We need (at least) 1 more active skill slot

Exact math was due to this


Of course. But viable or not its still a build. You never know when a patch will make it good

I agree, there might be builds fun for people that would other people absolutely dispise, or are just bad from a balancing standpoint.

But i was more refering to skills that are either counter-synergistic or build with for example: multiple stances.

I was not trying to bash any of some1 effort to do the math, i just wanted to say that the actual result of that math is irrelevant.


I’m okay with only 5 skill slots, but what I would love is if the devs allowed us to use the left mouse button for one of our skills, plus the RMB, and then QWE, or 1-3… Take the Vengeance skill for most Sentinel builds. That to me is a natural choice to put on LMB instead of pressing a key with your left hand.

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They confirmed they are working on solution.

I feel like if they added even one or two more slots they would have to adjust the power level of the minions. They are pretty powerful already if built correctly and giving acolyte even one or two more spells to use might be a bit much. I wonder if they have tried this internally and if so what were the end results?

This is exactly what they did in today’s patch: You can have LMB reference any of your 5 slotted abilities, not just the one mapped to RMB

We don’t need new slots. We need skills that are “mandatory” to be toned down and other options to be buffed so that we feel we have more choice, with tradeoffs for every choice we make, which is what a limited skill bar should achieve.


Instead of having more slots, maybe skills which are taken for their passive effects should feel more impactful or essential when they’re activated? I would rather be limited to a handful of high-impact skills than an armful of skills that are taking up space on a long toolbar just so I can get their various passive effects.
I bet if we get another slot, there’s always going to be a craving for just one more to complete our idea of the perfect build.

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Oh, wow. That is awesome. Unfortunately, they have not released the Mac version of .7.9 yet. :frowning:

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