What happens at >100% cooldown recovery?

This is for the Rogue Shift skill.

Smoke Weaver x 2: 65%
Helm affix: 14%
Stymied Fate boots: 25%
Total Shift CDR: 104%

(Build is only in the Planner atm, haven’t created it yet).


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The way CDR works in LE makes it so 100% CDR would equal half the cooldown, so any beyond 100% would continue to push the cooldown under half.


200% would reduce it to 1/3 of it’s base, right? I think that’s how the equation works, anyway?

Would it not be 1/4?

I believe formula is something like… cooldown/(1+cdr), where 50% cdr = 0.5, 100% = 1.0, and so on. so 200% cdr would be cooldown/3

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No, see Flame Nova Cooldown Recovery speed? for more information, but Albinosaurus is correct here.


Got it, thank you

New cooldown = old cooldown / (1 + CDR% as a decimal).

Shift would be:

3 / (1+1.04) = 3/2 = 1.5

Not too bad. Build in progress… :slight_smile:

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