WARD is ruining the game

The solution is simple, masteries are not the problem (if not some bug in 2 maybe 3 classes)… only the combination of 3 items… remove hp/ward interaction from las steps and lower values on experimental affix

Not just skills, 3 uniques, 1 of them with a 1LP slam, and any single class in the game is now 10k ward face tanking 1k+ corruption.

Health needs to be buffed without buffing ward. Currently 4k HP with endurance at 66% and starts at 2.4k hp, 5k Armor, 4k dodge, instant to full life steal when I start attacking, and still just get obliterated compared to my boots chest gloves ward based characters.

I remember PoE Energy Shield meta with Vaal Pact and Ghost Reaver with the amount of Ward outcry.

I do think it’s on the stronger side right now. But I would honestly just buff up damage reduction on Health mechanics, endurance and endurance thresholds, health regen, as well as Armor interaction with Ward (Maybe 25% less effectively with damage to ward? idk.)

Maybe a unique that gives 50% more Health, at the cost of not being able to generate Ward might be great, as well.

I really like this. Ward builds for the most part have way more room for these mechanics in their build compared to health based build.
I would say not only armor but also Dodge could be less effective with Ward. Not really sure how to make Dodge less effective with Ward though without screwing over builds that generate tiny amount of ward (like ward on Dodge or Ward on shadow creation stuff)

Why do you want to make dodge worse? It’s like saying wearing any clothes at all should reduce your ability to dodge and wearing heavy armor should make you be easier to hit by far.

I simply take LE as a fantasy game and I see no reason why using Ward should have more downsides then HP builds. All that needs to be done is to keep ward numbers in line in ward generation and maximum ward upkeep.

For example if you only can have 1.6 times your max HP as ward things are pretty much arround even. Considering some classes have less defensive passives then others this could be scaleable in the 25+ points passive range so you can’t get multiple bonuses of it in early passive trees. Just to compensate for a lack of block or endurence, or glancing blow and whatnot because you can’t skill defensive options other classes have. So the 1.6 times could be a bit more for example to get arround the same ehp using a decked out ward compared to a decked out HP build.
Then we need to keep ward generation in mind because if you get all your ward back in a split second then it’s bad as well. I think ward gain equal to mana cost of skills is a good basic metric for all classes that have ward interactions while some skills for sure as well as the passive tree need some nodes changed to achive this.

This is just a simple idea without going to crazy and seperate ward and hp to much from each other. On top of it ward then needs more life as well and isn’t done by slapping 1-4 items on a toon to instantly get X ammount of multiplied eHP.

I think punishing people who like the ward mechanic by making baseline defenses worse is a step in hte wrong direction.

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Is so “well balanced” that 99% players are playing like a jedi-droid with a huge plasma shield and HP builds are non-existent.

99% players has draining HP mechanic, it kills completely knight/warrior fantasy.
A single glove gives 600% ward retention through resist uncap.

Ward is not even CLOSE to be “well balanced”.

Where do you have these numbers from?

Everything you mentioned are specific items and not Ward as a fundamental mechanic. Specifically many different items working together.
None of them single handedly is overpowered. Especially Frostbite Shackles is pretty well balanced IMO, because it does require investment. It just doesn’t give 600% Ward retention out of nowhere, that is investment worth ~13x T5 affixes.

Do they need adjustments? Yes probably.
But that doesn’t make Ward unbalanced.

I follow ladder constantly, i know you are top 1 rive player and i’m top 1 forge guard rive player.
I’m studying about performance.

Imagine a sentence like “the problem is not the drugs, but the people who use them”

Ward’s performance is not measured only through its base value, but through everything that the ward entails.

Yes, the base value works like X, but there are 10, 15, 20 DIFFERENT interactions that make this value behave like Y. There is no point talking about the value X if the value will always be Y.

This statement is bizarre. We have a abysmal definition about what means “balance”

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