Werebear loosing my skills on hotbar?

When i have played between 10-15min, every time if i go out of bear form i loss all my skills on the hot bar and need to select them again every time.

I have a full bar of skills and if a shape out automatic or by my self it end up looking like this.

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Haha there is something total wrong with the werebear, now in the middle of the battle my skills changed, if you look at the new SS i have x2 swipe skills. one bear swipe and one normal, and they do not share cooldown as i have the 2sec cool down node.
I don’t think the normal swipe has any node as it also don’t proc the companions skill :slight_smile:

We are looking into this problem. Thanks for the report.

Just to let you know, i level up a spriggan form, and have the same problem with that were i loss my skills on the hotbar.
But for spriggan form it most happens when i change zone.

Seems to be impacting all transformation forms then based on what I can read on forums. Just wanted to add this issue is also impacting Swarmblade form and seems to be most prevalent when loading in to Dungeons/Boss Arena’s.

everytime i get in a portal or changing zone my skills bugs out. I cant rebind the skills in my bar when i’m transform in to wearbear or spriggen too… All is in multyplayer.
And when i respec skills points i loos all the skill points i take off… Need to lvling up the skill agen.

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