+x skillpoint bug, refunding skillpoints on map change

BUG: Skill points on skill being refunded upon map change. Specifically, on Fireball 2 skill points are being refunded. They seem to be the points most recently allocated. If different nodes are selected using these ‘phantom skill points’, it appears the next most recently applied points are taken away upon the next map change, while the new nodes remain intact.

Player.log (44.8 KB)

Same here

Thanks for the report. I haven’t been able to reproduce this yet, so I have some questions that might help narrow down the issue.
Does this occur every single time you load into a new area, or only sometimes?
Is this occurring in online or offline play?
Are these skill points that you’re receiving from an item, and do the effects of the node you allocated using these points seem to work?
For others who are experiencing this issue: is this occurring with skills other than Fireball?

In so far as I have tested, yes.

Online play. I haven’t tried it in single player.

The offending item appears to be Liath’s Machinations, which adds +2 to Fireball


I have tried un and re-equipping the item(s) that add points to Fireball. These Items are: “Liath’s Machinations”, which are the aforementioned gloves that add +2 to Fireball specifically; and “Cinder Song”, a wand that adds +1 to Fire spells. However, it is only the skill points that apply to Fireball which are being bothersome.

I have also tried respeccing (and reallocating) the skill points, and de-then-respecializing the skill to no avail.

Throwing out a bump for visibility; the issue is persisting.

Through additional experimentation I have found that if I equip Liath’s Machinations before Cinder Song, I only receive two skill points instead of three. When donning them inversely, I receive the full spread of three skill points.

Is it possible this is not a general bug but one specific to my drop or character?

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