Why I think the game fell off so hard and why its disappointing

Nope, the statistics I have show that 74.8% of players use Reddit as their primary source of information, 52.1% use discord & the remaining 49.7% use forums. So your statement is demonstrably wrong. Next!

Really? That’s bit of an odd view. I guess new players are important to a new game? I wouldn’t dream of being an armchair business analyst since it has nothing to do with my job so I guess you must be right. EHG should definitely focus on their existing players who already know about the game & not have their website structured to entice or explain anything to new people. That’s a silly idea.

Granted, I’m on the mobile site at the moment, but it’s “only” 2 clicks to get to News. Which I’m sure is one click too many and far to mentally challenging.

Like, it’s being used to advertise something? To entice people in? Surely even GGG wouldn’t do that.

If you say so dear. That last point did make me smile though.


You mean people can buy games after they’re launched? What a novel idea.
Not to mention that if 1.2 is a pretty good release, simple word of mouth and new reviews by game media will attract new people.

You might say that they wil never have as many players as they could have had if 1.0 was a better release, but, when you consider that even games like Wolcen continue selling units during steam sales, the notion that no new people will come to LE is non-sensical.


Also, whenever I log in since november, I see a lot of new players in chat.

I know it’s only anecdotal evidence and it’s quite unreliable, but it’s equally valid as someone who makes generalizations and comes to categorical conclusions like “for the majority of people, it’s this or that” without any indicator, proof or data.

(Anyway, I prefer to believe the 176,6% players repartition from Llama)


Back to the question what a lot is :slight_smile: . 2? 5? 10? 500?

Sure there is an influx of new Players because LE is often used as an example of a game with good ideas and basics and if you look at it on the steam page without doing any research on it it looks fine. So sure there are new player but I don’t think so many that it makes a big positive dent in the earnings.

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Right now there won’t be many, since we’re in the “off-season” period. But there’s no reason to believe that, if Season 2 is a good season, with good mechanics, that we won’t get a new influx of players.
If content creators go back to it, and there’s no reason to assume they won’t, that alone should bring a decent number of new players.

That is assuming that Season 2 will have a decent impact on the endgame and other mechanics, obviously. But from what we’ve seen so far, it seems it will.

Sorry if that was not clear : I don’t think that anecdotal evidence is relevant.

It was a non-argument, just like -as I said- making categorical statements without any indicator, proof or data; similar to some examples in this topic who lacks nuance and try to present as absolute something that is just perception.

No I was realy intrested how many people you talk about. Out of intrest :slight_smile: not for an argument.

That’s what D4 players say since S2 was on the horizon. I guess we don’t see much new content at all. Some number tweaks to skills and most likely some passive overhauls as mentioned by EHG already.

My tendency gos towards “To little to late.” and I guess we will not see numbers anywhere near S1. Yeah sure I hope I’m wrong but experience teached me otherwise and all I can do is to hope that LE will become a stunning suprise to me and I can wholeheartedly say “I was wrong!” and play a good game.


We don’t have exact numbers for D4, but from all accounts both Season 5 and Season 6 were relatively successful and well received by the community.

Season 2 will have a huge monolith overhaul, a big dungeon overhaul, along with some new mechanic (at least with new materials which are, for now, unknown to us). Along with balance changes and at least a new skill. This alone from what was teased so far.
So I wouldn’t call that not much content.

Even if the game had a successful launch, you wouldn’t even see numbers anywhere near S1. Half of them would never return, even if it were the best game ever. A reasonable expectation for Cycle 1.1 would have been somewhere around 125k (reasonable) to 200k (optimistic). I wouldn’t expect the initial launch numbers to be topped at least for a year or two if the game was already in good form, because most of those numbers were the result of a huge hype, which attracted many players which are only borderline interested in the genre and that quit it relatively soon.

Much like I don’t expect the next major PoE2 patch (where they will reset the economy) to top the initial launch. Many joined the hype, quit it because it wasn’t quite their thing and won’t return again ever. Or tried it, had fun for a bit and moved on to another game, like most players tend to do these days.

If we never had the 250k numbers on launch and had started with cycle 1 peak of 75k players, everyone would have been raving that it was a huge success. It was only compared to launch numbers that people started saying that the game was dead (along with the issues that LE has, no one is disputing that, although what the severity of those issues is is more subjective).

So I see no reason to be concerned about the future of LE just yet. Would I have preferred if they had a more stable launch? Yes. Would I have preferred if the endgame were a bit more expanded to increase retention right away? Yes. Do I think LE is so deep in a hole that it can’t even see the light? Far from it.


Yeah it was. Still you hear it again and again and again that D4 players hope the next season is the next big thing. Sure I don’t talk about the majority of the people we will never hear about because they give a shit about voicing theit oppinion on the internet. I talk about the minority that is active on reddit, the forums and whatnot.

We don’t know the extend of this. A monolith overhaul could be number tweaks to reach corruption levels faster or enemys scale differently. “overhaul” is a word you can stretch a lot. Balance changes are the least I expect but as I said I’m not hyped for them because they weren’t that good in the past. A new skill to me is a mixed bag as well because if it is something offesnive it will most likely be completely OP or a mess that needs adjusting for months. I simply don’t think they find the sweet spot with it and all bugs and crazy interactions. TBF that’s rather normal across the industry so not that big of a deal for a new skill. So right now I call it not much content but I would be pleasently suprised if I was wrong.

Don’t quote me on it but someone once said 20% retention rate would be awesome for season games when the topic was mentioned. Not from EHG but as an overall number after release of “Games as a Service” title.
We can’t tell how much money is needed to keep EHG afloat and actively developing at full force. But I hope they manage.

When I look at the steam numbers I’m more in the 50k to 100k range if the timing isn’t that greate and some other launch is in the same time frame. 150k if the stars align perfectly. Again I hope they do better but past experiences tell me otherwise.

It depends. If they throw in a new class or even two people will swarm over it again. Afaik the eceonomy will not be reset. If I did miss something would you mind to throw in a source? I would love to see an economy reset after the clownfiesta I had ^^.

To me personaly the numbers don’t matter that much because I can play LE in SSF mode if I want to but I objectively keep the numbers in mind. There is no reason to have high hopes for an MMO with 1k players. There are no high hopes for GaaS with low player counts and so on and so forth.
I’m concerned the numbers wont make up for the cost and that’s all I fear. They need money to keep the boat afloat and while I guess a good junk of players will give the game another spin I don’t think LE in the state as we know it will attract a huge influx of new players. Sure maybe the new patch is mega awesome but I highly doubt it.

I hope you are right because to mo it looks like they are actively digging but I’m sure there is light to see because the game isn’t terribly bad but in an unfortunate state.

I guess at the end of the day all comes down to money. For example I was suprised Chaosbane hold their promises while it was obvious the game was going downhill. Wolcen tried to do something to turn arround and to me LE is a bit like the Wolcen situation. Basicly a neat game but I’m a bit suprised what direction the development went and how they tried to fixed stuff.

Still I hope for the best ^^.

Oh, oups! A bit hard to say…
Every time I log in (which is once or twice a week), I see maybe… between 4 and 10 players asking beginners questions, or saying that the game is great. I often chat with them, answer questions and sometimes help them (…carry them :P) in early acts. Many of those people seems to come from Poe 2 or D4. :slight_smile:

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We don’t have details yet. All we know are Mike’s statements on it and he did say it will change a lot. Which makes sense, since they deliberately postponed the next season several months exactly to address the issue that endgame was currently minimal, repetitive and kinda stale.

Just FYI, the new skill is for Lich and is part of their overhaul of the class. Even though Sentinel seems to be the major focus of the next balance overhaul, Lich will also be getting something.

It should be noted that there is a big difference between launch and subsequent seasons. As a general rule you can expect that about 40-60% of new players will play for a while and quit, never returning. This is easily verifiable by checking the steam achievements for pretty much every single game. Hence 125k from launch would never return.

But subsequent seasons should have a higher rate of returning players. Thus, if Season 2 has less than 75k players, that’s a bad thing. The expectation would be to achieve similar peaks each season, or even growing ones, like PoE1 has had in recent years.

But that is why I also don’t expect PoE2’s next big patch to have the same numbers that launch did. And why I expect they’ll have similar numbers on subsequent patches.

I was talking about Cycle 1.1 (or Cycle 2, before now changing to seasons), not the upcoming Season 2. Before it launched, my expectations would have been between 125k and 200k if the game was in a good state already. Not with the issues it had at the time.
With the state of the game in 1.0, I’d say 75k in 1.1 was actually pretty good.

For Season 2 I’m expecting at least 100k players. I might be wrong in this, obviously, but I think there will be some hype around it and it might increase numbers a bit. Whether they will stick around for longer will depend on the quality of the release and the timing with other game’s seasons (1.1 dropped 2 weeks before the new PoE1 league, which, along with the gold dupe (and the issues we all know and they’re trying to address), meant that numbers dropped off really fast at that point).

Kinda. Like I said, a lot of players tried PoE2 and it wasn’t their thing (for one reason or another) or they were a casual player that just messed with it a while. These won’t return. You might get an influx of new players for a new class/ascendancy, but I don’t think that alone would be enough to bring these types of players back.

The main difference, to me, is that Wolcen promised a lot of things that they didn’t deliver at all. Meaning missing features. LE didn’t do the same thing. The features are there. Lots of balancing is needed, more endgame is needed, but the functional stuff is all there.
I think there are still a couple things they didn’t add from their kickstarter goals (I understand at least a couple were dropped since), but EHG hasn’t broken faith with players. Nor have they changed their goals in regards to the game (like Wolcen did when they dropped multiplayer/seasonal model).
And, most important of all, they have still maintained an open line with the community based on honesty and transparency. They admit to the things which aren’t in a good place. They listen to the community feedback and implement things that weren’t part of their initial plans (like LP on loot filter and now the upcoming shard autotransfer).
They’ve stopped interacting with the forum as much, mostly due to the extreme toxicity that came with 1.0, though they still interact occasionally here. They are active on discord (and I believe on reddit as well, though I don’t frequent that so much so I don’t really know). And Mike still holds his weekly stream where he answers questions from the community in a very honest and straight forward way.

answering your topic!

it didnt and no its not…

but common be real dont compare apples to oranges

Yes, given they pulled in 100k+ players their focus should definitely be on the existing ones and not marketing for a new audience :slight_smile:

That’s a given since a steady number of players will also cause a steady influx of new players. Word of mouth, the strongest - while also cheapest - marketing method for any established product.

I always and repeatedly find it utterly baffling that the existing people in this Forum fail to see the business model of LE and my comments being related to said business model.

That’s not a Single-Player Game. This is not a classic Multiplayer-Game, it’s a Live-Service one. The second you provide ongoing servers your company needs to pull in the respective revenue to stay existing, nothing more matters there… because no matter how good your updates are, how good your game is… the second people loose interest and move on without looking back without other people in the meanwhile having come in means they’re goners on the market.


Yes, absolutely! But the effort needed to pull in new players directly rather then letting word of mouth work for one is substantially higher, takes away time from keeping existing players informed and excited over time and also costs often money.

Major news sites won’t cover your game substancially - or at all - if you’re not well known already (they want clicks too to sustain themselves) and new players have a hard time finding you if you’re not actively taking measure to make them know your game exists. Hence why I’m saying ‘the time for actively bringing in new players is over’.
They had massive hype, now word of mouth is the major aspect to deal with, bringing in those people which enjoyed the game at release but didn’t stay, getting them excited to re-try it again. Keeping the game ‘relevant’ on the market causes automatic influx of players since it directly increases overall visibility of your product.

You can’t go an focus after a hype release on new player influx anymore and leave the existing ones forgotten as you leave them on the roadside. That’s never been a functioning business model.

Yeah, but is it handled well enough? Is it enjoyable enough long-term? Is it providing enough long-term motivation to keep playing the game rather then just ‘testing it out’ once more?
The game needs long-term players, and more then 1k.

I’m on the camp for ‘Likely too little too late’ with hopeful looks to the future to be proven wrong.

Given their current numbers… actually we might do, which is surprising enough. 1 Month and they haven’t even lost 50% retention yet? That’s massive, a gaming industry unicorn basically. Surprising given the unfinished state of end-game as well.

But overall, clinging to the hope for the future since the present is lackluster in a entertainment product is not all too great, prime way to be disappointed as the chances simply aren’t in your favor overall. Sure, we all here would like for the game to succeed, everyone here (well, most) voice it in different ways, but the chances sadly don’t change no matter how much we would like them to.


Also exactly.

Ehhh… I wouldn’t try to use that argumentation boat there, it’s got quite a few holes in the hull.
Given that their initial kickstarter plans showcase more varied end-game mechanics then we currently have, which haven’t come and are basically thrown out the window. So it depends.
But their general direction has stayed somewhat stable at least.

You said, literally, “And EHG is beyond the point of puling in new people, that ended with 1.0”. Which is what we were replying to. The fact that it’s a live service or not is irrelevant to this particular point, even though it doesn’t apply to it either.

If EHG launches a successful Season 2 with new features, it will absolutely pull new people in. Content creators will talk about it, especially because most content creators (and game media as well) do seem to like LE, even if they think it isn’t in a spot to keep them engaged for long yet.
Word of mouth will also spread. “Hey, have you checked LE recently? It has a bunch of cool new stuff”. It will bring back both old and new players back.

After all, that is how PoE grew. It was doing reasonable but low (compared to current) numbers, then the Atlas patch came and everyone was excited about it. They got an immediate huge boost of new players. And then further new successful leagues kept bringing in new players.

So it’s wrong to say that they’re beyond pulling new players.

Am I a psychic? I don’t know, I’ll have to check the game when it comes out. Same as everyone else that isn’t a CT.
The point was simply that they listened to the community and made big changes to the game. Will it be enough? Maybe? Maybe not? Maybe they’ll need to keep pushing regular new good content to keep increasing numbers. You know, like what happens in the genre with this model?
PoE had a great content patch with the Atlas of the World league. Was it enough? Not really. It required several more good leagues to establish the current upward trend.

Most ARPG players don’t play a single game. You should know this. Most of them will play a game for a month, then switch to another ARPG for another month, then switch to D4 for a few days (more than enough for current content :rofl:), etc.
So I find it very likely that many PoE1-2 and D4 players will join Season 2, even if just for a while until a new season in another game starts. Especially because you do have plenty of players that play all 3 (4 now) games.

They actually fell below 50% in the last week, only getting back to 50% during the weekend. Which is still pretty good. But I don’t believe that you’ll get them all back (plus a few more, if you want to top the launch), especially because a significant number of them have already said they don’t like the PoE2 gameplay/combat/pace.

EDIT: looking back, those numbers are actually worse than PoE1’s. They just seem better because the overall totals are higher.
PoE1’s last league had a peak of 228k players. 1 month later it had 163k.
The previous one had a peak of 187k. 1 month later it had 121k.
You actually have to go back to 5 leagues ago (Crucible) to have a rentention rate below 50% for PoE1.

It’s still good for a launch hype and for an early access, but it’s actually worse than PoE1 leagues were doing lately.

This is where we disagree. As long as the game keeps improving, there is no reason to expect it to fail badly. This isn’t a major studio that will shut it down if it doesn’t immediately profit several billion. This is a passion project that will keep at it as long as it’s feasible. And all indications so far point to it being feasible still for some time.
Especially because most opinions about the game are generally positive. It might not be yet positive enough to keep engagement for a longer time, but it’s enough for people to return to it if it keeps improving.

ExileDiablo-likes have a different playerbase from the rest of the industry. They will keep jumping from one game to another and will even occasionally jump to a different one they haven’t played in a while when bored waiting for new stuff. This might mean going back to TLI or Hero Siege or sometimes even D2.
They usually main 1-2 games, but will very often play a few more. And when they return to a game and see that it’s now a lot more entertaining, they will stick around for longer.

Now, if, instead of EHG, LE was being developed by Bethesda or EA, then it would have likely been shut down already. But I don’t expect LE to die without the devs releasing at least a handful of new patches. And they would all have to be duds for it to happen, which I don’t find likely, given their ideas so far.

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Yeah, first of all it pulls in the old people, hence content creators which are well known if it provides something decent. If it’s more then just a second grand hype we’ll see.
Then obviously the word of mouth through content creators (which is not direct efforts to pull in new people) will bring those people in.
This is not an effort from the side of EHG directly, it’s a third-party influx of people, and which is the most important aspect as I mentioned beforehand.

Hence the focus needs to be in bringing the content creators which left back, optimally to a degree that they decide Last Epoch itself is worth it to focus their streaming towards compared to other similar games on the market (PoE1, 2, Torchlight Infinite, D4… ok, ignore the last, not gonna stop the long-standing joke of ‘D4 bad’ :stuck_out_tongue: )

And you’re right, this is how games grow, you’re saying the same thing I do, just with other words.

The ‘pulling new players in’ aspect is related to direct marketing towards new players though rather then focusing on letting word of mouth do it. That - generally, and especially with LE - ends with 1.0 commonly most times.

Now you’re a psychic though! As you said, we haven’t seen it yet :stuck_out_tongue: So wait before you judge it. We don’t know if they listened accordingly to what the community wants or not, we can only see it in April, or shortly before April during reveals.

Fair :stuck_out_tongue:

That depends on the quantity and quality of improvements though. Entirely I would say even. And given the speed of EHG to date it’s not a good look. But with their talks about optimizing internal processes to provide content quicker - and hopefully in a more polished state too rather then just more broken things - we can be a bit hopeful there at least.

I don’t think that in ARPG genre, devs should follow community’s calls, btw. Looks like most people don’t even understand how to have fun, what makes game enjoyable for them. It looks like a trivial task, to understand if something makes game more or less fun, and it is, but surprisingly a lot of players in this genre still fail to figure it out. Maybe it’s because gameplay of most ARPG games is repetative and don’t require much thinking, while gives simple positive feedback in terms of farming items and EXP, which attracts people who want to forget about everything and do not think much. In they state, they don’t see much about what is going on with them, why they enjoy the game, they only notice that short-term feedback.

I like GGG’s position about it — they are listening to the community, then checking if it makes game more enjoyable for them, and making final call based on their own experience. And judging by the numbers, it works pretty well for them.

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All I know is that a lot of players say that the steam achivements are very flawed and no good indicator. I listned in the discussion about the topic but I can’t remember why and how :slight_smile: . There are some games though where only a minor part of the community achivements show up as reaching lvl 10 of 100 just to throw some numbers arround. I don’t inheretly trust those steam achivement numbers even when they should be pretty accurate in theory.

I think 75k players would already be good. I think we end up with far lower numbers then PoE1 but most likely better numbers then let’s say Torchlight Infinite. I think 75k is rather realistic.

My bad I mmisunderstood this then :slight_smile: .

After S1 was so overhyped and underperformed I guess more ppl will be annoied if LE is hyped again. To me this whole thing looks like a make or breake kind of point. If the next season is good things can become better and better.

PoE2 is a mixed bag for me as well and the MF Meta is a comple mess for me personaly and I dislike the weapon choices so far pretty much. Still I’ll be all over it with the next patch or if there is an economy reset because outside of what I dislike the game itself is pretty good.

So I guess ppl who dislike the current states game will look into it again if there is enough reason to do so.

You mean like LE did? A lot of stuff LE was mentioned with as a kickstarter project alone was left on the floor of the cutting room. We have unfinished and unbalanced classes. We have an incomplete game with an unfinished story and so on and so forth. Sure LE is better recieved by players then Wolcen ever was but this isn’t blinding me from obvious flaws or similaritys with Wolcen.

Yes the communication is better but I laid back a bit and didn’t poke my nose in every corner to get informations. From this point of view there was almost no communication outside of a blogpost every now and then. Sure if I watch live streams and hang arround on reddit or find that smart link again that follows everything LE devs post everywhere I would get much more informations. I look into Steam every now and then and there it is beyond dead with even less life sign then in this forum. This forum as the HOMEpage of the game is rather incomplete to begin with. The communication in the past was better from my point of view but I think that’s partly a me problem because I don’t try to get informations everywhere.

Yeah they did and this was a bad thing to do. They descided to go out there and make a game and when things went south they acted like a turtle. In my book that’s the worst thing you can do because to me it looks like they only want praise and as soon as stuff isn’t going as planned they are gone. If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

With this mindset they don’t get much new players, stagnate and die over time. Look at the past when overpositivity and praise was rained down on EHG vs the real life scenario when things went from carebearville to negative feedback and (sadly) toxicity. Things need to change and I think it’s a good thing to have a game that attracts new players as well. All the people I told how good and fun LE is are mad at me because they felt like I wasted their money on a mediocre game not worth the price tag by a long run.

I’m pretty sure even CT’s can’t tell if the course of action is going into a good direction or a bad one because they aren’t psychic as well afaik. :stuck_out_tongue:

The point is they listned to the community BUT sadly there was never enough influx at the beginning so they listned pretty much to an echo chamber. That is never a good thing and another reason why they might have been overwhelmed with negative feedback and toxicity.

That’s another thing I almost get crucified for by the PoE2 community when I said the new atlas tree is boring and bland and that they repeate past errors and thorw out half baked ingame systems that need years to become okayish untill they become good. Guess what they said when they talked about the atlas tree… To me it sometimes looks like this whle industry is like a circus and they get away with to much stuff and would be unemployed if they worked in any other industry ^^. But that’s just silly me without any inside knoweledge.

Yes in my perfect world there are 24 hack and slash games that are all awesome to play a different one every 14 days :smiley: .

EA non f2p title != f2p with years of development and onging service game. That’s a bit apples and oranges while I guess you could say they share the same fanbases but the devs already said they don’t want PoE2 to be PoE1.

Ones improvements are another ones “WTF did they do are they out of their minds? F tis game!”. Some people say the ward mechanic vs the DR is an improvement I say it’s complete and utter trash that should be cleansed with holy fire! I don’t think improvement alone is a good thing if said improvement isn’t going into a good direction. This month I improved my poverty yay!

The cont creators will be all over LE again so I think we see LE back in the topics soon enough while the likey of Rhykker and co are still give short updates about LE every now and then.

I on the other hand thik they should listen to their community and never ever construct hills to die on. On top of it isn’t it a bitt silly to say people don’t understand how to XYZ? Last time I checked I wasn’t able to peak inside peoples minds and I’m greatefull for it ^^.

And there are a ton of reasons why this is working. While PoE was cooking and GGG working we had a very mixed up time in the genre and people loved what PoE was and most likely want to be. Yet again times change and while PoE1 kept it’s market share it didn’t made more out of it. Now we have PoE2 and the repeat the same stuff people complained about in PoE1. To me it simply looks like GGG isn’t truely learning from their mistakes and repeate them. Still yeah it works very fine for them. Sadly no other hack and slash game is the same spot as PoE was and therefor is today. People are even happy about the endgame of PoE2 while it’s a carbon copy of PoE1 for the most part aka nothing new here. So every player who disliked mapping for ecample will dislike the PoE2 endgame as well because it’s the same but just looks a bit different.

I’ eager to see where LE is ending up with the next season and if my past experiences get corrected hopefully. Right now I think we get near the “beating a dead horse” kind of conversation ^^.

Yep, basically this. I agree with that fully.

Yep, also 100% agreed. It comes with the territory. If you create a game and not a professional software then you’ll be likely the target of toxic behaviour. It’s a mandatory aspect to shrug it off, you can’t avoid it, it happens… but how you react to it is absolutely up to yourself.

EHG removed a lot of interaction with the Forum and that was the worst-case scenario. Beyond afwul. It’s their first and foremost primary area to show off thoughts to players more interested then the ‘leaning back ones’ (which the vast majority always is).

I would agree if it was 15 years ago, without content creators being a thing. Nowadays that’s the prime reason for games to go high or die though.
LE managed to get the majority of the big-name ARPG content creators over, if they can’t bring them back with 1.2 it’s a really bad outlook for the future. This means timing for the release as well as the respective quality and quantity of content need to be there.

That’s what brings new players in nowadays, that and the already existing players telling their friends ‘hey, the game got really great, play too!’. Direct advertisment to bring in a new group of players out of nothing is expensive, time-intensive and risky. That’s what I mean with the focus not being to bring new players in. They come automatically if the over 100k players from 1.0 are reeled back in to a degree at least.

Yes, no other industry has as much leeway compared to the software industry. a good 60% of companies would go into bancrupty if the same quality standard as other sectors have would even be remotely enforced. And plainly spoken… that would be a very good thing to happen.

Yes, it’s my hope definitely. If the big streamers come back and see it as ‘it got so much better’ rather then ‘same shit now then back then’ it’ll manage to get stable again. If not… that’s their ‘second first impression’ basically with 1.2. If it’s the same ‘quality’ as the 1.0 release then we can basically see LE crawling along for a good while before following the Wolcen outcomes.

To a degree, the movement towards their consumable asynchronous market is a good direction already. It solved the main aspect of frustration for their game for every single long-term player… and behold! The game didn’t burn down :stuck_out_tongue:
Sure, it got issues, but compared to before it’s myriads better.

Their league mechanics are also more ‘stable’ then they were a while ago, not only in scale but also reception. They have their blunders still when they try out things… and repeat the same darn mistakes people pointed out repeatedly… but some others aren’t repeated at least.
Too little learning there defiitely but at least ‘some’ of it.

That will depend on what EHG does to market the new season, but otherwise you could say the same thing about pretty much any game.

Blizzard launches a campfire chat to talk about the new stuff and then releases stuff. Which is then echoed out through content creators and media. Most new players will come because of the content creators. Is that an effort from Blizzard to pull players in?

GGG does pretty much the same thing. A trailer for the new league, followed by extensive patch notes, both of which get echoed by content creators. Most new players will come because of the content creators. Is that an effort from GGG to pull players in?

Content creators (from the genre) will all join in Season 2, even if EHG does nothing. How long they remain will depend on the quality of the content and the timing of other releases.
As I mentioned before, pretty much all content creators have a positive opinion of LE, even if it’s not in a state yet to engage for too long. So a new release will have them trying out the game and seeing what changed.

We haven’t. But Mike has talked about it several times (without spoilers). And we don’t really have a reason to doubt Mike when he says that. So we can really expect big changes to the monolith system and endgame in general. Whether they will please everyone or will be enough to retain people for long is what remains to be seen.

But the fact that they listened to the community and tried to address it via big changes isn’t really a guess. It’s part of their various channels of communication.

Obviously, that is the same for any game. If GGG started releasing leagues again like Bestiary or Blight, they will fall off as well. Any live service game’s health depends on the quality of its constant releases. And that counts both for attracting new players as well as for loosing them.
But due to the nature of the genre and its playerbase, that also means that a single bad release doesn’t immediately doom it, just like a single great release doesn’t save it.

They shouldn’t follow them blindly, but they should listen to it. Which is what EHG does. GGG as well, to a certain extent (they did have to be forced by the community to add Harvest back in, after all).

Is it? Fun is a completely subjective term that means something totally different for me than it does for you. Some people find arena a lot of fun. I find it excruciatingly boring. Same for delve in PoE.
After all, you have a lot of people that find D4 fun.
Not to mention that you have to make choices to reduce fun in favour of game balance, for example.

It’s not as clear cut as “This option is obviously more fun, let’s put it in the game”.

They are accurate, though. You have a lot of players that pick up a game and never finish it. Many just play it for a few hours, if that much. There is a sizeable portion of players that buy a game, try it under 2h and then refund it unless they’re really enjoying it.

What this means in practice is that launch numbers are inflated by these players. But after the initial launch (or if there’s an expansion, the season after that), numbers should be more stable since they are comprised mostly of returning players.

That should be pretty certain. PoE1 is pulling 200-250k players in the last leagues.

That should also be pretty certain. TLI is pulling 20k at peak.

How many we will actually get back will depend on the hype for the new seaon, how EHG markets it (if at all) and the timing of the release compared to PoE1/PoE2/D4 releases.

I don’t think it will be make or break (meaning that if it’s not all it should be the game won’t die right away), but it is very important. There was a huge break for it in order to fix some of the biggest issues, so players expect a lot from it.

If it does well, it will likely send LE in an upward trend. And if they keep doing a good job that trend should continue.
However, if it does bad, even if the game won’t die right away, it will certainly require a lot more effort to pull back up.

Funnily enough, I don’t mind the MF situation at all. It’s pretty much like it was in D2: you get a character for MF and have other characters that you equip with the gear you got from the MF one. But I can understand that not everyone enjoys that.

Some of the stuff that was dropped was dropped still in EA and was clearly communicated with the community. As for the incomplete stuff, it’s just incomplete. It’s not abandoned. They will keep working on it until it’s finished.

Balance especially is very hard to achieve. You can easily see this in PoE2 where, despite over 10 years of experience and pretty much working on the game for 5 years now, balance is all over the place.
Even in early acts the balance isn’t great. You have monk and warrior struggling with their early choices while ranger and sorc do fine. So much so that there’s already a trend of “Get a bow and level with lightning arrow until you get your build online” for most classes.
But I expect that during this year of EA they will keep working on it until it’s tighter. Same as LE.

I think that’s a bit harsh. I don’t think it’s because they got bad feedback. That already existed in EA and they kept communicating. Rather, it’s because the forum suddenly became extremely toxic, with insults and death threats.
Personally, I would probably do the same thing. “This game is in a terrible state and I don’t find monoliths fun” is something useful you can interact with, but “This game sux, f*** you, you should all be homeless” isn’t.

CTs are already testing new stuff. So they know plenty of what’s coming next. They are very aware whether it’s enough or not. More so when they get more of the final stuff.
Aaron, for example, is very excited about the new stuff, although we all know that Aaron is an assumed fan. And recently there was a post made by a CT by mistake in the general forums where he was kinda underwhelmed.
Point is, CTs are aware of what’s coming since they’re trying it out, so they can make a judgement on whether it’s good enough or not.

Didn’t you frequent the forums after launch? You had dozens of new posts everyday from lots of new people. The first month after launch was anything but an echo chamber.
The feedback they reacted to was “Endgame is repetitive and not engaging/varied enough”. I think we can agree that this is something almost everyone will agree on, whether you like LE or not.

I think this is just because many people enjoy the atlas tree. Like I said before in this post, fun is very relative. There are many people that enjoy PoE1’s crafting system. I hate it. There are many people that enjoy LE’s crafting system. I tolerate it. This is mostly because I don’t like crafting in games. At all.
However, you have many people that love it and will spend an entire league in PoE just crafting.
So it doesn’t surprise me if some people do enjoy the atlas tree.

I do find it more baffling that so many people like the passive tree when most content creators keep saying things like “I think this is the best option but without path of building, we can’t really know”. If you have over 10 years of experience with a similar system and you still need an external tool to validate your choices, that doesn’t look like a good system to me.

Obviously. But pretty much every choice a game makes will attract some players and repel others. So any game choice always boils down to “What type of players do I want in my game?”. This is true for any genre.

I never said that shouldn’t. Ofc they should listen, would be stupid to question that.

No, actually it isn’t :slight_smile: It require some thinking. But, I didn’t say it accurately, I meant that it is kind of trivial task to figure out if something makes game fun for you personally.

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