What ya rollin'? (Hardcore / CoF)

I would have assumed the reverse. When you start a new cycle you’d start CoF so you can have gear faster for your character and you can farm shards and gold faster. Then when you have enough gold, you switch to MG.
I guess either could work. We’ll have to see how they actually do on release and the balance between them.

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But then you’re unlikely to be able to use most of your good gear when you swap over to MG.

That’s true, but if you start MG then you don’t have gold to buy the good stuff anyway. So you’d use a good farmer build with good movement speed to rack up the gold and shards, then you make a build that doesn’t need a huge investment (like TheCurse’s earthquake build) for MG and build up from that.

My only issue with starting a cycle with MG is that you don’t have gear nor enough gold and you have (relatively) crappy drops. You can’t even craft properly due to a lack of shards. Starting with CoF you should have at least plenty of shards and gold after a while.

Don’t forget that you can sell stuff with MG as well as buy

True, but that’s also the case with CoF. for the first few ranks. Neither trade nor CoF are a magical panacea for the early game slower progression, especially in season.

The CoF rank bonuses don’t affect gold/shards/etc drop chance. I don’t know if the ranks affect them (where Mike said that a rank 3 CoF is a bit better than current) but I’d be surprised if they did (especially gold).

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Well, no point in speculating. Just another month and we’ll be able to have fun figuring it out on our own :slight_smile:

Just to further clarify this, it extends to ALL CoF drops (CoF tagged or not) that cannot be traded, as stated in the FAQ section:


Haha see I like to have an idea in my head for my first character, one I know can be a solid farmer for me. then whatever drops in the mono’s he runs that’s when I build my alts around what I find

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And figure it out they will :slight_smile: get ready to buckle up. :see_no_evil: arpg min maxers are notorious for sucking the stuff out of games as fast as they can.

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Imagine playing standard on league launch

I’m going for a fresh start , so CoF & softcore in the cycle.
It’s time to start all over again )

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Yep, that’s a good strategy.
As long as your first character doesn’t require specific uniques or idols to work, you’re good.

I know, being able to use your existing characters and still enjoy the new content! Unlike their betters who play league…

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Oh, I’m so ashamed of the choice I made now. You truly made me see the error of my ways. How could I even think of playing legacy and missing out on all of those things that the cycle will offer me that legacy doesn’t?

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Sorry I was only messing around but my post was pretty blunt

I cant wait for a reset. This will be only the 3rd reset ever for me

Might be seasonal uniques that you can only get there until cycle ends


If they announce something like that then I’ll probably join the cycle, which is why I said that “with the information currently available” where there really is no difference between both.

Although I don’t expect that to happen. At most, I would expect some MTX rewards, nothing more.

They’ve said that season and standard are getting the same stuff. So no season-specific uniques (at the moment).

Bird Rogue. Because new classes are always over-tuned, and at their most fun to play.

And the moment they force me to play in a cycle (to obtain something, or engage in certain content) is the day I uninstall. I jumped through the new_character(s)_every_season hoop(s) with POE and D3 long enough, and am so very tired of it.

I am curious about this.

If EHG puts cosmetic unlocks as exclusive rewards for the new cycle, while the game content of legacy and the new cycle is the same.

Will that makes you uninstall as well?

Personally, there are only 2 reasons that make me play PoE seasons: the new mechanics that you never get in standard (you only get the watered down version of them) and the MTX unlocks. If PoE didn’t have either I would simply play standard all the time.

I’m sure LE will come up with something fun to encourage us to play cycles. But as it is right now, I have 0 incentive and will to play a cycle when I can get the exact same thing in legacy with way less grind.

Basically, if you make cycles and legacy the exact same there is really no reason to choose cycles other than the challenge, which is not sufficiently appealing to that many players on its own.