Why is ward considered better than health?

Not necessarily. In PoE, deep delve builds have crappy eHP. When you delve deep enough, any hit will insta-kill you, no matter what defenses you have. So in order to delve really deep you just need to go all out on damage and clear the screen before they sneeze at you.

Corruption follows the same pattern, in that it’s an infinitely scaling mechanic. So to reach the absolute max you will also need to go all out on damage and know that you will die if you’re hit.
The main difference is that the delve layout favours this tactic, being mostly linear and, more importantly, narrow, whereas mono echoes are mostly open, which mens there’s a bigger chance that some mob on the edge of the screen (or even a plant offscreen) will kill you.

When I said that, I was referring to Last Epoch, not Path of Exile.

For the vast majority of players and builds climbing corruption this season, their bottleneck will be their eHP.

Said this a few months ago. I’m glad these are the exact changes they’re implementing.

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