WASD movement

Which is also why WASD would be fairly close to strictly superior to mouse & keyboard. The only time I can think it wouldn’t be was if you want to use a movement skill in a particular direction, then you’d need to move the mouse in the particular direction you want which may not be towards the mobs. I don’t disagree with you, especially about bouncing the mouse from one side of the screen to the other while kiting.

The main benefit for me is it shifts from a target based pathing to a direction based pathing. Right now, you click where you want to go, the game figures out the best path to get there, and starts your character walking along that path. Which is fine, if what you had conceived of as your character’s route aligns with that which is chosen by the pathing engine.

But, there are many times in this game where the two do not align for me. Most often this occurs when there are “objects” or terrain over top of the path you’re on. This could be an enemy with collision, or more rarely and more significantly, it could be a different piece of terrain entirely. I see it most often on the catacombs maps after reaching the hideout, it can be difficult to impossible to actually just walk 5 feet forwards out of an AOE or shoot straight down the hallway, and I have to shift my click target quite significantly to move where I want to move.

Now, is it the biggest deal in the world? Not to me. But it does mean I’m failing to evade abilities I’d otherwise do so successfully, and as they refine movement in general (such as the dash), and as I get to harder and harder content with my character, it will become ever greater of an issue. Mind you I’m firmly in the “optional only” camp, several characters I have built to be exceptionally lazy and typically play with mouse only, keyboard nowhere near. But it definitely would make a tangible difference on the consistency of characters being controlled correctly.

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