Who wants a T7 reduced dmg from crits exalt? - no one, yet!

IMO, the “less damage taken from crits” stat is a superior version of crit avoidance, because if you’re not “capped” on less damage taken, you won’t get hit with massive spikes if you “fail” a roll. Whereas if you have 98% crit avoidance there’s still a 2% chance that you can be crit for double damage. You’ll end up taking the same amount of damage overall, it’s just spikier if you’re not crit avoidance capped compared to not being less damage taken “capped” (being at 49% less damage taken you’d take 2% more damage from a crit, which you wouldn’t notice, compared to a 2% chance of taking double damage, which you would notice).


Hey all, has anyone actually gotten one of these items as exalted yet? It shouldn’t be possible. Some affixes shouldn’t roll as exalted.

It looks like we’ve found a bug that would allow affixes that shouldn’t be exalted drop from the guaranteed exalted items as a monolith reward. It will be fixed for next patch.

@Llama8 @Heavy for visibility


No, i knew it can’t even drop.

Never gotten one from the guaranteed rewards either.

But good to know you found something that is not intended.

Now the question is: Any chance you might enable T6 and T7 versions of the “less damage taken from critical strikes” in the future?

I think that’s one of the exalted affixes that i personally would be super excited for.

Not likely, if we did, t7 would go up to 50% and we would drop the rest accordingly.

Oh really? Bummer

Do you really think that 51-58% would be a balancing concern?

Yes, then you would take less damage from crits than regular hits and critical strike avoidance would actually be a negative stat to have.

Yes i know, but isn’t this interesting?

Don’t get me wrong i do understand how powerful this is.

But you could build around this with your MoF modifiers and possibly even uniques/sets in the future?

It is interesting but just having the potential for a stat to become a downside like that is a bit of a non-starter.

Exalted chance to blind on hit is also not very exciting on 2h weapon. >100% chance to apply ailment that can only have one instance.
Image from Gyazo


Ok anyway, i do understand it.

Maybe we coudl see something like this on a unique or set? I just like the idea of weird stuff like this.

Thank you for your time Mike, as always!
Really appreciate it.

Why would you have crit avoidance and less damage taken?

Yeah agreed, also the 3 stack ailments are kinda unexciting to get in exalted.

Maybe exalted non-damaging-ailment affixes could get some seconday “increased effect of [corresponding ailment]”?

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It’s been a bit since I played, but I thought for sure there were some MoF mods that increased the amount of damage you took from critical hits. I don’t remember the wording on it. It doesn’t have to be specifically the crit strike multiplier by name, I was just talking about the effect. Was this removed with the recent MoF rework?

maybe my math is off but I 've always thought that 200% crit multiplier for monsters is equal to x3 multiplier . 100% being x2. So for example if a monster deals 1000 dmg with crit it will turn into 3000 (200% crit multi). Otherwise it doesn’t make sense to me as if 200% is x2 multiplier then 100% is same as non-crit? In diablo 3 if I have 1000 dmg and then get an item that gives me 100% more damage that would mean it doubles my damage.

I think I have one. I’ll try to find a picture later

As far as I’m aware, there has never been a crit multi modifier in the monolith.

Your maths isn’t off, it’s just that crit multi doesn’t work the same as any other multiplier. I have mentioned this to the devs that it could confuse people.

The base crit multi of 200% is an x2 multiplier, this can easily be tested on the dummy.

We already had a couple of threads about this in the past and for some reason people are confused.

I personally never got confused by that but if so many people are there needs to be something not very clear.

A Critical Strike is 200% damage (not extra damage), so it already inherented the “basedamage”… so its “100% extra damage”.

Any additional Crit Strike Multi just adds to that, so if you have 100% additional Crit Multi (from passives and gear) your crits deal 300% damage, which is “200% extra damage”

There was never any crit multi modifiers, since the very beginning (old MoF system), there are only 2 crit modifiers.

One says: “enemies deal X% increased damage and have Y% increased critical strike chance
The other one says: “enemies have +X% critical strike chance

The generic increased damage of the first modifiers does not explicitly increase the damage of crits, but is jsut a generic damage increase.

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a) It’s a crit strike multiplier & b)every single other damage modifier in the entire game is a 1+x% modifier so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect people to think that crit multi would work in the same way.

If they just changed it to x2 instead of 200% it would confuse fewer people & have a lower “cognitive overhead”.


Thanks to everyone for replying, especially Heavy and Llama, you’re previous posts and clarification on the crit multi for others was helpful.
Thank you Mike for looking at it, I was hopeful it would be adjusted in the other direction but if thats what is best for the overall game balance so be it. It does seem that the exalted chance to blind would need correcting in a similar way as well.

I can dream of my cool exalts.

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