Weaver's Will question

Those are all suffixes. Are you saying that WW aren’t bound by the 2 prefix/suffix rule? Sounds like a Bug Reports

Don’t forget rng as to what value in the tier.

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I knew I missed one! Then the final layer of rng, will your internet cut out right before being able to grab that item you were looking for.

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Ok… to be honest… This one actually happened to me. lol

If this really isnt that deep and you weren’t being a troll, then I rescind my comments and you have my apologies.

If not though, you suck :stuck_out_tongue:

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RNG right?

I’ve had a half dozen WW items in the last few days and I am not even in empowered monos yet with current char. And the lowest WW value I have seen in those items is 14.

Here’s another one I just got for my bowmage: WW 13
Yeah, I dumped it after 4 WW rolled the following affixes:
5% cast speed
13% of potion health gained as ward
8% necro res
7% lightning res
I cannot think of a single rogue build this would be useful for. Gotta love RNG

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Rolling four different affixes with only 4 WW is actually very “lucky”. 0.39% chance btw.

Let me tell you how lucky I’m feeling XD

I promise I was not being a troll, you could look through my post history if you were ever that bored to see. A lot of things happened to how I perceive the world, along with how well I am able to process highly conceptual ideas, post stroke. It was a genuine “you are very smart and use a lot of big words and concepts” moment for me.

Thank you though for the post!

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Just got a Weaver’s Will T6 Lightning Damage on an Acolyte Relic. Hey devs, should I hold on to this for an upcoming Lightning Warlock build?

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