Upcoming Bugfixes to overperforming Builds

Enjoy your SSF pity party

Yes, 'cause listening to the community is always the bad thing to do, especially given that EHG are known (& loved) for doing just that.

Are you talking about the big telegraphed attacks that you’re supposed to not facetank?

Are you abusing known bugs in any of those builds?

They didn’t cave, they asked the community about whether we thought that egregious bugs should be fixed asap or not.


People say the word “bug” like it was some innocuous, unforeseen interaction but in reality it was coding error. A very simple one.

Fine “exploited a coding error”. Happy?


Just want to bring some attention to the LE-65 issues that still exist for Comporium users and others. We are able to play through a paid VPN but I don’t intend to pay for one for long… An acknowledgment would be appreciated, thanks.

Warlock will be plenty strong and still have the ward to back it up- adapt or get left behind.

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When they FIRST commented about the bug they said it will not get fixed until 1.1 to avoid mid-cycle nerfs even though it’s a bug. They changed their mind a few days later saying it’s not set in stone responding to all the crybabies. Then the survey came.


It’s good that they did that. When there are future bugs - and there will be future bugs - the precedent will have been set, and players will know that the exploit party won’t last.


Go make your own game. Then you wont have to deal with crybabies

Cry about it loser.

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Thank you devs. I think that changing people’s builds during a cycle is bad, but when a skill is unintentionally 10 times stronger than intended and is breaking the game I think it’s ok to fix it. Hopefully this kind of bug will be very rare though.


Screams of bug exploiters lol :rofl:


They clearly said that they aren’t making balance changes mid cycle. What they are fixing is a bug, not nerfing something. You built around a bug, your fault

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Good :slight_smile: Finaly :slight_smile:

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You realized the ability was supposed to give 4% ward, but the bug was giving 40% ward right? How is that caving? That is just fixing a build that is doing 10x better than it is supposed to do


Actually, they sent the survey, it overwhelmingly came back saying they should fix very overperforming builds/items cause of bugs, and now they are listening to the majority that did the survey, aka the community. What you crying about?

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Let me get this right. You decided to make a necro because of a broken bug, and now you’re disappointment you don’t get to exploit the bug. Got it.


Tell me, is the problem of FPS drop when hovering over items solved? And general optimization of the game? To be honest, I don’t really care about the warlock balance when I can’t play the game.

you mean the new league of the game known for doing balance patches after first week/two weeks of the league?

Yeah i think LE will manage with fixing bugged interactions after cycle starts

Basically, you are leaving because you can’t blindly faceroll everything in your path, while ignoring 100% of any mechanic way up in the corruptions. The games integrity is a lot more important, so I’m afraid in this case, your disappointment means little. Wanting bugs to remain in the game because you want to abuse them, is hardly the playerbase EHG should be looking to cater to anyway.