WASD Movment and why we do not need to reinvent the wheel

Doesn’t mean that when someone talks about something else, he is talking about WASD, isn’t it obvious?

I can’t seriously answer to this :slight_smile:

Ever heard of a term having several meanings?

Ever thought that changing meanings of people’s words to match any argument you want to make is not a valid way to discuss things?

What it’ll be most likely because the game wasn’t designed with WASD in mind and EHG is jumping on the bandwagon.

Again… this is what gametesting or betas are for. On steam they can easiely create a “WASD Beta” branch for everyone and their grandmothers to play and give feedback on before they implement it to the real game.

This is simply the next time consuming construction site while they are behind their roadmap by months. Sure maybe they let devs do it that have nothing else to do right now but i highly doubt it.

As it seems we’ll see how thigs turn out in April and if EHG is making themselfs look bad or not. Most people won’t care about tbf because most people have no time and just want to play the game with the little time at hand. So after all it will do no good or harm I guess.

For people who are more invested into LE or H&S games in general thinks will most likely be different and there will most likely be an argument again between people who dislike the implementation and people who like it… the useual stuff :smiley: .

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I have faith in EHG as a company who wants to make a great ARPG, but it’s things like this that have caused me to not really want to play that much in the past year. I did play a bit during 1.1, but not nearly as much as I did pre-1.0

We have outdated classes, classes with no real identity (coughShamancough), skills that need heavy reworks (thankfully, Volatile Reversal has been reworked), systems that need reworked/Improved, and a road map that needs worked on, and instead we get distractions like WASD or the addition of new factions.

Like, if EHG could focus, LE could really be a polished gem like Grim Dawn but it’s going to be a while. I’ll probably lay off LE until 1.2 launches as it stands.

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