Why I think the game fell off so hard and why its disappointing

Still don’t get how talking about a game that you genuinely like is ‘hyping the game out of proportion’, every CC that I’ve known, likes LE and still likes LE. But just like any or most ARPG CC’s they move on when the next big or new thing comes around and will go back to LE when its new season comes out.


I think it was Jonathan from GGG that said, if PoE 1 was able to gather around 50k people every 3 months, the game was making a pretty massive profit(only from stashtab and cosmetic sales).
So i wouldn’t be so scared, only thing i would be scared about is if they can keep up with the rather frequent seasons. Because 9 months aint gonna do it, and definitely not onwards.
We could argue that perhaps the 9 months was needed, because the game was pretty much still in EA by 1.0 and 1.1.

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I talk a lot about stuff I like but most of the stuff I like has obvious flaws as well and noone touched that subject even a bit when it came to LE. On top of it we can’t tell if anyone is coming back right now because there is nothing so far to come back to.

The only game that hyped me that much was WoW back in the day and it took me some weeks to see that not everything was gold about WoW. Maybe I’m intentionaly distend to games but as soon as I only hear good stuff about a game I start digging because that can’t be true at all.

Did you even read the updates they’ve given on the next patch? Because there’s going to be a lot to come back to next patch.

All RPGs have some sort of boss shield, or multiple health bars … So LE is no different.

It’s weird to me that you are saying that skills do not change much when you spec into them, because skills in LE are more customizable than any other RPG on the market …

It honestly sounds like you haven’t played the game because your complaints are the opposite of reality for this game. It’s fine if you don’t like boss ward, or you don’t like the classes/skills available, but frankly every RPG has some version of boss ward, and LE has more classes / skills / possibilities than almost any other RPG. There are a few exceptions

I thought he said 15k. Their studio was tiny early on.

Eh I wouldnt go this far. Some skills are very cool ill give you that. Javelin for example can be a banner that summons smites, a area attack that rains down where you click, a projectile, or even a DoT healing skill. Its got tons of ways you could play it in theory.

Then you have shit like rive. You can sorta manipulate its base functions, 1-2 hits, or juice only the third, but for the most part rive is rive, it does not change. it just gets different values here or there, and sometimes loses features like losing its 3rd hit to make it slightly off flavor.

The skill system is good, but because its so lopsided depending on the classes you play your option are “w0w every node I take is altering!” to “uhh more damage i guess” Even skills like rive that dont change much are still strong as fuck, but it can feel boring sometimes. especially when the tuning isnt right, so its like “5% more damage, or 50% more damage, wonder what ill choose :^)” edit: or shit like the burning path is warpath, “leaves a burning fire trail where you spin” this sounds fucking epic, then when you use it, its literally the most worthless piece of shit useless mechanic ever. does 0 damage, stacks 0 ignites, a waste of a point. its transformative for sure, but fluff transformative nodes that dont actually make you feel good for picking them actually make the skill system feel worse.

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When it is there and working I talk about it. Giving the reviews and presentations Concord is a 7/10. I can only cook with stuff I have and not with stuff I wish I had.

Most bosses get more HP and DR at some point sure but the presentation of the ward gains and losses alone are not for me. It’s like fighting a boss who regs life in an absurd ammount that negates my damage. Let’s take a look at D3 for example or D4 or PoE. I still do the absurd ammount of dmg and I know I do my part right. In Le my dmg get’s lower and lower and lower the more I push and on top of it I have the visual represenation, and that’s a me issue sure, that I do less and less damage and the boss get’s a shield out of the blue. Depending on the build I can hit the ward barrier and get stuff done or simply stop to fight because I get rid of it faster not touching it at all.

The first thing feels like an evolution of fighting a more powerfull boss that is more resistent while the latter feels like plot armour out of the blue.

I would enjoy a systems where bosses build up ward when they hit you or some kind of base buildup because this is how that stuff works and it build more if you play crap and get hit and less of it when you play it clean and on top of your dmg isn’t ending up in the void.

To me the biggest issue with Boss ward is the representation and as long as it stays like this LE is dead to me because for some reason that is most likely very intresting this shit drives me mad and I don’t like to be mad.

Yeah I feel like 3k hours are not that much as well. So let’s see what we got. A lot of numeric changes, procc increases and dmg converions that change the skill in no way. Making a skill bigger or smaller isn’t that fun as well. Shooting 4 firebals instead of one is neat but isn’t changing the skill that much. Spells that suddenly rotate arround instead of firing in a straight line is where things get intresting. Making a melee skill a ranged attack/spell again intresting. Making the same attack do less dmg but increase ailment procc chance… boooring because it’s the same just the application of dmg changes.

At the end of the day to many skills stay as they were and now just do fire dmg instead of phys or something arround that lines. To me I have one intresting node in one skill in on class and everything else is not that intrtesting.

Hack and Slash devs over the last 2 decades all do one thing: They play it save. There is little to no change in the skills and they don’t go a bit overboard with sizes and visual representantion and changes to a build. Even the darn small and boring Hero Siege skill trees that are there with the new season change every skill more then the passive tree of LE combined with the skill tree because you feel the change in the skills without the skills loosing their idendity.

Maybe this is a question of taste or I want to much but for me the skills don’t change much even after all the hard work the devs put in. I don’t want to belittle the work that was involved in this but the outcome of it in my eyes is a bit lacking like in many other games of the genre.

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To be fair, in all other ARPGs that is the full extent of the skill change you get. Unless you’re using a unique (or MI) to morph that skill, changing the skill via skill points/gems/etc is basically just get more damage, more speed, more projectiles, more penetration, etc.

So being able to do things like a homing fireball (to use your skill example) is already pretty unique in this genre. Not to mention all the other changes which you feel are underwhelming but are still unique to LE.

Have you played with veteran boots? Hidden Hard Mode.

Yes and I say the same about those games. If you advertise a build with skill skilltrees that change skills a lot they should better… well… you know… change skills a lot. Most the skilltrees do is to increase numeric valus what is the same old but ppl fail to see this somehow or defend it like a hill to die on as long as I’ve first seen the topic was scratched.

Yes and no. It highly depends on the games you play and if you only talk about isometric hack and slash games or hack and slash games of all kind no matter if isometric or 2D.

Would you mind to name some? The only class that comes to my mind that does things a bit differently is Runemaster. Most of the other stuff is something that feels to like i can find it in an 80s D&D rulebook for compairson.

Don’t get me wrong btw I don’t think this is omegabad like the D4 skilltwig or artificaly overbloated like the PoE1 passive skilltree but I think it isn’t that outstanding atm but kind of a good start like many other systems in place in LE. Sadly there is little to nothing built on this foundation.

Nah, I do think I’m going to get you wrong because you’re spouting some legit nonsense.

Maybe should be done some precisation, because if we speak about the possibility in changing a skill, LE is really good to do it, but when we speak about a good looking effect of skill, this is another story, both D4 and Poe2 are way better, not only for the more advanced grapich, but for example with a similar skill, like the chain lightning, a skill present in all three game, that work similarly, the LE ones is by far the worst on screen, don’t even seems that chain between enemies if you heavly spec in it, also for example with fireball, yeah, you can make it seek the enemy, but it’s really that good looking? Definetly no, especially when you compare it to the explosive bouncing fireball of D4, or the one from PoE2 that explode in a lot of mini fireball.
And these are not even the worst example that can be done, almost all the meele attacks are really ugly.
These games are all about feel powerfull and be good looking while destroy enemies, and in this at now a lot fo skills in LE don’t meet that, at least for me.

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Gathering storm can be changed to storm bolts or it can make your storm crows attack chain.
Warcry can be made into a totem. It can be made to freeze instead of knocback. It can cast maelstrom.
You can turn several skills into movement skills, like Skeletal Mage, Void Cleave, etc.
Judgement can turn consecrated ground into an aura, it can add a fire explosion after it ends, it can pull enemies, etc.
Wandering spirits can be turned into a channeled skill and can be changed to summon them at target rather than next to you.
Zombies can be made to vomit or explode, they can be turned into a single giant one or they can be made stationary.
Smoke bomb can be made to detonate with arrows, turn into a movement skill, burn when it ends, explode decoys.

There are lots of skills that change a lot with various nodes to the point that they often feel like a different skill. It doesn’t happen to them all, but it happens with lots.

I’d argue that Warlock is that way as well, and even Falconer a bit. Which is no surprise, given that they’re the latest additions to the game.

That would be because D&D set the basis for the genre. Even alternate systems are sort of “compatible” in that way. For example, Volatile Reversal is something unique that doesn’t exist in another game or in D&D, but it would fit right in for an anti-paladin.

PoE, at the time, did something which I felt was pretty unique, which was the ability to turn skills into a totem, trap or mine. It allowed for a lot more alternatives on how you want to play the game.
But other than that, it was the same as most other games. Without counting uniques or other stuff changing the skill, when you added gems all you got was more/less projectiles, more/less speed, more/less damage, more/less area, etc.

So considering all the RPGs out there, LE is the one that lets you make base changes to skills that is the most impactful.

D4 and PoE2 are using new engines, so that’s only natural. I expect that graphics will improve in LE over time, especially VFX, much like it happened with PoE1.
I don’t expect LE to ever be as good visually as either of those because those 2 games are backed by a lot of money which EHG didn’t have when they started creating LE.
Maybe for LE2.


They dropped the ball with the launch, was more of the same empty promises that players are well used to by now, party play was impossible and to add fuel to the fire we got nerfs and resets, Post-launch. The game released but it would seem the same mindset of being in early access has remained


Boss Damage Reduction was removed from the game. Boss ward replaced that system.

Old system worked that way the new one doesnt

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The new system is something completely different. Having bosses that simply pull a crapton of ward out of their arses because reasons made things even worse for me. This is a personal problem because how it’s representated and implemented makes me mad. I dislike to get mad so I avoid LE like the plague.

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I do kinda feel you. if you dont really think about the system as you engage with it, you see a boss bar, do 10% of it in a few seconds and go “damn this fights gonna be easy” except the boss bar you see, is on say abby, only 1/6th of the hp. Every enemy in the game has more ward then life. cept for ones who only have one ward break point, that just means they have ward equal to their life. But it means unless you are mentally thinking about “okay it has this many ward break points i need to consider” you just sorta look at the hp bar and go “im winning” then suddenly its a slog by the time your on 4th ward break, and your like" ive only done 70%? i feel like i did 30% in 5 seconds" and you did, but the hp bar isnt real, ward breakpoints are the real hp bars.

Yes, they are a bad bandaid that barely help.
I still insta kill everything, just now everything also insta kills me. Boring.

Sounds kind of like PoE2