Warpath's "Quicksilver Wind" node not granting proper Movement Speed?

Hello, I think there is a bug with the node in the Warpath skill tree, “Quicksilver Wind”.

At 5/5 points into the node, it state +40% Movement Speed while spinning. However, I go from 32% Movement Speed, to 38% (On the character sheet)

Perhaps it is functioning correctly and I am just misunderstanding the math being applied.
Video Example:

Is the 32% movement speed when not Warpathing? If so, Warpath also applies a movement speed de-buff (though I’m not at my home pc at the moment so can’t check how much), but given your figures I’d assume it was ~34% but that doesn’t really feel right.

Warpath applies a “20% less movement speed” modifier while you’re channeling, which is multiplicative with other modifiers, so you won’t see an increase of 40%. I’ll get some confirmation on how the number is calculated, however.

Yeah, that would be nice, as my Sentinel (with only movement speed on boots) went from 19% to -5% while Warpathing (unspecialised).

Oh thats my bad, I had no idea there was additional information for warpath (have to hold down Alt to see the additional Warpath information)
Picture for anyone that didn’t know the additional Warpath info:

Should that info be displayed outside of the “Alt holding”? (After the “Drain 20 mana per second”)

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