invoke(T) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTaskCompletionSourceCore`1:TrySetResult(TResult) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.AsyncOperationHandleConfiguredSource`1:Continuation(AsyncOperationHandle`1) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) DelegateList`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:InvokeCompletionEvent() UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, Exception, Boolean) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, String) UnityEngine.Localization.LoadTableOperation`2:TableLoaded(AsyncOperationHandle`1) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) DelegateList`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:InvokeCompletionEvent() UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, Exception, Boolean) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.ProviderOperation`1:ProviderCompleted(T, Boolean, Exception) UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders.InternalOp:CompleteOperation() System.Action`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script (LE.Dev.DevImGUIRenderer) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'DevModeWindow') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'DevModeWindow') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '!ftraceLightmaps') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 7 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) game version: 1.0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) GameVersionManager:Awake() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) DeathScreen opened: -infoProvider: UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) DeathScreen:OnEnable() UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean) UIPanel:GetInstance(Boolean) UIBase:Awake() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at EpochInputManager.SetActiveVirtualMouse (System.Boolean active) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at ControllerMenu.OnEnable () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Transform parent, System.Boolean instantiateInWorldSpace) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original, UnityEngine.Transform parent, System.Boolean worldPositionStays) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIPanel.GetInstance (System.Boolean autoDisable) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIBase.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean) UIPanel:GetInstance(Boolean) UIBase:Awake() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ControllerMenu.OnDisable () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIPanel.GetInstance (System.Boolean autoDisable) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIBase.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UIPanel:GetInstance(Boolean) UIBase:Awake() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. GraphicsBackend.Options.GraphicsConfiguration:Awake() UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean) UIPanel:GetInstance(Boolean) UIBase:Awake() [ line 606] (Filename: Line: 606) Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DropdownGroundItemTooltipSetting.SelectDropdownOption () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UsingAbility+ChannelEndAction.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1[T0].Invoke (T0 arg0) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at TMPro.TMP_Dropdown.SetValue (System.Int32 value, System.Boolean sendCallback) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at DropdownGroundItemTooltipSetting.CheckSetting () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at SettingsUIManager.EnableGameplayTab () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at TabUIController.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Transform parent, System.Boolean instantiateInWorldSpace) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original, UnityEngine.Transform parent, System.Boolean worldPositionStays) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIPanel.GetInstance (System.Boolean autoDisable) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIBase.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 SettingsUIManager:EnableGameplayTab() TabUIController:Awake() UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean) UIPanel:GetInstance(Boolean) UIBase:Awake() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DropdownScreenshakeIntensitySetting.SelectDropdownOption () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UsingAbility+ChannelEndAction.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1[T0].Invoke (T0 arg0) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at TMPro.TMP_Dropdown.SetValue (System.Int32 value, System.Boolean sendCallback) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at DropdownScreenshakeIntensitySetting.CheckSetting () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at SettingsUIManager.EnableGameplayTab () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at TabUIController.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Transform parent, System.Boolean instantiateInWorldSpace) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original, UnityEngine.Transform parent, System.Boolean worldPositionStays) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIPanel.GetInstance (System.Boolean autoDisable) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIBase.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 SettingsUIManager:EnableGameplayTab() TabUIController:Awake() UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Transform, Boolean) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Transform, Boolean) UIPanel:GetInstance(Boolean) UIBase:Awake() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. Rewired.UI.ControlMapper.ControlMapper:Awake() [ line 606] (Filename: Line: 606) IMGUI OnEnable UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ImGuiNET.Unity.DearImGui:OnEnable() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) UnloadTime: 5.481800 ms UpdateSystem should not be added to scenes. Please delete UpdateManager. UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object) LE.CustomUpdate.UpdateSystem:Awake() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 22116 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 789718. Total: 1143.342500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 35.252800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 91.129500 ms MarkObjects: 1010.579700 ms DeleteObjects: 6.379900 ms) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 12) UnloadTime: 6.622900 ms UpdateSystem should not be added to scenes. Please delete UpdateManager. UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object) LE.CustomUpdate.UpdateSystem:Awake() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 4 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 789723. Total: 1098.622800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 30.724900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 82.127500 ms MarkObjects: 984.559900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.210100 ms) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) No working integration, destroying EpochRGB UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Integrations.RGB.EpochRGB:UpdateRGBState() LE.Integrations.RGB.EpochRGB:Start() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Please add an 'FMOD Studio Listener' component to your a camera in the scene for correct 3D positioning of sounds. UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) FMODUnity.RuntimeManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) 'filter' is null! Did you add the 'DomainManager' to the current scene? UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) Crosstales.BWF.Manager.DomainManager:logFilterIsNull() Crosstales.BWF.BWFManager:get_isReady() Crosstales.BWF.BWFManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Vector3, Quaternion) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:Instantiate(AssetReferenceGameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) ActorData:spawn(Vector3, Single, NetworkingPlayer, GameObject, PositionSyncType) PlayerUtility:InstantiatePlayerActor(ActorData, NetworkingPlayer) LE.Services.d__13:MoveNext() LE.Services.OfflineCharacterService:StartPlay(CharacterData, CancellationToken) LE.Services.d__15:MoveNext() LE.Services.DefaultGameplayService:StartPlayWithCharacter(CharacterData, CancellationToken) d__39:MoveNext() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() System.Action`1:Invoke(T) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTaskCompletionSourceCore`1:TrySetResult(TResult) LE.Services.d__69`1:MoveNext() Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.CompilerServices.AsyncUniTask`2:Run() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() System.Action`1:Invoke(T) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTaskCompletionSourceCore`1:TrySetResult(TResult) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.WaitUntilPromise:MoveNext() Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Internal.PlayerLoopRunner:RunCore() LocationUpdatedAction:Invoke() [ line 648] (Filename: Line: 648) Initialising NonInteractableItemContainerUI Cursor, which was already active before its content was non-null. UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) NonInteractableItemContainerUI:OnUpdateTick(Single) LE.CustomUpdate.UpdateDelegate:Invoke(Single) LE.CustomUpdate.UpdateSystemCallbackManager:InternalUpdate(List`1, Single) LE.CustomUpdate.UpdateSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 20) Unloading 1981 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 963971. Total: 1304.390500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 39.505000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 97.008300 ms MarkObjects: 1165.965100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.911800 ms) WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - All passes removed WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform? Unloading 8 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 20) UnloadTime: 12.359900 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) UpdateSystem should not be added to scenes. Please delete UpdateManager. UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object) LE.CustomUpdate.UpdateSystem:Awake() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) No spawn found with TransitionInfo, Falling back to old spawn selection UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) PlayerSpawnManager:HandleDefaultTransition(Actor, TransitionInfo) d__19:MoveNext() PlayerSpawnManager:PlacePlayer(UserIdentity, Actor, TransitionInfo, String, CancellationToken) d__13:MoveNext() PlayerSpawnManager:onSceneLoad(String, String) System.Action`2:Invoke(T1, T2) d__16:MoveNext() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Internal.PooledDelegate`1:Run(T) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to Single load 'Z32' 3.76 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__16:MoveNext() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Internal.PooledDelegate`1:Run(T) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 96995 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 914501. Total: 1290.293600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 41.090000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 96.268900 ms MarkObjects: 1120.602900 ms DeleteObjects: 32.331400 ms) DOTWEEN ► Max Tweens reached: capacity has automatically been increased from 200/50 to 500/50. Use DOTween.SetTweensCapacity to set it manually at startup UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) DG.Tweening.Core.Debugger:LogWarning(Object, Tween) DG.Tweening.Core.TweenManager:GetTweener() DG.Tweening.DOTween:ApplyTo(DOGetter`1, DOSetter`1, T2, Single, ABSTweenPlugin`3) DG.Tweening.DOTween:To(DOGetter`1, DOSetter`1, Color, Single) DG.Tweening.DOTweenModuleUI:DOColor(Graphic, Color, Single) DG.Tweening.DOTweenAnimation:CreateTween() DG.Tweening.DOTweenAnimation:Awake() SkillTree:open() SkillsPanelManager:openSkillTree(Ability) ChannelEndAction:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler:Invoke(Object, AssemblyLoadEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Uploading Crash Report NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at LE.Dungeons.ClientDungeonService.RemovePlayer (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor.OnPlayerLeave (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor+<>c__DisplayClass16_0+<g__OnUserTransitionAsync|0>d.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor.OnUserTransitioning (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity user, LE.Services.Models.TransitionInfo transitionInfo, System.Boolean remainOnServer) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Action`3[T1,T2,T3].Invoke (T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService+d__7.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService.DoTransitionAsync (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity, System.String targetScene, LE.Services.Models.TransitionInfo transitionInfo) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService+d__11.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService.Waypoint (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity, System.String targetScene, System.Byte gateID) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UIWaypointStandard.LoadWaypointScene () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UsingAbility+ChannelEndAction.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler.Invoke (System.Object sender, System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs args) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule.ProcessMousePress (Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredPointerInputModule+MouseButtonEventData data) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvent (System.Int32 playerId, System.Int32 pointerIndex) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvents () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule.Process () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.Update () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTaskScheduler:PublishUnobservedTaskException(Exception) LE.Dungeons.<g__OnUserTransitionAsync|0>d:MoveNext() LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor:OnUserTransitioning(UserIdentity, TransitionInfo, Boolean) System.Action`3:Invoke(T1, T2, T3) LE.Services.Transitions.d__7:MoveNext() LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService:DoTransitionAsync(UserIdentity, String, TransitionInfo) LE.Services.Transitions.d__11:MoveNext() LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService:Waypoint(UserIdentity, String, Byte) UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke(Object[]) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler:Invoke(Object, AssemblyLoadEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 21) Unloading 114 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 956613. Total: 1343.626100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 48.905100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 91.369300 ms MarkObjects: 1202.239100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.112000 ms) Unloading 9 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 21) UnloadTime: 33.219500 ms Time to Single load 'Z52' 3.13 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__16:MoveNext() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Internal.PooledDelegate`1:Run(T) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 9249 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 940909. Total: 1320.383500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 44.293000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 93.789400 ms MarkObjects: 1176.623900 ms DeleteObjects: 5.677000 ms) Uploading Crash Report NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at LE.Dungeons.ClientDungeonService.RemovePlayer (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor.OnPlayerLeave (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor+<>c__DisplayClass16_0+<g__OnUserTransitionAsync|0>d.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor.OnUserTransitioning (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity user, LE.Services.Models.TransitionInfo transitionInfo, System.Boolean remainOnServer) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Action`3[T1,T2,T3].Invoke (T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService+d__7.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService.DoTransitionAsync (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity, System.String targetScene, LE.Services.Models.TransitionInfo transitionInfo) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService+d__8.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService.Default (LE.Services.Models.UserIdentity userIdentity, System.String targetScene, System.Byte gateId) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LoadSceneInteraction+d__3.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LoadSceneInteraction.Interaction (UnityEngine.GameObject sourceObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at PlayFab.Events.PlayFabEvents+PlayFabRequestEvent`1[TRequest].Invoke (TRequest request) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at ConditionHandler.TryTriggerInteraction (UnityEngine.GameObject interactingObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at WorldAreaEnterListener.OnTriggerEnter (UnityEngine.Collider enteringObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTaskScheduler:PublishUnobservedTaskException(Exception) LE.Dungeons.<g__OnUserTransitionAsync|0>d:MoveNext() LE.Dungeons.DungeonFloor:OnUserTransitioning(UserIdentity, TransitionInfo, Boolean) System.Action`3:Invoke(T1, T2, T3) LE.Services.Transitions.d__7:MoveNext() LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService:DoTransitionAsync(UserIdentity, String, TransitionInfo) LE.Services.Transitions.d__8:MoveNext() LE.Services.Transitions.OfflineTransitionService:Default(UserIdentity, String, Byte) d__3:MoveNext() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 21) Unloading 765 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 949285. Total: 1321.032400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 46.898600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 95.315400 ms MarkObjects: 1177.257900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.560100 ms) Unloading 10 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 21) UnloadTime: 23.807000 ms No spawn found with TransitionInfo, Falling back to old spawn selection UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) PlayerSpawnManager:HandleDefaultTransition(Actor, TransitionInfo) d__19:MoveNext() PlayerSpawnManager:PlacePlayer(UserIdentity, Actor, TransitionInfo, String, CancellationToken) d__13:MoveNext() PlayerSpawnManager:onSceneLoad(String, String) System.Action`2:Invoke(T1, T2) d__16:MoveNext() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Internal.PooledDelegate`1:Run(T) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to Single load 'Z62' 2.81 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__16:MoveNext() ChannelEndAction:Invoke() Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Internal.PooledDelegate`1:Run(T) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 5434 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 986396. Total: 1333.384500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 44.160600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 94.058300 ms MarkObjects: 1191.726600 ms DeleteObjects: 3.438800 ms) d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 1 size 234960) [0x887A0005] d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 1 size 11748) [0x887A0005] d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x1 mode 1 size 128400) [0x887A0005] d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x2 mode 1 size 6420) [0x887A0005] d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: attempt to lock null buffer d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (3840 x 1017 fmt 9 aa 1), error 0x887a0005 (Filename: Line: 207) d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (512 x 512 fmt 53 aa 1), error 0x887a0005 (Filename: Line: 207) d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create 2D texture id=13179 width=512 height=512 mips=10 dxgifmt=72 [D3D error was 887a0005] (Filename: Line: 587) d3d11: failed to create staging 2D texture w=128 h=2 d3dfmt=10 [887a0005] d3d11: failed to create 2D texture shader resource view id=13179 [D3D error was 80070057] (Filename: Line: 537) Crash!!! SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*;', symOptions: 534, UserName: 'DWR' OS-Version: 10.0.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\Last Epoch.exe:Last Epoch.exe (00007FF637FB0000), size: 667648 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2019.4.40.50731 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll:ntdll.dll (00007FF975750000), size: 2064384 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL:KERNEL32.DLL (00007FF9745A0000), size: 774144 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll:KERNELBASE.dll (00007FF973160000), size: 3104768 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\UnityPlayer.dll:UnityPlayer.dll (00007FF8FB720000), size: 27131904 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2019.4.40.50731 C:\WINDOWS\System32\USER32.dll:USER32.dll (00007FF973D40000), size: 1695744 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll:win32u.dll (00007FF972E10000), size: 139264 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\GDI32.dll:GDI32.dll (00007FF9739B0000), size: 176128 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\gdi32full.dll:gdi32full.dll (00007FF973570000), size: 1142784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcp_win.dll:msvcp_win.dll (00007FF973460000), size: 643072 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll:ucrtbase.dll (00007FF973690000), size: 1048576 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ole32.dll:ole32.dll (00007FF9749C0000), size: 1224704 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll:RPCRT4.dll (00007FF974B00000), size: 1204224 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3758 C:\WINDOWS\System32\combase.dll:combase.dll (00007FF9739E0000), size: 3489792 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHLWAPI.dll:SHLWAPI.dll (00007FF9743B0000), size: 348160 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll:VERSION.dll (00007FF96B7C0000), size: 40960 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll:msvcrt.dll (00007FF973790000), size: 647168 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 7.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SETUPAPI.dll:SETUPAPI.dll (00007FF973EE0000), size: 4644864 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\cfgmgr32.dll:cfgmgr32.dll (00007FF973110000), size: 319488 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcrypt.dll:bcrypt.dll (00007FF972FA0000), size: 159744 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ADVAPI32.dll:ADVAPI32.dll (00007FF974D60000), size: 733184 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3930 C:\WINDOWS\System32\sechost.dll:sechost.dll (00007FF974CC0000), size: 651264 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3930 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll:SHELL32.dll (00007FF974EA0000), size: 7622656 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.dll (00007FF974470000), size: 839680 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\IMM32.dll:IMM32.dll (00007FF974710000), size: 204800 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\CRYPT32.dll:CRYPT32.dll (00007FF972E40000), size: 1429504 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\OPENGL32.dll:OPENGL32.dll (00007FF93C5D0000), size: 1200128 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WS2_32.dll:WS2_32.dll (00007FF973940000), size: 438272 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll:WINMM.dll (00007FF968D60000), size: 159744 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll:WINHTTP.dll (00007FF96C150000), size: 1089536 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL:HID.DLL (00007FF971660000), size: 53248 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\GLU32.dll:GLU32.dll (00007FF940AA0000), size: 180224 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer64.dll:gameoverlayrenderer64.dll (00007FF918480000), size: 1642496 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: C:\WINDOWS\System32\PSAPI.DLL:PSAPI.DLL (00007FF973850000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll:kernel.appcore.dll (00007FF9716A0000), size: 73728 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3758 C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll:bcryptPrimitives.dll (00007FF972FD0000), size: 532480 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll:uxtheme.dll (00007FF970540000), size: 647168 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\shcore.dll:shcore.dll (00007FF974760000), size: 708608 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ (00007FF970EC0000), size: 7979008 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Wldp.dll:Wldp.dll (00007FF972840000), size: 188416 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll:profapi.dll (00007FF972D40000), size: 151552 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\GameAssembly.dll:GameAssembly.dll (00007FF8DE1A0000), size: 105902080 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '' C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL:IPHLPAPI.DLL (00007FF972220000), size: 241664 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSCTF.dll:MSCTF.dll (00007FF9755F0000), size: 1130496 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll:d3d11.dll (00007FF96E6A0000), size: 2502656 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll:dxgi.dll (00007FF9717E0000), size: 995328 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_830091b3ebd4b98a\nvldumdx.dll:nvldumdx.dll (00007FF968610000), size: 778240 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msasn1.dll:msasn1.dll (00007FF9729D0000), size: 73728 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll:cryptnet.dll (00007FF96B620000), size: 200704 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drvstore.dll:drvstore.dll (00007FF96B4D0000), size: 1343488 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\devobj.dll:devobj.dll (00007FF972BC0000), size: 208896 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptbase.dll:cryptbase.dll (00007FF9727B0000), size: 49152 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wintrust.dll:wintrust.dll (00007FF973500000), size: 421888 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\imagehlp.dll:imagehlp.dll (00007FF973830000), size: 118784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll:CRYPTSP.dll (00007FF972790000), size: 98304 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll:rsaenh.dll (00007FF971E00000), size: 212992 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_830091b3ebd4b98a\nvgpucomp64.dll:nvgpucomp64.dll (00007FF900740000), size: 35770368 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_830091b3ebd4b98a\nvwgf2umx.dll:nvwgf2umx.dll (00007FF8E46A0000), size: 67952640 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\POWRPROF.dll:POWRPROF.dll (00007FF972620000), size: 307200 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\UMPDC.dll:UMPDC.dll (00007FF972600000), size: 73728 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '' C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap64.dll:nvspcap64.dll (00007FF93B7F0000), size: 2953216 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll:ntmarta.dll (00007FF971F20000), size: 208896 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dxcore.dll:dxcore.dll (00007FF962940000), size: 241664 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll:clbcatq.dll (00007FF974660000), size: 692224 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2001.12.10941.16384 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll:wbemprox.dll (00007FF96AC90000), size: 69632 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wbemcomn.dll:wbemcomn.dll (00007FF967DD0000), size: 589824 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll:wbemsvc.dll (00007FF967130000), size: 81920 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll:fastprox.dll (00007FF967150000), size: 1093632 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\amsi.dll:amsi.dll (00007FF967060000), size: 126976 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll:USERENV.dll (00007FF972D00000), size: 188416 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\4.18.24010.12-0\MpOav.dll:MpOav.dll (00007FF962100000), size: 528384 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 4.18.24010.12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MMDevApi.dll:MMDevApi.dll (00007FF96CFB0000), size: 544768 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL:AUDIOSES.DLL (00007FF96D0A0000), size: 1581056 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\resourcepolicyclient.dll:resourcepolicyclient.dll (00007FF970600000), size: 81920 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll:DNSAPI.dll (00007FF972260000), size: 831488 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.4046 C:\WINDOWS\System32\NSI.dll:NSI.dll (00007FF974AF0000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL:dhcpcsvc6.DLL (00007FF96C730000), size: 94208 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL:dhcpcsvc.DLL (00007FF96C710000), size: 118784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL:WINNSI.DLL (00007FF96C7B0000), size: 45056 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\system32\napinsp.dll:napinsp.dll (00007FF9631F0000), size: 94208 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnrpnsp.dll:pnrpnsp.dll (00007FF95F050000), size: 110592 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wshbth.dll:wshbth.dll (00007FF96DB00000), size: 86016 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\system32\NLAapi.dll:NLAapi.dll (00007FF96E190000), size: 118784 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\mswsock.dll:mswsock.dll (00007FF972530000), size: 434176 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll:winrnr.dll (00007FF95C6D0000), size: 73728 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll:rasadhlp.dll (00007FF96B470000), size: 40960 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\System32\fwpuclnt.dll:fwpuclnt.dll (00007FF96A280000), size: 524288 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3758 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll:gpapi.dll (00007FF971670000), size: 143360 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xinput1_3.dll:xinput1_3.dll (0000000000400000), size: 122880 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 9.18.944.0 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dcomp.dll:dcomp.dll (00007FF96F5E0000), size: 1978368 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.4046 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll:dwmapi.dll (00007FF970800000), size: 192512 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll:textinputframework.dll (00007FF961860000), size: 1019904 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3996 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll:CoreUIComponents.dll (00007FF96FB50000), size: 3518464 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll:CoreMessaging.dll (00007FF96FEB0000), size: 991232 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3930 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll:wintypes.dll (00007FF96F480000), size: 1396736 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll:Windows.UI.dll (00007FF961060000), size: 1314816 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Windows\System32\WindowManagementAPI.dll:WindowManagementAPI.dll (00007FF96BF90000), size: 659456 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '' C:\Windows\System32\InputHost.dll:InputHost.dll (00007FF960F00000), size: 1384448 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Windows\System32\PROPSYS.dll:PROPSYS.dll (00007FF96E520000), size: 1007616 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 7.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\twinapi.appcore.dll:twinapi.appcore.dll (00007FF96C3E0000), size: 2109440 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3758 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bthprops.cpl:bthprops.cpl (00007FF945780000), size: 286720 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\comctl32.dll:comctl32.dll (00007FF965D10000), size: 2727936 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.10.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xinput1_4.DLL:xinput1_4.DLL (00007FF967B60000), size: 69632 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\Last Epoch_Data\Plugins\x86_64\fmodstudio.dll:fmodstudio.dll (00007FF9146C0000), size: 3305472 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.dll:MSACM32.dll (00007FF9607A0000), size: 122880 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\winmmbase.dll:winmmbase.dll (00007FF95AC70000), size: 155648 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv:wdmaud.drv (00007FF952090000), size: 286720 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll:AVRT.dll (00007FF96CE80000), size: 40960 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ksuser.dll:ksuser.dll (00007FF964120000), size: 36864 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv:msacm32.drv (00007FF964110000), size: 53248 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll:midimap.dll (00007FF95BA90000), size: 45056 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\Last Epoch_Data\Plugins\x86_64\cimgui.dll:cimgui.dll (00007FF9519F0000), size: 679936 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '' C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll:VCRUNTIME140.dll (00007FF9580E0000), size: 110592 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 14.34.31938.0 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll:VCRUNTIME140_1.dll (00007FF957D10000), size: 49152 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 14.34.31938.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\Last Epoch_Data\Plugins\x86_64\LogitechLedEnginesWrapper.dll:LogitechLedEnginesWrapper.dll (00007FF96E490000), size: 36864 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '' C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll:MSVCR120.dll (00007FF94A450000), size: 978944 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 12.0.40660.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\Last Epoch_Data\Plugins\x86_64\lib_burst_generated.dll:lib_burst_generated.dll (00007FF951010000), size: 655360 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\Last Epoch_Data\Plugins\x86_64\network.bindings.dll:network.bindings.dll (00007FF962030000), size: 131072 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '' C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll:dbghelp.dll (00007FF970CB0000), size: 1982464 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll:SspiCli.dll (00007FF972CC0000), size: 204800 (result: 0), SymType: '-deferred-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.19041.3636 ========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ================== ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FF8FBB86DFA) 0x00007FF8FBB86DFA (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FF8FBB869E7) 0x00007FF8FBB869E7 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FF8FBB7FBCC) 0x00007FF8FBB7FBCC (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) 0x00007FF8FBDED005 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain 0x00007FF8FBDEA3D0 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain 0x00007FF8FBDDAA85 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FF8FBC35E9A) 0x00007FF8FBC35E9A (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FF8FBC36C7D) 0x00007FF8FBC36C7D (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FF8FBC36D58) 0x00007FF8FBC36D58 (UnityPlayer) (function-name not available) 0x00007FF8FBF67978 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain 0x00007FF9745B7344 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk 0x00007FF9757A26B1 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart ========== END OF STACKTRACE =========== A crash has been intercepted by the crash handler. For call stack and other details, see the latest crash report generated in: * C:/Users/DWR/AppData/Local/Temp/Eleventh Hour Games/Last Epoch/Crashes