What is your favorite unique? And why!

I love the Eye of Reen on my mele ignite spellblade build.

Pretty self explanatory, great base damage and ignite chance for multiple procs per strike.
Fun little interaction with that and enchanted weapon on autocast to blow up all the ignite stacks.

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I can’t even choose one single unique.

I already had a very similar discussion in this thread:

To reitereate what i said on one of the posts:

My top 5 Uniques are: Life’s Journey, Ignivar’s Head, Bulwark Of The Last Abyss, Transitent Rest and the whole Gaspar’s Set (whole set idea)

I always love discussion like this. Great Thread!

Hopefully we get more interesting new uniques with 082, the last 2 major patches brought so many interesting uniques, i am super hyed!

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I love the bee gloves, they are a nice a fun leveling unique. I do love the bees they summon, that fight along with the player. I’d like to be able to play a bee build!

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Talked to Judd on the AMA today and they’ll be adding a lot more and re-working set items as well!

I agree a lot feel underwhelming, such as the minion crit ring(name escapes me at the moment and at work so can’t look it up) as well as many many others.

On that spellblade build I’m actually trying to use as many uniques as possible for the giggles even if it’s not efficient or good.

I don’t think I’ve found the Bee gloves, I wonder if they scale off minion damage and could meme around on my necro build with those :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, the bees are considered minions, you can also use them for exploding with the sacrifice skill.
Or god forbid, you can also sacrifice them for “Summon Abomination” xD

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Well now I need to find those gloves…

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I don’t have a favorite unique. There are a lot that are cool, but none that made me want to really build around them. There are some that fit into builds I already wanted to make.

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Some are just fun to slot it and try out, certain interactions might not do the most damage but add a quality of life change or fun interaction with other skills depending on class.

I’d take a look at what you’ve found and check skills and passives and think of how’d they interact, a lot need buffs in my opinion but there’s some that are just fun statsticks!

I just made a build around Culnivar’s Claim. Only Level 64 right now, but once I get to 70ish, I’ll post it. It was more about the challenge to make a build that can kill by spending no mana. :slight_smile:

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for me, it’s a tie between ribbon of blood ring, and deathrattle amulet. Very juicy for all minion builds.

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i have an obsession with gamblers fallacy, I love the trade off it offers and always want to see if it works with a build. I like it because it doesn’t just change my build but also how I play.

the great challenge with it is finding the right support skills to enable the playstyle. I can only have 1 skill that hits, usually. And getting the timing right is sometimes difficult.

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Bleeding Heart and Quiet Forest Belt


That does make it more fun!
Specifically feel the same way with the extra cold damage when above certain health, completely changes my playstyle!

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