What is the origin of your name?

I got mine from the text on the Monty Python & the Holy Grail intro credits (& then I tried to create an account on the MOO3 forums but Llama had been taken & it suggested Llama8).


Arethwyn is the name of my Beta character, a dual sword warrior, from TERA. I had LotR elvish naming on the brain while stringing together sounds for her name and ended up with this. They rolled the beta into release and I kept playing that character til I quit. The name grew on me :slight_smile:
I had previously gone by Faera in my Aion days.

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I’m very accident prone

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My real name is Benny. I came up with my ign as I was in trade school for electrical. I had a side gig as a DJ but didn’t have a DJ name. As I was reading up on some theory I came across a term “inrush current” the most energy at one time a motor uses to start up. It stuck with me. “Inrush” and from that day my ign has always been that

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i once had a classmate who had severe dandruff and i thought it might kill her. Hence Fatalfungus.


I wrote a story when I was 15 (many, MANY years ago) about a “medieval” warrior girl who later became adored as a god for her strength, compassion, and outright love for the people she protected, , and I named her Carranthia. It just seemed like a nice name for a “warrior girl.” It only seemed fair to use that name in any game where I’m allowed to choose a female avatar, and I have used that name ever since (in games with “modern” and “futuristic” settings, she’s Karen Thea, and her “lineage” can always be traced back to that original warrior girl who singlehandedly defeated evil and saved the people in so many great RPGs. In case you’re interested (yeah, sure), she will always call Whiterun in Skyrim her true “home.”


Icarus, the fallen angel, no explanation is necessary in this name :stuck_out_tongue:

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Mine’s from a series of old CJ Bolland EPs and song of that name.


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My nickname comes from the times I started to play multiplayer games. First on small lan parties later on the internet. Most games were 1st person shooters like Unreal Turnament, Soldiers Of Fortune, Quake 3, Counterstrike, … I always was very hectic when playing and often rushed brainless into fatal situations getting me killed.

So I decided to take a Nickname that gives my teammates and opponents a hint what they could expect of playing with me. :sweat_smile:


When i was younger and started to play multi (Quake 3 mostly) i often used fear666. Then, when i started university i decided to change :smiley: . I switched to dagde (coming from Dagda aka Dagde aka Dagdé).

Fun Fact : I often listened the story of “The Black Cauldron” (Vinyl) when i was a child. I chose Dagde before knowing that the cauldron (of the story) was highly inspired by this celtic god relic :slight_smile:


I’m not muscular in real life, and have never been muscular. Thin, some people would say. In high school, my friends called me ‘worm’, or ‘thin one’ or ‘thread’. You get the idea.

Worm stuck with the gamer tag, i put an old English ‘thy’ in front of it. I liked the ‘thy’, ‘thou’, ‘thee’, that sort of stuff. Don’t know why. It sounded cool at the time. So in the end: ThyWorm.

It wasn’t just limited to my gamer-tag. My email address also had worm in it, 22 years ago. It was basically [email protected]. I used that for ages, up until the point I was the chairman of our high school party committee, and we had to organize a skiing trip to Germany. We had a school with 1200 people, so I ordered around 22 buses at a transport company, using my email address, not thinking about it at all.

Several days later, my mum in the house got a phone call. I didn’t have a cell phone at the time. I was old school and thought I was cool without it. It was primarily highly impractical. So my mums picking up, and the bus company asks if there is a ‘worm’ at home, for the 22 buses he ordered…

Changed my email after that. The gamer tag stuck.


First name is Patrick. Trickster is my favorite PoE ascendancy. I always play rogue/assassin/range classes in arpg’s. I used to do alot of tricks when i was a kid playing basketball and football. I always tried new tricks when i was skateboarding back then. Sometimes im a sneaky guy. So…yeah…^^


Well I was one day watching some movies which stars an actor who kept calling himself Mr. Marcus to every lady in the movie. As my first name is Marcus I somehow fell connected to him! Thus my nick became Mr Marcus. I think the actor already stopped performing and is now retired.


Lol thats a good one! I think we all know MrMarcus😂

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Long, long ago in the pre-broadband annals of time, there existed a mysterious service called “AOL dial-up.” In my misbegotten youth, I would frequent the AOL chatrooms and games (bingo for some reason). In one such chatroom, I met a girl (who I later met IRL during college) and her screenname was something like “AgtScully,” her being a big X-Files fan (me too, for the record - love that show!). Wanting to emulate her name choice but needing something different, I chose “AgtShadow” and it’s been mine ever since. Turns out it’s very unique and, thus far, mine.


My real name, so quite simple. Heck, my nickname growing up was always my last name so adding my first name to it just drives home its originality. :smile:

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My real name is Mathew and as i always liked knights and paladins i added that “sir” thing on all my game user names and forums from when i was 17-18 years old (that was like and eon before :wink:) …

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I started playing PC games, specifically World of Warcraft (WoW), during the last few months of “The Burning Crusade”. Skill trees, woot woot. :grin: My very first character was a Male Nightelf Rogue named Nasaris. This name was a random generated name but it spoke to me at the time. Then when “Wrath of the Lich King” expac came out I rolled a Female Nightelf Resto Druid named “Nasari”. Which became my “Main”. During dungeons and raids with friends and clan mates, my discord call sign became “Nas”, mainly because it was easy for everyone to say quickly in battle. However, this stuck with me through the many years of WoW and beyond. So, every character I created since has incorporated “Nas” in the name.


Way cooler backstory then what I thought it was, Network Attached Storage, and that’s probably because I use 3 different NAS solutions in my home. Naturally, I also assumed you were in IT.


C8die was my Diablo 2 name. C8Pikachu was my first email and screen name on aol, prior to C8die. I guess it seemed like a natural progression for me. hah

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