Upgrades to the Merchants Guild

So with the introduction of the Merchant’s Guild, after playing for awhile with it here are a few things I’d say.

  1. When you sell items, you should get your points back, it would help with leveling the Guild.
  2. Merchant’s Guild store is WAYYY to expensive at 4200 Favor for a item and 8300 for a Ring/Amulet its insanely overpriced for how long it takes to gain favor for very little reward.
    It should be more around 420 Favor/830 Favor I’d literally say a 1/10 of the current price.
  3. What is the ratio of minions to favor gain? Does it increase with corruption or is it static throughout? What is the average timeframe to get to Guild level 10 where you can sell/buy all items in the store? Cause I have 3 characters at lvl 80+ and empowered monos now and I’m still lvl 6.
    I haven’t noticed what the rate of Favor to quest/minions to determine what’s more efficient, is there a way to find out? Does anyone know?
    Additionally, the search feature is nice, it takes a lot of knowledge to get to work it right. You can’t mix affixes that can’t be on items together, otherwise it’ll come out with no items. I’d be nice if it split affixes like affix 1/affix2/affix3/affix4 and we could set individual levels. Also would be nice if it would give you an error message or something when you do it wrong.

So, I’ll give my 2 cents in a short manner as those points are often fairly simple to answer or give some input to.

  1. EHG wanted to have CoF and MG feel similar in progression. This wasn’t done well since MG has other needs then CoF as well as a completely different feel to it. Your option is one I wouldn’t enjoy to see a lot since it enforces to actually sell a item, which you personally have no control over… unless you undercut. This is a prime way to destabilize the market. So I’m definitely against it.
  2. Yeah, the stores for both CoF and MG are nigh useless.
  3. It’s purely based on exp gain. Hence if you focus experience reward monoliths you’ll get the most, also arena is a prime way to get a lot. For CoF it’s fine to gradually gain more and more rewards. Access limitations in MG are atrocious design on the other hand in the current state. The system needs vastly more ranks to function properly or a completely different reward type for ranks.

Also, MG and CoF talks are always great, I made a sort of megapost for it where I’m working on trying to put together as many complaints/adjustments/suggestions as possible. It’s quite a massive read so not for everyone, I tried my best to give as much input there as possible and are always happy for someone to give their 2 cents:

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