Unwanted but helpful FPS "Fix"

This isn’t an actual fps fix, but it improves game performance by a bit and reduces the number of lag spikes.

- Set your FPS cap to 30 ingame under graphic settings
Doing so will put less strain on your PC, and i don’t see much differnce between 30 and 60 fps in this game due to fps drops anyway.

This is sadly the only way to make the game somewhat playable.
I hope we will see an actual playable version one day. The performance is really poor even after all this time.

Most of the FPS problems people have isn’t actually an FPS problem, it’s a cpu problem. Because the cpu is having to calculate so many things that it can’t continue to spit out 30/60/90/whatever FPS. That’s what they continue to work on, by reducing the cpu cost of various things such that they cause less of a lag on your FPS.

This will also lower CPU and GPU temeperatures, which will reduce system restart or even blue screens in worst cases.

ok i tried that, and it feels terrible because of the increased frametime you get by reducing or capping your frames you get a completely washed out picture while moving.

at least for me thats more unplayable the every lag spike i could get.

i deactivate v-sync in game and set the nvidia control panel vsync to “fast”

!!yes the fps will drop when the screen is full of monsters but at least it doesnt look like you are drunk and looking through a water glass.

Edith says - we never had a blue screen or restart.

BTW. by playing around with the ingame settings i found out that at least for my rig reducing “volumetric lighting and screen space reflections” helped a lot.

I had a one or two blue screens in early version.

Neither vsync nor capping the FPS should result in a washed out looking image.

yea maybe you would call it differently but at 30fps its clearly not as smooth as if it runs at 60 or even 120fps.
30fps for me just looks terrible and is unplayable (for me)

This is not good advice.

It is better to reduce resolution & visual effect setting to their lowest rather than FPS. FPS reduction may artificially try and smooth out the calcs that the game makes but they still need to be made and 30 fps is far too low a framerate to enjoy any game that has realtime play.

If your system cannot maintain higher than 30 fps then there is either something else wrong or it is simply too low spec to play this game (or any recent game without reducing settings). I run a 5 year old i5-7500/1060/16gb ram and am able to play between 60-75fps most of the time… with the recent patch, it rarely drops below 45-50 unless I hit a known FPS problem which LE devs are addressing with game optimisation.

There is nothing wrong with my PC i even tried formating and it’s the same.
Last Epoch just isn’t optimized for certain builds. I am using Ryzen 2700x and 1080 Ti,
I can play a lot of other game without any fps drops, some game even on ultra settings.
But the fps drops i am getting in Last Epoch is just insane.
I plan to do a new build with Intel later this year, so i hope i will have somewhat stable FPS then.

Also, an option to reduce details/scale of effects would help with FPS and even better visibility of your character and incoming attacks. Some enemy effects are way too “large”,

I doubt that lessening the gfx burden of some effects would give much of a change to the fps on pcs with a lower end cpu.

Player visibility is an entirely different consideration though.

Moving thread from #feedback-and-suggestions to #general.

You are entitled to your opinion.

Your system spec should put your system on average between 10 to 30% faster than mine (if not more depending on the task) yet I am able to enjoy this game at very acceptable frame rates by reducing resolution and limiting graphic settings to the lowest options. The only frame rate limiting i use is vsync to prevent tearing on my 75hz monitor.

The devs have confirmed that they are working on improving game performance - its in almost every patch note update - and the most recent patch has continued in this vein with, for me at least, an improvement of 10-20 fps and a reduction in lag spikes.

You obviously have something unique to your setup that does not play nice with the current game and the only valid option I see is for you to post your findings (as you have) with detail and maybe the devs can use this to improve the game for everyone.

I am just giving more feedback on performance, since it didn’t get much better after a year for me. It got better for about 10-15 % which is something, but still not enough for enjoyable gameplay.

I still love the game and i play it for few hours every day again, so i hope for the best.

What are you talking about. The number/details of effects always help to reduce strain on PC and lower the FPS drop rate by a lot. It like that in every game, i am sure that an option to reduce effects would help on pc of any kind.

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