Initialize engine version: 2019.4.23f1 (3f4e01f1a5ec) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Last Epoch/Last Epoch_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (ID=0x1c03) Vendor: VRAM: 6052 MB Driver: D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'fireSpray') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'fireSpray') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script (WFX_LightCurves) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script (WFX_LightCurves) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Point light') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Point light') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Shader 'MysticArsenal/MysticHSV': fallback shader 'Particles/Additive' not found [Instantiation] Loaded Serializers: PlayOneShotSound - Generated.PlayOneShotSoundSerializerGenerated SelfDestroyer - Generated.SelfDestroyerSerializerGenerated DestroyAfterDuration - Generated.DestroyAfterDurationSerializerGenerated RotatesToAngle - Generated.RotatesToAngleSerializerGenerated DetachParticleSystemsOnDeath - Generated.DetachParticleSystemsOnDeathSerializerGenerated StartsAtTarget - Generated.StartsAtTargetSerializerGenerated RFX1_LightCurves - Generated.RFX1_LightCurvesSerializerGenerated StartForwardsFromCreator - Generated.StartForwardsFromCreatorSerializerGenerated VelocityForDuration - Generated.VelocityForDurationSerializerGenerated RFX4_Turbulence - Generated.RFX4_TurbulenceSerializerGenerated ConstantRotation - Generated.ConstantRotationSerializerGenerated SceneObjectIndicator - Generated.SceneObjectIndicatorSerializerGenerated SubObjectsStretchToLocationCreatedFrom - Generated.SubObjectsStretchToLocationCreatedFromSerializerGenerated ActivateChildAfterRandomDuration - Generated.ActivateChildAfterRandomDurationSerializerGenerated TextureTilingOnScale - Generated.TextureTilingOnScaleSerializerGenerated RFX4_ShaderFloatCurve - Generated.RFX4_ShaderFloatCurveSerializerGenerated ActivateObjectsAfterDuration - Generated.ActivateObjectsAfterDurationSerializerGenerated RepeatedlyLookAtTransform - Generated.RepeatedlyLookAtTransformSerializerGenerated FT_LineHitPoint - Generated.FT_LineHitPointSerializerGenerated FT_LineRender - Generated.FT_LineRenderSerializerGenerated StartsTowardsTarget - Generated.StartsTowardsTargetSerializerGenerated MagicalFX.FX_Rotation - Generated.FX_RotationSerializerGenerated CreateOnDeath - Generated.CreateOnDeathSerializerGenerated StartsAboveTarget - Generated.StartsAboveTargetSerializerGenerated StartAwayFromTarget - Generated.StartAwayFromTargetSerializerGenerated UnityEngine.BoxCollider - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.BoxColliderSerializer UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.CapsuleColliderSerializer UnityEngine.SphereCollider - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.SphereColliderSerializer UnityEngine.Transform - LE.Caching.CustomSerializers.TransformSerializer UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Caching.Serialization:GetSerializers() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Initializing input. Input initialized. d3d11: swapchain SetFullscreenState failed (887a0022). (Filename: Line: 517) Initialized touch support. The referenced script (MeshDecimator.Unity.DecimatedObject) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'ChatTextTagged') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'T1_Gloves') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) A scripted object (probably MeshDecimator.Unity.DecimatedObject?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 136 bytes) Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts? (Filename: Line: 2337) The referenced script (RuntimeDevMode) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script (LE.Dev.DevImGUIRenderer) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'DevModeWindow') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) A scripted object (probably RuntimeDevMode?) has a different serialization layout when loading. (Read 32 bytes but expected 84 bytes) Did you #ifdef UNITY_EDITOR a section of your serialized properties in any of your scripts? (Filename: Line: 2337) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'DevModeWindow') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GUI') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'SceneLoader') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '!ftraceLightmaps') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GeneralGameManager') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'AbilityManager') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) UnloadTime: 10.969300 ms game version: 0.8.4g UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) GameVersionManager:Awake() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script (NetworkedDebug) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'NetworkedDebugManager') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. (Filename: Line: 606) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. (Filename: Line: 606) IMGUI OnEnable UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ImGuiNET.Unity.DearImGui:OnEnable() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'WelcomePanel') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 7 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 8) UnloadTime: 9.250300 ms Unloading 598 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 666230. Total: 1114.424100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 34.893000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.112700 ms MarkObjects: 972.841000 ms DeleteObjects: 2.576000 ms) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'cm') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at FootstepSoundEmitter.OnSceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`2[T0,T1].Invoke (T0 arg0, T1 arg1) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.Internal_SceneLoaded (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Input Mode : Mouse & Keyboard UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) EpochInputManager:set_IsControllerActive(Boolean) d__58:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Please add an 'FMOD Studio Listener' component to your a camera in the scene for correct 3D positioning of sounds. (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Joystick reconnected ("Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)"). (Filename: Line: 1409) 'filter' is null! Did you add the 'DomainManager' to the current scene? (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Deactivating main camera UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__12:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Joystick reconnected ("Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)"). (Filename: Line: 1409) Failed to open asynchronous device handle: All pipe instances are busy. (Filename: Line: 296) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) full path | C:/Users/HONN8/AppData/LocalLow/Eleventh Hour Games/Last Epoch/Saves/Epoch_Local_Global_Data_Beta UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) GlobalSavingManager:deserialiseGlobalData(String, Boolean&) GlobalDataTracker:Awake() UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Vector3, Quaternion) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:Instantiate(AssetReferenceGameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) ActorData:spawn(Vector3, Single, NetworkingPlayer, GameObject) PlayerUtility:InstantiatePlayerActor(ActorData, NetworkingPlayer) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterBySlotIndex(Int32) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterByData(CharacterData) CharacterSelect:LoadCharacterClick() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) 'filter' is null! Did you add the 'CapitalizationManager' to the current scene? (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) 'filter' is null! Did you add the 'PunctuationManager' to the current scene? (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) PreLoading Scene: EoT UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() CharacterDataTracker:InitializeCharacter() CharacterDataTracker:LoadAndSetupCharacterFromSave(String) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterBySlotIndex(Int32) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterByData(CharacterData) CharacterSelect:LoadCharacterClick() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() CharacterDataTracker:InitializeCharacter() CharacterDataTracker:LoadAndSetupCharacterFromSave(String) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterBySlotIndex(Int32) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterByData(CharacterData) CharacterSelect:LoadCharacterClick() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() CharacterDataTracker:InitializeCharacter() CharacterDataTracker:LoadAndSetupCharacterFromSave(String) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterBySlotIndex(Int32) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterByData(CharacterData) CharacterSelect:LoadCharacterClick() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() CharacterDataTracker:InitializeCharacter() CharacterDataTracker:LoadAndSetupCharacterFromSave(String) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterBySlotIndex(Int32) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterByData(CharacterData) CharacterSelect:LoadCharacterClick() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.7143707 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() CharacterDataTracker:InitializeCharacter() CharacterDataTracker:LoadAndSetupCharacterFromSave(String) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterBySlotIndex(Int32) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterByData(CharacterData) CharacterSelect:LoadCharacterClick() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() CharacterDataTracker:InitializeCharacter() CharacterDataTracker:LoadAndSetupCharacterFromSave(String) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterBySlotIndex(Int32) LocalCharacterSlots:LoadCharacterByData(CharacterData) CharacterSelect:LoadCharacterClick() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 10) Joining the default global chat channel UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) AccelByte.Core.ResultCallback`1:Invoke(Result`1) AccelByte.Core.ResultCallback`1:Invoke(Result`1) System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() AccelByte.Core.d__10:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 586 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 721311. Total: 1109.336800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 49.698400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 83.185100 ms MarkObjects: 974.763100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.689900 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene EoT UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load EoT 2.21 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 27 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 10) UnloadTime: 10.735600 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 620 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 737690. Total: 1105.953700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 37.966400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 91.562400 ms MarkObjects: 972.725200 ms DeleteObjects: 3.699100 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) [ERROR] An exception occurred inside an event handler or callback. Source: Player input event callback This happens if your event handler/callback code throws an exception. This means the error in your code, not Rewired. Read the exception message and the stack trace carefully to find the source of the exception being thrown by your code. This can also happen if you forget to unsubscribe to an event in a MonoBehaviour class and that object gets destroyed. Make sure you unsubscribe to events in OnDisable or OnDestroy. Rewired will attempt to continue running. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at LE.UI.Login.UnityUI.LoginPanel.LE.UI.IPanel.get_IsActive () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.UI.Login.LoginController.OnSubmit (Rewired.InputActionEventData data) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T obj) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at pZoDLROoNCEbMKYDwgWOmGCbZGq.nQGvvIzlIvlFpfMNMFcuPWgBnjw (VcgtdQJxxtTDLNlQVPzcCVeMgGk , Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU.NbhLzItgkNwvEZPHZAvsnKTICXh (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU.qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.ReInput.qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.InputManager_Base.DoUpdate (Rewired.UpdateLoopType updateLoopType, Rewired.Config.UpdateLoopSetting updateLoopSettingBit) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.InputManager_Base.Update () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 ------- Rewired System Info ------- Unity version: 2019.4.23f1 Rewired version: Platform: Windows Using Unity input: False Primary input source: RawInput Use XInput: True Native mouse handling: True Enhanced device support: True UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Rewired.Logger:LogErrorNow(Object, Boolean) Rewired.Logger:LogError(Object, Boolean) pZoDLROoNCEbMKYDwgWOmGCbZGq:nQGvvIzlIvlFpfMNMFcuPWgBnjw(VcgtdQJxxtTDLNlQVPzcCVeMgGk, UpdateLoopType) cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU:NbhLzItgkNwvEZPHZAvsnKTICXh(UpdateLoopType) cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU:qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT(UpdateLoopType) Rewired.ReInput:qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT(UpdateLoopType) Rewired.InputManager_Base:DoUpdate(UpdateLoopType, UpdateLoopSetting) Rewired.InputManager_Base:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [ERROR] An exception occurred inside an event handler or callback. Source: Player input event callback This happens if your event handler/callback code throws an exception. This means the error in your code, not Rewired. Read the exception message and the stack trace carefully to find the source of the exception being thrown by your code. This can also happen if you forget to unsubscribe to an event in a MonoBehaviour class and that object gets destroyed. Make sure you unsubscribe to events in OnDisable or OnDestroy. Rewired will attempt to continue running. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at LE.UI.Login.UnityUI.LoginPanel.LE.UI.IPanel.get_IsActive () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.UI.Login.LoginController.OnSubmit (Rewired.InputActionEventData data) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T obj) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at pZoDLROoNCEbMKYDwgWOmGCbZGq.nQGvvIzlIvlFpfMNMFcuPWgBnjw (VcgtdQJxxtTDLNlQVPzcCVeMgGk , Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU.NbhLzItgkNwvEZPHZAvsnKTICXh (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU.qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.ReInput.qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.InputManager_Base.DoUpdate (Rewired.UpdateLoopType updateLoopType, Rewired.Config.UpdateLoopSetting updateLoopSettingBit) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.InputManager_Base.Update () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 ------- Rewired System Info ------- Unity version: 2019.4.23f1 Rewired version: Platform: Windows Using Unity input: False Primary input source: RawInput Use XInput: True Native mouse handling: True Enhanced device support: True UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Rewired.Logger:LogErrorNow(Object, Boolean) Rewired.Logger:LogError(Object, Boolean) pZoDLROoNCEbMKYDwgWOmGCbZGq:nQGvvIzlIvlFpfMNMFcuPWgBnjw(VcgtdQJxxtTDLNlQVPzcCVeMgGk, UpdateLoopType) cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU:NbhLzItgkNwvEZPHZAvsnKTICXh(UpdateLoopType) cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU:qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT(UpdateLoopType) Rewired.ReInput:qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT(UpdateLoopType) Rewired.InputManager_Base:DoUpdate(UpdateLoopType, UpdateLoopSetting) Rewired.InputManager_Base:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: H120 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 3.410706 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 12) Unloading 2 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 752775. Total: 1198.487100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 61.478400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 91.141700 ms MarkObjects: 1044.828100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.038400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H120 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H120 4.66 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 12) UnloadTime: 19.906800 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (11)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (11)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (25)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (25)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (27)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (27)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (34)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (34)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (24)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (24)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (29)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (29)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (33)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (33)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (13)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (13)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (5)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (5)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (19)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (19)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (9)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (9)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (21)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (21)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (26)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (26)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (15)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (15)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (8)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (8)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (28)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (28)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (10)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (10)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (20)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (20)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (31)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (31)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (12)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (12)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (30)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (30)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (6)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (6)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (22)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (22)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (7)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (7)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (35)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (35)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_04a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_04a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_04a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (2)' and 'SM_Urn_01a (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (3)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (4)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_02a (5)' and 'SM_Urn_02a (5)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (7)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (7)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (9)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (9)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (6)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (6)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (10)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (10)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (4)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (4)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (3)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (3)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (3)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (3)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (6)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (6)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (5)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (5)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (8)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (8)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (4)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (4)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (2)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (5)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (5)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (7)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (7)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('CushionBed (1)' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_01a' and 'SM_Chalice_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (15)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (15)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (11)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (11)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (9)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (9)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (32)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (32)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (10)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (10)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (27)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (27)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (46)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (46)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (14)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (14)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (31)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (31)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (38)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (38)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (44)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (44)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (36)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (36)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (40)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (40)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (19)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (20)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (20)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (43)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (43)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (20)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (20)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (45)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (45)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (23)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (23)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (8)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (8)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (47)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (47)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (33)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (33)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (23)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (23)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (21)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (21)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (26)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (26)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (49)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (49)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (28)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (28)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (34)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (34)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (17)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (42)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (42)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (32)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (32)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (41)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (41)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (48)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (48)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (31)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (31)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (28)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (28)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (22)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (26)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (26)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (18)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (35)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (35)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (13)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (13)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (12)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (12)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (37)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (37)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (30)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (39)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (39)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (21)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (21)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (27)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (27)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (33)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (33)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (16)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (29)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 998 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 878491. Total: 1168.252100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 43.314800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 96.795000 ms MarkObjects: 1014.759000 ms DeleteObjects: 13.382600 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 12) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 878491. Total: 1176.591300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 45.048000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 96.628600 ms MarkObjects: 1032.802500 ms DeleteObjects: 2.110900 ms) Shrine spawn rate multiplier from zone size | 0.8540146 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ShrinePlacementManager:spawnShrines(Boolean) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) The referenced script (MeshDecimator.Unity.DecimatedObject) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'T1_Gloves') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'T1_Gloves') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) The referenced script (MeshDecimator.Unity.DecimatedObject) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'T1_Gloves') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'T1_Gloves') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script (MeshDecimator.Unity.DecimatedObject) on this Behaviour is missing! (Filename: Line: 199) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'T1_Gloves') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'T1_Gloves') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H130 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1726074 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 1672 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 993453. Total: 1444.377900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 79.418400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 114.811500 ms MarkObjects: 1246.553000 ms DeleteObjects: 3.594500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H130 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H130 1.65 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 43 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 104.950400 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Urn_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Urn_01a (1)' and 'SM_Urn_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (2)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (2)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (1)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (3)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Bowl_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Bowl_01a (3)' and 'SM_Bowl_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (2)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (2)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (3)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Water_Pot_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Water_Pot_01a (3)' and 'SM_Water_Pot_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_02a (1)' and 'SM_Chalice_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chalice_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chalice_02a (1)' and 'SM_Chalice_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Shield_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Shield_01a' and 'SM_Shield_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Shield_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Shield_01a' and 'SM_Shield_01a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a (1)' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a (1)' and 'SM_Chest_02a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Unloading 1308 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895239. Total: 1308.026700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.076800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.607600 ms MarkObjects: 1149.266500 ms DeleteObjects: 3.074800 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895239. Total: 1307.901900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 53.290400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.436200 ms MarkObjects: 1147.839400 ms DeleteObjects: 1.335000 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Dread Worm Emerging Spawner (3) (UnityEngine.GameObject) triggered: Void blocker should disable now UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) MultipleSpawnersDefeatedListener:EntityDied(Dying) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) Dying:onEnter() StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.8182373 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 2384 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 922936. Total: 1454.690900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 87.896600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.911600 ms MarkObjects: 1254.837100 ms DeleteObjects: 4.044700 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 2.31 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 97.949300 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 1944 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 889363. Total: 1362.477700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.555600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.722900 ms MarkObjects: 1202.704600 ms DeleteObjects: 3.494000 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 889363. Total: 1372.590500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 56.475700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.001300 ms MarkObjects: 1205.959000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.154100 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.05944824 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 391 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 900373. Total: 1391.545900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 66.204600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.857700 ms MarkObjects: 1215.391800 ms DeleteObjects: 2.091300 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.48 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 44.126200 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 145 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 889744. Total: 1364.709200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 53.615900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.513600 ms MarkObjects: 1204.729800 ms DeleteObjects: 1.849000 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 889744. Total: 1361.214500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.334100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.585200 ms MarkObjects: 1200.992900 ms DeleteObjects: 2.301400 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.06005859 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 322 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 899742. Total: 1411.479100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 79.211800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.679300 ms MarkObjects: 1223.354600 ms DeleteObjects: 2.232900 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.50 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 42.863900 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 71 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 891124. Total: 1352.590800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.086000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.704600 ms MarkObjects: 1195.259700 ms DeleteObjects: 1.539800 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 891124. Total: 1366.655400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.405400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.475700 ms MarkObjects: 1207.463400 ms DeleteObjects: 2.309000 ms) PreLoading Scene: H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.163208 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 32 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 898540. Total: 1379.204300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 53.425400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.205300 ms MarkObjects: 1218.047500 ms DeleteObjects: 1.525500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H50 1.56 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 53 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 34.947400 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 706 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1021583. Total: 1397.152900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.390500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.054100 ms MarkObjects: 1230.476700 ms DeleteObjects: 2.231200 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1021583. Total: 1387.570700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 61.814000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.171000 ms MarkObjects: 1215.157100 ms DeleteObjects: 2.427900 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) [ERROR] An exception occurred inside an event handler or callback. Source: Player input event callback This happens if your event handler/callback code throws an exception. This means the error in your code, not Rewired. Read the exception message and the stack trace carefully to find the source of the exception being thrown by your code. This can also happen if you forget to unsubscribe to an event in a MonoBehaviour class and that object gets destroyed. Make sure you unsubscribe to events in OnDisable or OnDestroy. Rewired will attempt to continue running. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at LE.UI.Login.UnityUI.LoginPanel.LE.UI.IPanel.get_IsActive () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.UI.Login.LoginController.OnSubmit (Rewired.InputActionEventData data) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T obj) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at pZoDLROoNCEbMKYDwgWOmGCbZGq.nQGvvIzlIvlFpfMNMFcuPWgBnjw (VcgtdQJxxtTDLNlQVPzcCVeMgGk , Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU.NbhLzItgkNwvEZPHZAvsnKTICXh (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU.qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.ReInput.qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT (Rewired.UpdateLoopType ) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.InputManager_Base.DoUpdate (Rewired.UpdateLoopType updateLoopType, Rewired.Config.UpdateLoopSetting updateLoopSettingBit) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Rewired.InputManager_Base.Update () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 ------- Rewired System Info ------- Unity version: 2019.4.23f1 Rewired version: Platform: Windows Using Unity input: False Primary input source: RawInput Use XInput: True Native mouse handling: True Enhanced device support: True UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Rewired.Logger:LogErrorNow(Object, Boolean) Rewired.Logger:LogError(Object, Boolean) pZoDLROoNCEbMKYDwgWOmGCbZGq:nQGvvIzlIvlFpfMNMFcuPWgBnjw(VcgtdQJxxtTDLNlQVPzcCVeMgGk, UpdateLoopType) cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU:NbhLzItgkNwvEZPHZAvsnKTICXh(UpdateLoopType) cdrEpkcfqcxTrJErjbjwlbSGwwU:qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT(UpdateLoopType) Rewired.ReInput:qXwDYyKCyFfTgcusxrpGHxgdnQbT(UpdateLoopType) Rewired.InputManager_Base:DoUpdate(UpdateLoopType, UpdateLoopSetting) Rewired.InputManager_Base:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1400146 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 220 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1024784. Total: 1463.375800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 89.106000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.337400 ms MarkObjects: 1266.178600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.753300 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.66 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 107.983600 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 6670 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 894627. Total: 1400.421900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.844400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 125.959000 ms MarkObjects: 1214.071400 ms DeleteObjects: 8.546500 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 894627. Total: 1392.559400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.909000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.749900 ms MarkObjects: 1235.464100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.435600 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.05908203 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 611 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 912858. Total: 1409.031300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 62.858200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.658200 ms MarkObjects: 1239.326600 ms DeleteObjects: 2.188000 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.51 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 50.755200 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 108 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897416. Total: 1402.960000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.941000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.703900 ms MarkObjects: 1246.939800 ms DeleteObjects: 1.374800 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897416. Total: 1409.255800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 53.345100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.026000 ms MarkObjects: 1249.682500 ms DeleteObjects: 1.201000 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.07958984 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 869 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 907685. Total: 1450.926600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 74.670400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.889100 ms MarkObjects: 1266.011100 ms DeleteObjects: 2.355500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.56 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 43.595100 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 59 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897563. Total: 1394.661400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.821800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.438000 ms MarkObjects: 1234.159800 ms DeleteObjects: 1.240800 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897563. Total: 1377.584200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.784500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.545100 ms MarkObjects: 1216.638900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.614900 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.07958984 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 818 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 906833. Total: 1437.894600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 84.767000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.896100 ms MarkObjects: 1246.086200 ms DeleteObjects: 2.144800 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.56 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 43.041800 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 72 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897164. Total: 1381.450900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.923400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.231300 ms MarkObjects: 1226.057300 ms DeleteObjects: 1.237700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897164. Total: 1394.387300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.895800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.409600 ms MarkObjects: 1233.574400 ms DeleteObjects: 1.506600 ms) PreLoading Scene: H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1616211 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 35 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 903993. Total: 1385.436300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 59.074400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.880700 ms MarkObjects: 1220.262000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.218600 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H50 1.57 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 53 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 34.290800 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Unloading 748 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1026884. Total: 1411.315800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 59.448900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.121500 ms MarkObjects: 1241.727000 ms DeleteObjects: 2.017600 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1026884. Total: 1415.454200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 59.720100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.584600 ms MarkObjects: 1244.988400 ms DeleteObjects: 1.160300 ms) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1188965 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 58 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1025226. Total: 1432.091400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 66.552800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.265300 ms MarkObjects: 1256.912300 ms DeleteObjects: 1.360500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.59 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 109.936700 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 6670 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895068. Total: 1393.194500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.785100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.723600 ms MarkObjects: 1222.287300 ms DeleteObjects: 8.397800 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895068. Total: 1385.861900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.199100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.424500 ms MarkObjects: 1226.808700 ms DeleteObjects: 1.428800 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.07958984 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 1150 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 911376. Total: 1470.543200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 87.461300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.430700 ms MarkObjects: 1273.959300 ms DeleteObjects: 2.691500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.58 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 46.843200 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 125 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897324. Total: 1374.381900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.101700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.952900 ms MarkObjects: 1218.911200 ms DeleteObjects: 1.415300 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897324. Total: 1409.221800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 66.862800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.606100 ms MarkObjects: 1234.412700 ms DeleteObjects: 2.339400 ms) PreLoading Scene: H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1533203 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 34 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 904632. Total: 1409.382900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 66.473200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.383500 ms MarkObjects: 1234.273000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.252800 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H50 1.58 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 53 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 34.054500 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 748 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1027657. Total: 1410.406800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.832000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.369000 ms MarkObjects: 1243.102600 ms DeleteObjects: 2.102500 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1027657. Total: 1408.017200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 58.859100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.837100 ms MarkObjects: 1240.704000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.616200 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1196289 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 64 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1025329. Total: 1441.504700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 86.806600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.810900 ms MarkObjects: 1244.325100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.561400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.61 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 110.786000 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 6664 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895178. Total: 1409.544000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 54.096300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.634600 ms MarkObjects: 1243.843900 ms DeleteObjects: 7.968000 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895178. Total: 1403.738400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.787100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.389600 ms MarkObjects: 1245.280600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.280400 ms) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.0793457 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 69 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 909694. Total: 1429.163300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 71.841000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.580500 ms MarkObjects: 1249.270200 ms DeleteObjects: 2.471100 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.55 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 43.623100 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 105 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897321. Total: 1373.119600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.312400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.553700 ms MarkObjects: 1214.241100 ms DeleteObjects: 2.009800 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897321. Total: 1369.023500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.206000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.854700 ms MarkObjects: 1213.160300 ms DeleteObjects: 1.801500 ms) PreLoading Scene: H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1806641 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 34 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 904696. Total: 1405.370800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 74.959400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.670100 ms MarkObjects: 1222.050700 ms DeleteObjects: 2.689700 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H50 1.62 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 53 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 37.227800 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 748 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1027721. Total: 1403.247600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.443400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.462900 ms MarkObjects: 1237.928200 ms DeleteObjects: 2.412200 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1027721. Total: 1486.076700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 64.156700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 111.207500 ms MarkObjects: 1309.283200 ms DeleteObjects: 1.428100 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) DOTWEEN â–º Max Tweens reached: capacity has automatically been increased from 200/50 to 500/50. Use DOTween.SetTweensCapacity to set it manually at startup (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1196289 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 353 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1025371. Total: 1421.575000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 77.631000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.354300 ms MarkObjects: 1237.823000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.766200 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.58 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 110.583200 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 6660 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895223. Total: 1357.026900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.598200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.081400 ms MarkObjects: 1195.642600 ms DeleteObjects: 8.703500 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895223. Total: 1361.235200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.918900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.943900 ms MarkObjects: 1206.104800 ms DeleteObjects: 1.266800 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.02001953 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 599 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 908883. Total: 1415.151600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 73.123700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.748000 ms MarkObjects: 1233.987000 ms DeleteObjects: 2.292500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.45 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 51.057700 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 117 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895143. Total: 1345.082700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.410000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 101.536700 ms MarkObjects: 1191.240800 ms DeleteObjects: 1.894700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895143. Total: 1385.250900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 65.664900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.347300 ms MarkObjects: 1213.103100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.135000 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1645508 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 656 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 917797. Total: 1400.978800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 76.037100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.226400 ms MarkObjects: 1218.490500 ms DeleteObjects: 3.223800 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H50 1.61 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 53 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 45.144200 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 1751 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1029400. Total: 1379.716100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.246900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.638400 ms MarkObjects: 1211.534200 ms DeleteObjects: 5.295700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1029400. Total: 1397.038200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 68.339700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.642100 ms MarkObjects: 1221.806000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.249700 ms) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.2294922 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 105 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1025910. Total: 1421.902700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 60.050100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.081300 ms MarkObjects: 1256.485700 ms DeleteObjects: 2.285000 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.68 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 117.279500 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 6672 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895724. Total: 1375.997800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.235700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.479800 ms MarkObjects: 1213.459400 ms DeleteObjects: 8.822200 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 895724. Total: 1356.819400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.489600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.934000 ms MarkObjects: 1198.726200 ms DeleteObjects: 1.667100 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.04003906 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 614 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 908775. Total: 1382.873500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 61.473700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.312700 ms MarkObjects: 1215.498100 ms DeleteObjects: 2.588200 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.46 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 44.653600 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 122 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897352. Total: 1343.098800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.186200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.746600 ms MarkObjects: 1188.256600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.906700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 897352. Total: 1332.755200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 49.854900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 101.093400 ms MarkObjects: 1180.105900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.700300 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.07910156 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 842 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 916611. Total: 1411.855000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 71.746900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.586000 ms MarkObjects: 1233.662300 ms DeleteObjects: 2.859200 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.52 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 50.146800 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 75 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 898963. Total: 1382.848300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.093800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 101.259500 ms MarkObjects: 1228.078400 ms DeleteObjects: 2.415400 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 898963. Total: 1353.917200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.434400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 101.069500 ms MarkObjects: 1199.983800 ms DeleteObjects: 2.426700 ms) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.07958984 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 1018 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 910379. Total: 1425.055500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 88.346700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.614900 ms MarkObjects: 1228.100400 ms DeleteObjects: 2.993000 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.53 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 44.593500 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 70 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 898886. Total: 1339.657900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.291500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 101.359100 ms MarkObjects: 1186.332400 ms DeleteObjects: 1.672200 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 898886. Total: 1341.612500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.037300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 101.032600 ms MarkObjects: 1188.841600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.698700 ms) PreLoading Scene: H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1650391 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 32 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 907309. Total: 1379.890600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 81.519300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.464600 ms MarkObjects: 1193.256000 ms DeleteObjects: 2.649500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H50 1.57 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 53 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 34.897400 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 758 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1030242. Total: 1367.427700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 56.285800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.614400 ms MarkObjects: 1205.209600 ms DeleteObjects: 2.316900 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1030242. Total: 1417.561400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 76.751400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 120.215400 ms MarkObjects: 1219.073100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.520500 ms) PreLoading Scene: H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1191406 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() ReturnThroughPortalInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 18 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1024677. Total: 1398.928000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 74.358800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.783800 ms MarkObjects: 1219.430500 ms DeleteObjects: 1.354200 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H140 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H140 1.57 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 111.169400 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01e_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01e' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01h_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01h (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01h'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01e' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01e'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Chest_02a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Chest_02a' and 'SM_Chest_02a (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01d' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (1)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (6)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (2)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (5)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (3)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (4)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (7)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Ornate_Chest_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Ornate_Chest_01c' and 'SM_Ornate_Chest_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 6660 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 894446. Total: 1361.987200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.249200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.355100 ms MarkObjects: 1197.431200 ms DeleteObjects: 7.951100 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 894446. Total: 1353.319600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 49.991800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.610700 ms MarkObjects: 1198.148100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.568300 ms) PreLoading Scene: H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.1733398 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadLastTownInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) EventListener:triggerDialogueListeners(String, GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 40 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 900926. Total: 1364.222500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 61.986000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.625700 ms MarkObjects: 1197.415900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.194400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene H50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load H50 1.55 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 53 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 33.868700 ms Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (3)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (4)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01a_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01a (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01a'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01c_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01c (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01c'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (25)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01d_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01d (1)' and 'SM_Gems_01d'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Gems_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Gems_01b (2)' and 'SM_Gems_01b (1)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Renderer 'UCX_SM_Coin_Pile_01b_LOD0' is registered with more than one LODGroup ('SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)' and 'SM_Coin_Pile_01b (24)'). (Filename: Line: 185) Unloading 706 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1024826. Total: 1387.434300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.158700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.495500 ms MarkObjects: 1222.527500 ms DeleteObjects: 2.251700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1024826. Total: 1381.583800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.160300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.103800 ms MarkObjects: 1216.583100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.735500 ms) PreLoading Scene: EoT UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.07666016 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() UIWaypointStandard:LoadWaypointScene() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 12) Unloading 62 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1024667. Total: 1371.491100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.751200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.456400 ms MarkObjects: 1208.971000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.311900 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene EoT UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load EoT 1.48 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 27 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 12) UnloadTime: 109.156200 ms Unloading 1562 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 875368. Total: 1414.952600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.510600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.443600 ms MarkObjects: 1250.807300 ms DeleteObjects: 7.190300 ms) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 12) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 875368. Total: 1356.733400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.068400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.410500 ms MarkObjects: 1198.037500 ms DeleteObjects: 1.216400 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: MonolithHub UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() LoadSceneInteraction:Interaction(GameObject) PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldAreaEnterListener:OnTriggerEnter(Collider) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 109 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 872022. Total: 1360.145200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 55.769100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 110.250600 ms MarkObjects: 1192.485600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.639400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene MonolithHub UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load MonolithHub 1.39 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 46 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) UnloadTime: 30.281100 ms Unloading 772 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 888311. Total: 1407.566700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 61.696300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.808800 ms MarkObjects: 1229.160900 ms DeleteObjects: 6.899700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 888311. Total: 1352.678300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.192200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 102.204400 ms MarkObjects: 1196.802600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.478600 ms) PreLoading Scene: M_M220 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 602851805 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Shader 'MysticArsenal/MysticHSV': fallback shader 'Particles/Additive' not found Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 2.497559 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 7 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 917809. Total: 1452.056000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 64.296900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.326300 ms MarkObjects: 1277.201100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.231200 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_M220 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_M220 3.97 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 27 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) UnloadTime: 39.618300 ms Unloading 6024 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1022210. Total: 1411.464400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 56.510100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.514600 ms MarkObjects: 1239.909400 ms DeleteObjects: 9.529700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1022210. Total: 1414.805600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 60.344000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.019400 ms MarkObjects: 1249.187900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.253600 ms) Shrine spawn rate multiplier from zone size | 0.81774 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ShrinePlacementManager:spawnShrines(Boolean) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at RFX4_ShaderFloatCurve.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager.Instantiate (UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.AssetReferenceGameObject assetReference, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at ActorData.spawn (UnityEngine.Vector3 location, System.Single yRot, BeardedManStudios.Forge.Networking.NetworkingPlayer networkingPlayer, UnityEngine.GameObject overrideObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at MonsterGenerator.generateCommonPack (ActorData monsterType, Spawner spawner, System.Int32 frequency, System.Int32 maximumFrequencyDeviation, System.Boolean enableAutoCombat, System.Boolean noWandering, System.Boolean scaleToAreaLevel, System.Boolean rename, System.Int32 namelistIndex, System.Int32 newNameIndex) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Spawner.generateEntities () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Vector3, Quaternion) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:Instantiate(AssetReferenceGameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) ActorData:spawn(Vector3, Single, NetworkingPlayer, GameObject) MonsterGenerator:generateCommonPack(ActorData, Spawner, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32) Spawner:generateEntities() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at RFX4_ShaderFloatCurve.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager.Instantiate (UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.AssetReferenceGameObject assetReference, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at ActorData.spawn (UnityEngine.Vector3 location, System.Single yRot, BeardedManStudios.Forge.Networking.NetworkingPlayer networkingPlayer, UnityEngine.GameObject overrideObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at MonsterGenerator.generateCommonPack (ActorData monsterType, Spawner spawner, System.Int32 frequency, System.Int32 maximumFrequencyDeviation, System.Boolean enableAutoCombat, System.Boolean noWandering, System.Boolean scaleToAreaLevel, System.Boolean rename, System.Int32 namelistIndex, System.Int32 newNameIndex) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Spawner.generateEntities () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Vector3, Quaternion) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:Instantiate(AssetReferenceGameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) ActorData:spawn(Vector3, Single, NetworkingPlayer, GameObject) MonsterGenerator:generateCommonPack(ActorData, Spawner, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32) Spawner:generateEntities() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at RFX4_ShaderFloatCurve.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager.Instantiate (UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.AssetReferenceGameObject assetReference, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at ActorData.spawn (UnityEngine.Vector3 location, System.Single yRot, BeardedManStudios.Forge.Networking.NetworkingPlayer networkingPlayer, UnityEngine.GameObject overrideObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at MonsterGenerator.generateCommonPack (ActorData monsterType, Spawner spawner, System.Int32 frequency, System.Int32 maximumFrequencyDeviation, System.Boolean enableAutoCombat, System.Boolean noWandering, System.Boolean scaleToAreaLevel, System.Boolean rename, System.Int32 namelistIndex, System.Int32 newNameIndex) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Spawner.generateEntities () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Vector3, Quaternion) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:Instantiate(AssetReferenceGameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) ActorData:spawn(Vector3, Single, NetworkingPlayer, GameObject) MonsterGenerator:generateCommonPack(ActorData, Spawner, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32) Spawner:generateEntities() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at RFX4_ShaderFloatCurve.Awake () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager.Instantiate (UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.AssetReferenceGameObject assetReference, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at ActorData.spawn (UnityEngine.Vector3 location, System.Single yRot, BeardedManStudios.Forge.Networking.NetworkingPlayer networkingPlayer, UnityEngine.GameObject overrideObject) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at MonsterGenerator.generateCommonPack (ActorData monsterType, Spawner spawner, System.Int32 frequency, System.Int32 maximumFrequencyDeviation, System.Boolean enableAutoCombat, System.Boolean noWandering, System.Boolean scaleToAreaLevel, System.Boolean rename, System.Int32 namelistIndex, System.Int32 newNameIndex) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Spawner.generateEntities () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion) UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(T, Vector3, Quaternion) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:Instantiate(AssetReferenceGameObject, Vector3, Quaternion) ActorData:spawn(Vector3, Single, NetworkingPlayer, GameObject) MonsterGenerator:generateCommonPack(ActorData, Spawner, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32) Spawner:generateEntities() (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 10941 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1062165. Total: 1487.268400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 68.235300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.100500 ms MarkObjects: 1296.654500 ms DeleteObjects: 13.277400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.51 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) UnloadTime: 129.679200 ms Unloading 1179 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 882230. Total: 1380.659300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 50.973300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 104.901000 ms MarkObjects: 1221.112200 ms DeleteObjects: 3.672000 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 882230. Total: 1391.411700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 55.397000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.427600 ms MarkObjects: 1229.294400 ms DeleteObjects: 1.291800 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: M_C60 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 603420723 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 1.470703 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 279 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 888517. Total: 1440.191300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 84.759500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 103.705200 ms MarkObjects: 1250.105800 ms DeleteObjects: 1.620400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_C60 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_C60 2.96 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'TouchReactSystem') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - All passes removed WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform? UnloadTime: 14.158400 ms Unloading 475 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1055729. Total: 1407.178400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 58.104300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.197500 ms MarkObjects: 1241.703600 ms DeleteObjects: 2.172300 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1055729. Total: 1421.566300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 72.454800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.931300 ms MarkObjects: 1239.891600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.287800 ms) Shrine spawn rate multiplier from zone size | 0.9740919 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ShrinePlacementManager:spawnShrines(Boolean) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 9016 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1096796. Total: 1535.295200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 83.432200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 112.323400 ms MarkObjects: 1328.822500 ms DeleteObjects: 10.716700 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.57 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) UnloadTime: 171.180500 ms Unloading 904 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 892780. Total: 1429.787300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 53.602500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.680400 ms MarkObjects: 1266.931900 ms DeleteObjects: 3.571700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 892780. Total: 1391.961200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.458100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.559900 ms MarkObjects: 1231.729100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.213400 ms) PreLoading Scene: M_M200 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 603866608 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 2.409668 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 190 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 917365. Total: 1430.803700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 58.815300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.887000 ms MarkObjects: 1263.569200 ms DeleteObjects: 1.531600 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_M200 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_M200 3.88 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 37 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) UnloadTime: 16.052600 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 898 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1067396. Total: 1458.084900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 60.704500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 110.019500 ms MarkObjects: 1280.287100 ms DeleteObjects: 7.073200 ms) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1067396. Total: 1456.599200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 60.229100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 112.062600 ms MarkObjects: 1283.020000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.287000 ms) Uploading Crash Report NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ShrinePlacementManager.spawnShrines (System.Boolean presetEraOnShrineVisualCreators) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "WengariRaider(Clone)/sync v_WengariRaider(Clone)/v_WengariRaider(Clone)/Wengari_Rig (1)/Axe_Thrower_Axe/AxeScalar" (Filename: Line: 0) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) player MainPlayer(Clone) died UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) StateController:switchCurrentState(State) State:TryToEnter() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() DyingPlayer:respawn() DyingPlayer:whileActive() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() DyingPlayer:respawn() DyingPlayer:whileActive() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() DyingPlayer:respawn() DyingPlayer:whileActive() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() DyingPlayer:respawn() DyingPlayer:whileActive() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.0004882813 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() DyingPlayer:respawn() DyingPlayer:whileActive() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() DyingPlayer:respawn() DyingPlayer:whileActive() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 16076 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1123139. Total: 1567.869200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 77.962600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 115.177500 ms MarkObjects: 1348.824300 ms DeleteObjects: 25.904400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.60 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) UnloadTime: 194.634800 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Runs are no longer set back on death UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) MonolithRunsManager:setBackRun(MonolithRun) MonolithRunsManager:onEnteredRestZoneFromRun(MonolithRun) MonolithRunsManager:onSceneChange(String, String) UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`2:Invoke(T0, T1) SceneLoader:OnLevelLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode) UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`2:Invoke(T0, T1) UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1086 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 920660. Total: 1429.710800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 55.558800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.913600 ms MarkObjects: 1261.512600 ms DeleteObjects: 3.725000 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 920660. Total: 1436.179300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 53.671000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 110.942900 ms MarkObjects: 1270.338500 ms DeleteObjects: 1.226100 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: M_M200 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 604778141 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 1.546387 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 170 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 918211. Total: 1471.125400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 89.112100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 105.112800 ms MarkObjects: 1275.122500 ms DeleteObjects: 1.777400 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_M200 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_M200 3.08 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 37 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) UnloadTime: 16.365700 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 436 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1068597. Total: 1422.311100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.641300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.306700 ms MarkObjects: 1254.524000 ms DeleteObjects: 2.838500 ms) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1068597. Total: 1431.044800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.503200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.207800 ms MarkObjects: 1262.771100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.561500 ms) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ShrinePlacementManager.spawnShrines (System.Boolean presetEraOnShrineVisualCreators) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 10720 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1094780. Total: 1541.704900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 85.153800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 118.555700 ms MarkObjects: 1318.378100 ms DeleteObjects: 19.616900 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.56 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) UnloadTime: 164.800300 ms Unloading 744 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 921418. Total: 1413.088600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.853500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 106.843800 ms MarkObjects: 1250.305000 ms DeleteObjects: 3.085600 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 921418. Total: 1408.407100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 51.691200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.355300 ms MarkObjects: 1246.148700 ms DeleteObjects: 1.211300 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: M_M170 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 605736240 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 1.329102 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 112 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 929581. Total: 1459.569700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 72.024000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.493400 ms MarkObjects: 1278.651200 ms DeleteObjects: 1.400500 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_M170 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_M170 2.83 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 30 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) UnloadTime: 15.358500 ms Unloading 418 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1063928. Total: 1435.884400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.781500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.842800 ms MarkObjects: 1266.633100 ms DeleteObjects: 3.626600 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1063928. Total: 1433.913600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 57.912000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 111.988800 ms MarkObjects: 1261.936800 ms DeleteObjects: 2.075300 ms) Shrine spawn rate multiplier from zone size | 0.61548 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ShrinePlacementManager:spawnShrines(Boolean) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.0009765625 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 7344 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1134207. Total: 1535.834400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 79.610100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 112.229900 ms MarkObjects: 1334.922100 ms DeleteObjects: 9.072100 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.57 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) UnloadTime: 219.760500 ms Unloading 687 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 937166. Total: 1429.543700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.815900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.715600 ms MarkObjects: 1266.605300 ms DeleteObjects: 2.406600 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 15) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 937166. Total: 1431.744600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 54.722100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 110.508900 ms MarkObjects: 1265.330100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.182200 ms) PreLoading Scene: M_E50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 606174722 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 1.75293 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 182 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 946741. Total: 1451.395400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 61.315800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 107.164700 ms MarkObjects: 1281.289500 ms DeleteObjects: 1.624900 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_E50 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_E50 3.25 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '!ftraceLightmaps') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 43 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) UnloadTime: 16.717500 ms Unloading 389 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1084180. Total: 1480.057000 ms (FindLiveObjects: 58.507000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 126.634300 ms MarkObjects: 1292.682300 ms DeleteObjects: 2.232800 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1084180. Total: 1476.673600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 61.106200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 110.830300 ms MarkObjects: 1303.502600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.234000 ms) Shrine spawn rate multiplier from zone size | 0.8275899 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ShrinePlacementManager:spawnShrines(Boolean) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) [FMOD] Event not found: (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) WalkToInteractable:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 3884 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1105412. Total: 1563.832500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 72.107000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 111.713400 ms MarkObjects: 1373.891300 ms DeleteObjects: 6.119000 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.59 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) UnloadTime: 111.532600 ms Unloading 616 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 948283. Total: 1443.879200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.440300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.968900 ms MarkObjects: 1279.408300 ms DeleteObjects: 3.060600 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 948283. Total: 1436.497100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.409000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.972900 ms MarkObjects: 1273.450600 ms DeleteObjects: 1.663800 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: M_M100 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 607016040 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0.7666016 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 70 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 950008. Total: 1521.548900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 86.033000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.235900 ms MarkObjects: 1325.900400 ms DeleteObjects: 1.378900 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_M100 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_M100 2.34 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'TouchReactSystem') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 29 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) UnloadTime: 17.873400 ms Unloading 470 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1032471. Total: 1456.500400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 56.034500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.464400 ms MarkObjects: 1289.528100 ms DeleteObjects: 2.473000 ms) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1032471. Total: 1454.858400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 56.060200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 112.509700 ms MarkObjects: 1285.063000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.224800 ms) Shrine spawn rate multiplier from zone size | 0.8828385 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) ShrinePlacementManager:spawnShrines(Boolean) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 6780 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1047594. Total: 1526.681700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 71.937600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 112.164100 ms MarkObjects: 1328.313500 ms DeleteObjects: 14.266200 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.55 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) UnloadTime: 149.636500 ms Unloading 469 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 950535. Total: 1443.087200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.014400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.580600 ms MarkObjects: 1278.989500 ms DeleteObjects: 2.502200 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 14) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 950535. Total: 1449.918900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.278500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 110.449400 ms MarkObjects: 1285.691900 ms DeleteObjects: 1.498300 ms) PreLoading Scene: M_M200 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Processing Monolith RNG, Seed: 607484370 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.Gameplay.Monolith.MonolithRNGManager:GatherNextLevel(MonolithInformation, MonolithRun) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 1.983398 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() MonolithRunsManager:chooseEchoIsland(TimelineID, Int32, Int32) MonolithTimelinePanelManager:travelButtonClicked() System.Threading.ThreadStart:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall:Invoke() UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke() System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32, Int32) Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvents() Rewired.Integration.UnityUI.RewiredStandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 74 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 952439. Total: 1481.783400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 74.947400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.451500 ms MarkObjects: 1296.013100 ms DeleteObjects: 1.370900 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_M200 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_M200 3.50 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PostCamModifier') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 37 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) UnloadTime: 16.315100 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 446 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1102764. Total: 1473.832500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 58.647700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 108.598700 ms MarkObjects: 1304.264700 ms DeleteObjects: 2.320900 ms) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1102764. Total: 1467.553700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 59.815000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 111.218400 ms MarkObjects: 1295.199200 ms DeleteObjects: 1.320300 ms) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ShrinePlacementManager.spawnShrines (System.Boolean presetEraOnShrineVisualCreators) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempted to free an already freed FadeInstance (tracked: False, active: False) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) HideableSystem:FreeFadeInstance(FadeInstance, Boolean) HideableSystem:ColliderAdded(Collider) System.Action`1:Invoke(T) ColliderData:Scan(Transform) HideableSystem:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) PreLoading Scene: M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Unload Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Attempting Load Scene References UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Finished Load Scene References, Time Taken: 0 UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) LE.AssetManagement.SceneReferenceManager:PreloadScene(String) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unload scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) SceneLoader:RecursiveSceneQueueLoading() PlayFab.Events.PlayFabRequestEvent`1:Invoke(TRequest) ConditionHandler:TryTriggerInteraction(GameObject) WorldObjectClickListener:ObjectClick(GameObject) EpochInputManager:HandleMovementInput(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) EpochInputManager:Update() (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 2910 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1133386. Total: 1565.393700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 81.807300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 110.925300 ms MarkObjects: 1367.484600 ms DeleteObjects: 5.176100 ms) Unload assets/previous scene complete UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Loading Scene M_Rest UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Time to load M_Rest 1.59 s UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) d__32:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'GRAPHICS[]SETUP') is missing! (Filename: Line: 334) Unloading 31 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) UnloadTime: 130.256300 ms Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh (Filename: Line: 648) Unloading 716 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 955569. Total: 1457.632900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 52.018100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 109.946900 ms MarkObjects: 1293.024500 ms DeleteObjects: 2.642700 ms) Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 16) Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 955569. Total: 1461.857200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 54.613300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 113.080200 ms MarkObjects: 1292.954300 ms DeleteObjects: 1.208600 ms) Curl error 7: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out (Filename: Line: 813) Uploading Crash Report Uploading Crash Report Setting up 6 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 1628 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 3828 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 3c68 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 348c -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 34a4 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 3f18 -> priority: 1