WARD is ruining the game

Yes, but theres more to it.
Ward builds are objectively better, with or without bugs.

Theres not a single scenario where a health build is better than a ward build.


what do you mean by “better” here? If a health/endurance build can do end game content and the player is having fun, hey that’s a win


I’m not sure if OP is trolling or not at this point…

Or just feels like its needed to post about the same issue every 2nd day, at least this is the impression from latest posts

I doubt making new posts this often helps the issue getting resolved more quickly.


Thats not how it works.
You can consider corruption 500 is endgame content, i don’t know your metrics, but lets supose 500 corruption is endgame content, 500 waves in arena is endgame content.

It do matter if you as a health/endurance build hit 500 wave but a ward build is hitting 1200. It is not fair and not healthy for the game.

Are we talking arena / leader board again?

Less than 1% partake, so… no one cares.

And in non-arena scenarios (i.e. echos), endgame builds are NOT ward heavy because by definition for echos its all about how fast u clear so typically non-ward high health builds with “normal” items in chest and feet do much better because they have better DPS. In arena, you get to a point where you will be killed if hit, end of story so your success is all about avoiding this point, so ward abuse is the obvious choice for success.

But going ward-heavy at the cost of damage, clear speed and/or bossing would be dumb in mono endgame.


You’ve proven countless times that you don’t know what you’re talking about and this time is no different.

Ward builds have no issues with damage nor mobility, nor “how fast u clear” is a requirement for echoes.

Theres no point answer your fallacies.


Let me ask you a few questions:

  1. Do you think more or less people would be inclined to participate in arenas/ladders if masteries were more balanced?

  2. Do you think a competitive landscape is important in video games and also possibly a factor that attracts/retains more people to a game?

  3. Last Epoch Tools shows 20,000 people on the release arena leaderboards. Let’s assume it’s really half that who are interested in arenas, ladders, and competitive content in general. Do 10,000 opinions matter?

There are no wrong answers.


2h Weapons can have up to 40% leech on them.

Even at a high Life build of 4k Life, any 10k hit will grant me full Life.
Are you claiming every single Ward build out there can grant me 4k Ward on hit?

Even though that sounds like a lot, it isn’t.
In high corruption or high arena waves 4k HP it’s a matter of 1 second, sometimes less to be taken.

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Avoiding the question.

If I play a Warlock without that specific Profane Veil node, can I still get 4k Ward per hit?

Because, and I quote:

My single example disproves your statement.

Since you keep going down the insults path… You have proven countless times that your own opinion is massively skewed by an almost unhealthy obsession over anyone doing better than you in the leader board. At least I am neutral.

I never said ward builds have an issue with damage. I said they typically trade some damage for ward.

I never said clear speed is a requirement for pushing corruption. Just that the better the clear speed the better you echo.

To explain, look at the main ingredients for success in the two endgames…

Arena: Survivability is king because the wave you can get to is dictated by your ability to survive damage that corruption pushers will never experience. Plus if you die it’s over. So of course ward is king. And of course classes that can abuse the current bugs in ward are king of kings.

Echoes/bosses: Do not need such survivability. They will never encounter incoming damage of the level high arena dishes out unless they are pushing thousands of corruption. If they die it’s a minor setback, not the end of the run. The need to kill fast and traverse fast and be efficient bossers. Ward stacking at the cost of damage is a handicap to those things.

You show me almost any LL/ward focused build and I guarantee I could get more damage out of it by making it not ward-based and just typical health build (possible except of Liches).

If you question is this one :point_down:, i already answer it, ward builds are objectively better than health builds, thats not an opinion, we have data about it in last epoch tools.

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:


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Well this is generally what people see so yes?

yeah at 500 corruption life is viable, but life has a limit. that limit is lower then the limit of ward.

its basic reality. I am not a high corruption pusher, that does not mean I am going to deny that if your goal is to go as high as possible, you just simply end up on a build which uses ward.

Some builds cant use ward, thats true. those builds are just simply not gonna reach the goals that some people have. Because they are essentially inferior builds for that task. Because ward is the king of pushing content.

its fine if you are okay with being at X level, I am to. But trying to deny that ward is going to be the best for pushing is crazy to me.

The problem with this, is that once you start pushing, damage is never your limited factor. You cant raise corruption if you cant beat orobyss, and that becomes the roadblock to progression. And that requires you to bulk up at some point. And bosses have reactive DR, so stacking damage means you eventually gain nothing from more damage on the fights that matter for pushing.

And as for the topic of how hard it can be to gear for LL, aka 3/4 lp exsang etc, well… MG exists. The gloves are off, its why this topic is being spammed, because there is streamers with 30k ward running around blowing up 2k corruption because you can just buy a 4lp exsang and watch the world burn. Enjoy your pog class affixes AND double health exsang.


Some people simply refuse to understand this lol, they must either be really bad at the game and stuck at 100 corruption and think everything is fine or they must play only ward builds or maliciously try to defend this nonsense knowing how OP ward is, this is what kills game’s population then wonder where everyone else went lol


No idea. But a leader board where every build caps around the same wave sounds like the most boring thing imaginable.

Plus if you made it so, then anyone who happens to have a good build, good gear and/or good skill and uses these things to pull further ahead than than the Leaderboard Police deem is acceptable will just result in calls for nerfs. To heck with that. Calling for nerfs should be the last resort, especially when there are BUGS around that are causing the problems.

For video games that are competitive in their very nature, of course. For ARPGs that are not competitive in their nature, no. I do not think anyone (outside a scant few) decide they want to play Last Epoch long-term because it has a seasonal leaderboard.

Depends on the subject they have an opinion on. On matters to do with whatever competitive ladder they play sure, I guess. But keep it to themselves, its a niche passtime and no one else cares. On matters that transcend that and are more holistic about the game - such as ward as a concept being fundamental broken - then their opinion matters no more than anyone’s, and possibly less because they have a stake in the competitive part that most players do not care about, so they are of course biased. QED.

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That is not saying it is requirement. A requirement means you cannot achieve a thing without it. Example, in case English is not your #1 language. A taxi driver cannot do his job without a car or similar vehicle. Hence a vehicle is a requirement to be a successful taxi driver. I simply said you perform better with it. Huge difference.

But twisting people’s words is your thing, so whatever.

Do you promise? Please promise.

some of us haven’t even gotten to 100 corruption and having a hard time haha

switch to a ward build :slight_smile:

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It isn’t, as others have said in the thread. It’s just the current scapegoat (bugs aside). There are other, arguably better ways to survive into high endgame territory. As I said earlier my tankiest Alt has zero ward. And he is more tanky than a Runemaster I have that can be at 10k ward at rest and generate 15k in combat.

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3rd Sentinel is a VK not running Ward. He’s closer to the #1 spot than the 6th Sentinel is to him. The top 2 run the Healing Effectiveness + Ward abuse.

The #2 Primalist is not a LowLife build either. Yes, the #1 is far above, but considering nobody has managed to repeat his effort, he either is an extremely good player, or used a wallet spec to get there.

So, if Ward would be “objectively better”, why are these people taking top spots on the Leaderboard you used as argument?

So stop claiming “all ward builds are objectively better”, people are abusing bugs and unintended effects to stack ward, that’s not a Ward thing, that’s a “those specific nodes” thing.