Yay, finally! Mastery respec. You brought me back!

So a mechanic heavily favoring MG then.

While this is true, you do get to see the cost when you click the button and get the confirmation window. But the trailer showed the whole process to the end and there was no cost shown at any time.

But like I said, Iā€™ll wait until there are more details. Itā€™s possible that not everything is yet implemented in this regard (or even that they change their mind regarding the cost) and that what we see in the trailer is not indicative of the final implementation.

I hope so too. And I hope itā€™s not a simple gold cost, otherwise MG has a huge advantage in this regard vs CoF.

I think that was a joke. Hinting at an earlier question regarding paying for it. Could be wrong, though. But I hope gold isnā€™t the currency used, as that affects MG and CoF players vastly differently.

Itā€™s ok that passive respec is with gold because the costs are negligible. So either mastery respec will have negligible costs as well, or this is a slap in the face to half the players.

For me, the Mastery respec is not a good change and is the only thing I donā€™t like about the Season 2.

I am on the side that is surprised that so many people want to skip the campaign, or want to respec mastery. :scream_cat:

For me, the leveling experience is such a fun part of the ARPG that it is the equivalent of the end game.
And I canā€™t ignore the fun experience of combining completely different equipment and skills between the first and second halves of the game.

Personally, I think the Mastery respecs makes that experience lose.

Some people may think that you simply should not use. :thinking:
But if there is an easy way, we will ultimately choose it.

However, I think that developers are open to the opinions of all kinds of people, and I think that in some respects this is inevitable.
In fact, I donā€™t think that just because we respec a mastery, weā€™ll ever get another build done right away.
I believe that passionately farming will always be necessary to complete the build even if after respec the mastery.

And I know some people welcome the mastery respec.

So, what I want to say isā€¦
I think mastery respecs have a greater impact on the leveling experience than blessing or passive respecs.
And I think that is similar to and actually different from fast-tracking a campaign with Legendary equipment.
Therefore, the advent of mastery respecs itself is disappointing to me, as I value the experience.

But if there was a way for Lelinne to seal only the mastery respec, I would gladly pick the method.
If such an option were available for a each character, I would gladly choose it always, every season, every character. :smile:


One part of me finds this feature compelling. The other makes me feel that instead of fixing lesser masteries you are just letting people change to better ones? It does short cut a lot of time investment. Example: Iā€™ve actually leveled shaman/druid/beastmasters just to try all 3. Now, I would just level 1 of them and change when I hit 100. Hopefully the new content can make up for that lost time to retain players. Anyways, you can still make individual mastery characters if you want to.

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I second everything on this post.

This change was puzzling to me watching the season trailer. I just recently left my legacy account behind to start playing online with my partner, and Iā€™m simply flabbergasted by the change.

With the way you contextualized the change, it basically amounts to cutting the content of the game by 2/3rds. On my legacy account I have two of each mastery, ranging from levels 30 to 70. There was a reason to level so many characters. Now you make five and stop. You just pick whatever is most optimized. Who cares about flavor.

I was actually happy with my Mageā€™s selection as Iā€™m going frost only for fun. Whelp, now this just feels stupid. Guess Iā€™ll swap to whatever has the best cold skill instead. Neat.

Really braindead move here. Donā€™t understand why you want to neuter the only real choice we had.


For the campaign Iā€™m not surprised.

Iā€™m more surprised of what people make of having a badly made mechanic in the game. ā€˜Remive it!ā€™ is screamed left and right rather then people telling the company to fix itā€¦ odd choice.
Itā€™s actively calling out to make the product they receive ā€˜lessā€™ after all rather then more. Itā€™s a downside.

I have 5 builds available where I didnā€™t put the effort into leveling up a character yet.

The ā€˜not everā€™ happened 5 times over with me before the mechanic is even released :stuck_out_tongue: 5 campaign lengths of investment from my side lost. 5 times ā€˜eh, not in the mood for re-running Monoliths, gonna do something elseā€™ as an opportunity for me to engage lost.

Yeah I hope they never add a quest tracker. Itā€™s scream ā€œubisoftificationā€ to me.

But Iā€™m a giant Elden Ring nerd with a 100% biased opinion.

Part of the charm of the games is that you miss things. The devs arenā€™t afraid to hide good content. Thatā€™s charming in a world of quest trackers. Imo. Some people will never play because of it, but thems the brakes.


Ok now where is my 6portals for each map?? I see u can change waiting for that.

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Yeah, I had all these plans for all the different builds I wanted to use and collect loot forā€¦now that opportunity is ruined because Iā€™ll just respec my high level toon and try out the other build. No investment beyond your one toon. Kinda shocking theyā€™d hit the longevity like this.

Which in turn ruins the point behind item factions. Point of it was u want to trade or not.

This now is thrown out the window especially for players that do not want to trade at all but want to experiment. Will now feel as if they have to trade now to make this even efficient.

U and i both agree with MG needing its own currency and gold needs removed as a currency for MG. Gold cost to respec mastery drives this home even more.

Hell we dont even know what the gold cost is. But lets say its around 5mil or more. That just further drives my point home about the point of items factions now being thrown out the windowā€¦ as well as MG having its own currency

Tbh this change is creating more issues with the game now than it is solving. I think DJSAMHEIN is spot on with the d2 respec system.

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Iā€™m split on this. On the one hand, it does kinda invalidate having multiple versions of the same character as you can just respec your existing one. On the other hand, you might want to have multiple copies of one class so you can farm with one and do something else with another.

Something that hasnā€™t been mentioned yet was, perhaps, this is meant to help with character limits on accounts. Lots of people wonā€™t need to complain that they donā€™t have enough character slots when you can just respec one of your existing characters into the new class you want to try.

Also, I think itā€™s nice to be able to reroll a character you donā€™t like into something else, instead of just abandoning it/ deleting it.

I think not being able to respec a mastery is about the same as not being able to respec points. Itā€™s a slim line between making a meaningful choice for one aspect, and making every choice meaningful (or punishing depending on how good/ bad it is).

Back in D2, you had zero respec. If you put points into something bad, you had to reroll the whole character to get those points back. Then they introduced the respec and far fewer characters were bricked, which is a good thing IMO.

I can see both sides of the arguement for/ against complete respec, but I think the best option for the game is probably to allow it, so people donā€™t feel like they canā€™t experiment or change if they donā€™t like the choice they made. Iā€™d rather see someone change from Lich to Necro rather then just abandon the character and maybe stop playing because the time invested in the Lich was ā€œwastedā€.


Asbolutely! It does help.
Wouldā€™ve just enjoyed if in-class loadouts had been a thing instead, which actively doesnā€™t reduce the replayability of the game rather then respec for masteryā€¦ which definitely does reduce the replayability of them game.

I meanā€¦ character slot issue? Definitely fixed :stuck_out_tongue:
Couldā€™ve also gone the way of ā€˜if you wanna have more slots pay a littleā€™ because itā€™s not a thing that is - even for a character hoarder like me - in any way mandatory or even severely limiting.

Also true, absolutely!

The question is onlyā€¦ how meaningful and important do you wanna make choices be? Every bit away is a bit into the direction of ā€˜less meaningā€™ after all, up until the point your character becomes a non-descriptive pile of generic stats to be wrangled around freely.

Is it? I donā€™t know actually.
Could beā€¦ could not be.
I think a bit of a middle-ground is fine, which is why Iā€™m fine with passive and skill respecs as you can get those easily wrong.

Butā€¦ picking the entirely wrong class? Ehhhhhā€¦

I can say Iā€™m actually in this boat. I wanted to try a stygian beam lich as it looked like a cool playstyleā€¦ however, when I play itā€¦ I HATE IT. OMG I HATE IT SO BAD. I was considering just deleting the character as I canā€™t see any real reason to play it, but with the ability to swap over to another class within that group, Iā€™ll keep her around.

Is that any different from trying, letā€™s say a rogue, and hating it? Hating it so bad? Is class respec really the next step?

Lich has a lot of different builds available to it, just like any mastery. If you donā€™t like one, you have plenty more options to try it out.


It is if none of the other Lich abilities interests meā€¦ Besides, itā€™s still missing a skill for Godā€™s sake.

Thatā€™s fair.

But again, how is that any different from class? Suppose I choose Rogue because I want to play explosive traps. I donā€™t like its gameplay and none of the other rogue abilities interest me.
Should I be able to respec my class? If not, why not? Why is it different?


Sure! Hell, why not just eliminate all the different classes and just have everyone pick a character design and then choose what abilities to use. Iā€™d be okay with that.

Welcome to the ā€˜generic, meaningless mesh of stats that can do everything theoreticallyā€™.

And thatā€™s how you loose a large chunk of replayability and players immediately. Not happy? Respec and do something entirely different.

Second character? Why would you ever need one? Reached level 100? Always 100 from now on! Nothing but the absolute top of the top-end is valuable anymore.

Progression? Nono, we only have saving up to try out a new build, we never progress, we just switch when ready.

Removes a boatload from the game, thatā€™s why not even the most casual games in the genre do this. Itā€™s overall bad design. Much like everything any extreme is a negative for people. Absolutely strict non-changing choices where a single missclick can ruin all the work for dozens of hours? Welcome to D2, and why respec became a thing afterwards.
Full free choice without limitations? No reason to even do stuff.

Itā€™s somewhere in the middle, and different people enjoy a different amount of that. Last Epoch positioned itself in a play initially where itā€™s already relatively easy to re-do things overall, outside of the class, that one was fixed, that one was sanctuous. But thatā€™s reduced to 33% now, and it means we have a boatload of ā€˜less optionsā€™ available to us psychologically. Allā€™s the same in praxisā€¦ but in our brain it isnā€™t.

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LOL ! Been there, done that ! Iā€™ll flush it to make room for 1.2.
Iā€™m surprised that lich is not getting much love for season 2. The missing skill and a rework for the lich form would have been teased by now.
Maomao (a content creator specialized in lich builds) must be so mad hahah. Poor fellow :stuck_out_tongue:

In your brain it isnā€™t.
With my alt-holic campaign-speedster monkey brain, iā€™ll still spam reroll button more than I should.

And by the way, for a completely different game, Iā€™d be hyped by a classless hack&slashā€¦ if the horizontal progression is good enough. Or a system a little bit like FF14 or Warframe, but in the hack&slash genre ? One customizable character that can switch classes, maybe with a bit of metaprogression for completing paths ?

I know I digress but a man can dream, no !?

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Youā€™ll do that despite not having a reason to play up that character?
Getting absolutely nothing from it?
Needing 5 minutes instead to make it happen youā€™ll spend 10 hours of campaign (without skips or rushing) to achieve that?

I absolutely donā€™t believe in that.

But if you mean that you have the urge to try out a variety of options then thatā€™s absolutely normal.
Justā€¦ youā€™ll do it for 2 hours rather then 50 with the new system, given itā€™s inside the same base-class.

Oh, nothing against that, would be fun even.

The issue is that thereā€™s substantial amounts of content needed for the progression systems in both itemization, skills, auxiliary power progression.
You mentioned Warframe after all. Warframe functions because the card-system takes ages to build up first. Then you need the weapons, the unlock of areas, the warframesā€¦ and especiallyā€¦ FORMA. And FORMA is a long-term investment unless you know the few very rare spawn points where you can farm them finished.

Otherwise (99,9% of people) youā€™ll have to wait a lovely 24 hours between each craft while needing multiple for a single frame.
The gameā€™s been made with a long-term expectation in mind, something LEā€¦ sadly lacks to a large degree. Especially since it still struggles like nearly every live-service game after releaseā€¦ with sheer content quantity simply not ā€˜being thereā€™ yet.

Also unlike the completely unique experience of Warframe the H&S genre has a boatload of competition which has optimized the model of the genre over the years, some betterā€¦ some worse.

To a degree Chronicon provides that, sureā€¦ base classes still exist but bringing them up to end-game is extremely fast after the first and respec is basically free, same as changes to items to optimize them. You can clearly see what the more extreme directions lead towards.

The game is well received but the play-time per individual is quite low. Itā€™s a good game, but itā€™s not something that could even remotely survive in the live-service landscape. Because plainly spokenā€¦ the live-service environment is not only brutal but a fairly awful business model overall, with more downsides then upsides.