Why won't my linux version patch?

lancher comes up and doesn’t even try to patch.

any ideas ?

edit: do i need download a fresh launcher ?

Sorry about the wait, there was a problem and it will be up soon.


ok. i can wait. well not really, but i’ll do my best not to go crazy :crazy_face:

thanks for the fast response !

edit: also, thank you so much for having a linux client

same her on linux, no patch yet

sort of weird that it’s a linux only problem.
you’d think the launcher would be talking to the same patch server as the windows version.

woot. as of 1600 hours pacific seems to be working now !

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yep patching now, sh%t happens no worries!

however , my character screen is broken. well, almost broken.

i’m seeing very vague outlines of the characters all in shades of light purple.

i’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to look like that…

Same problem here, selection screen is broken as you described (ubuntu 20.04)

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